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Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt. Nomadic life became a thing of the past, the “ hunters and gatherers ” began to settle in various locations. In northern Africa, it was along the banks of the Nile River.

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Ancient Egypt

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  1. AncientEgypt

  2. Nomadic life became a thing of the past, the “hunters and gatherers” began to settle in various locations. In northern Africa, it was along the banks of the Nile River. These people farmed and cultivated the land; developed a written language; adopted religions-worshipping various gods; and established institutions that made ancient Egypt one of the world's first organized societies.

  3. Ancient Egypt

  4. In 4000 BC the settlements divided into two kingdoms: the Upper Kingdomand the Lower Kingdom. • The upper kingdom was to the south. • The lower kingdom was to the north. • The kingdoms may seem flip-flopped, but they were named this way to show which kingdom was closer to the main source of water from the Nile.

  5. Modern-Day Egypt

  6. Every year, during the wet season, the Nile flooded the land, leaving behind rich sediments making the land very fertile for crops. The Nile made way for transportation and a route for people in lower Egypt to trade goods with upper Egypt. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdtgX9ORiW4

  7. Egyptian rulers were called pharaohs • Reign • The time in which a pharaoh ruled. • There were about 350 pharaohs of Egypt, starting with Narmer and ending with Nectabeno ii. • Dynasty • A succession of pharaohs of the same family.

  8. Egyptian crowns and royal hairstyles

  9. Time Line • Pre-Dynastic- 5500-3100 BC • Along the Nile River was the place to be. With the end of the Neolithic period, permanent communities are developed, along with farming. • Egypt divides into Upper and Lower Kingdoms. • Early Dynastic- 3100-2575 BC • upper Egypt is consolidated with lower Egypt. • Memphis, the first capital of Egypt is established. • Calendar and hieroglyphic writing created. • King Narmer is pharaoh; considered the greatest and most well-known.

  10. Mastaba • A rectangular tomb. It is the forerunner of the pyramid. Mastabasare the final resting place for pre-dynastic pharaohs.

  11. Artist- Unknown • Title- Palette of Narmer • Date- 3100 BC (Early Dynastic)

  12. This art work is called a low-relief. • Ancient Egyptians painted dark pigment around their eyes to reduce the effects of bright sunlight. (just as athletes do today). • This dark pigment is called kohl, and was mixed on stone palettes such as the one you see here.

  13. Rosetta Stone • A stone with carved writings in three scripts: hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek. • It has helped to decipher the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic script. It is the only surviving fragment of a larger stone slab with a recorded date of 196 BC.

  14. Hieroglyph was used for important documents. • Demotic was the common language used by everyone. • Greek was the language of the pharaohs. • It was written with all three scripts so that the priests, government officials and rulers of Egypt could read what it said. It lists all of the things that the pharaoh has done that are good for the priests and the people of Egypt. • It is named for the town it was found near…Rosetta (Rashid) Egypt. • All text and hieroglyphswasdeciphered in 1822. • Nowyou know where the learna languagesoftware companyRosetta Stone, gotit’sname.

  15. Papyrus • The plant • The paper • In addition to the Rosetta Stone, the written language was also recorded on papyrus.

  16. Time Line • Old Kingdom- 2575-2150 BC • Pharaohs built colossal pyramid tombs in Giza. • Worship of the sun god Re is central to religion. • First Intermediate Period • Great famine, thousands starve. • Political chaos: government collapses. • Lots of pharaohs, few had any power. • Egypt again splits into two kingdoms.

  17. This map shows where pyramids and temples were built. Most large-scale structures were only worked on during the wet season, which usually lasted about 3 months. Popular belief is that slaves did the all construction, but this may not be true.

  18. Pharaoh Zoser ordered the building of the first pyramid. Imhotep was the architect. He is considered the first artist to be recorded in history. These pyramids are small in comparison …

  19. to The Great Pyramids. They consist of…

  20. The Pyramid of Khufu, the largest pyramid. It covers 13 acres, is 55 stories tall, and is one the The 7 Great Wonders of the World. • The Woolworth building in New York is this tall.

  21. The smallest pyramid,The Pyramid of Mycernius, and…

  22. the Pyramid of Khafre, with theGreat Sphinx in the foreground.

  23. The gallery was the only area people could visit.It held personal items and art that depicted the pharaoh, queen and the kingdom. Stress-relieving Chamber King’s Burial Chamber Queen’s Chamber Entrance

  24. Time Line • Middle Kingdom-2100-1700 BC • Multiple invasions and civil wars, mainly regarding Lower Nubia • Major irrigation projects, classical literature is written • The Great Sphinx is constructed

  25. Title- The Great Sphinx

  26. The Sphinx translates to mean “strangler”. It features the body of a lion, and the head of a human, possibly the head of King Khafre. • The nose was chiseled off in the 8th century probably based on the idea the Sphinx was considered a “blasphemous idol”. • It was once painted with red paint, and had a cobra on the headdress and a beard at the chin.

  27. It is carved from the existing bedrock, with limestone added. • It faces the rising sun. • Buried for most of its life in sand…this is the only reason why it has lasted for as long as it has. • It sits atop a former quarry. • It is the national symbol for Egypt

  28. Pyramid of Khufu Pyramid of Khafre Sphinx

  29. Time Line • Second Intermediate Period-1630-1520 BC • New Kingdom 1539-1075 BC • Upper and lower consolidate • Pharaoh’s army conquers Syria, Palestine and Lower Nubia • Tutankamen (King Tut-the “boy king”) ruled.

  30. Title- The Bust ofQueen Nefertiti Medium- painted limestone Nerfetiti was one of 3 wives to King Akhenaton She is considered to have had as much power as her husband She was also a priestess. Many considered her to be very beautiful; she was very popular with the people. She is the stepmother toKing Tut.

  31. King Tutankhamen • Became pharaoh about the age of 9 and ruled until his death at 18. • Little is known about him; no majorachievements. While many other tombs had been plundered by thieves, Tutankhamen's was virtually untouched and filled with priceless treasures. • He became famous because of the contents of his tomb. • The tombwas discovered in 1922, in the Valley of the Kings at Luxor, by the British archaeologist, Howard Carter and his patron, English aristocrat-Lord Carnarvon. The Curse of King Tut’s tomb In 1923, a few months after entering the tomb, the patron Lord Carnarvon died of blood poisoning. It was a direct result of being bitten by a mosquito, but nonetheless, it was believed to be a Curse, from disturbing Tut’s tomb.

  32. Lord Carnarvon came from this English estate calledHighclere Castle. The location for the filmingof Downton Abbey.

  33. Artist- Unknown • Title- King Tut’s Death Mask • Over 5000 works of art were found in his tomb. Pure gold was used on a lot of the artifacts.

  34. Three coffins encase the mummified remains of King Tut’s body. This elaborate coffin, is made of450 lbs of gold.

  35. Egyptians drew people in an unusual but logical manner. The most interesting angles were shown: profile of face and legs, front of torso and eye. Figures were tall, slim and wide-shouldered. The proportions always followed a strict guideline.

  36. Title- Judgment Before Osiris • This is an illustration from the Book of the Dead -This book is how scholars know the process for mummification, and the after-life beliefs of ancient Egyptians.

  37. The Book of the Dead is written and painted on papyrus, and is 15” tall. • Osiris, the god of the underworld appears on a throne on the right. Here, the souls of the deceased were thought to be subjected to a “last judgment”, to determine if they were worthy of eternal life.

  38. The god Thoth: a mans body with the head of an ibis (a bird similar to a heron) is the court stenographer. He is also said to be the inventor of hieroglyphic writing. • Jackals hold a scale weighing a human heart.

  39. Time Line • Third Intermediate Period-1075-715 BC • Egypt divides again into upper and lower • Late Period-715-332 BC • Egypt is conquered by the Nubians from Kush. • Egypt is again consolidated

  40. Time Line • Greco-Roman Period-332 BC-395 AD • Alexander the Great conquers Egypt in 332 BC. • Cleopatra reigns with her forced husband (her brother!) from 51-30 BC. She has affairs with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. Mark Antony uses Cleopatra to get at most of Egypt’s treasures to pay for an army against Antony’s enemy Octavian. Antony loses, andcommits suicide, but not before he tellsCleopatra that he wants nothing to do withher. She, later commits suicide by forcingan Asp (an Egyptian cobra)to bite her. • Egyptian style lives on in the architectureof early Roman temples.

  41. Egyptian Sculpture • The statues unearthed in and near the great pyramids are of three types: • Standing, • Seated and • Sitting on the floor

  42. Artist- Unknown Title- Mycerinus and His Queen Medium- slate This sculpture was created by carving into a large block of slate. Mycerinus is known for building the third and smallest pyramid of Giza. This pose is called frontal, and shows actual facial features, but an idealized body structure.

  43. Title- Prince Rahotep and wife NofretMedium- limestone • In ancient Egypt, many sculptures were placed in tombs, where they represented the deceased and received offerings from the living. • Men were always painted with colors that contained iron, giving them darker skin tones. Women were painted with lighter colors.

  44. Title- Seated Scribe Medium- painted limestone Egyptians honored crafts persons and held those who could write in high esteem. At first the position of scribe was held only by the sons of Pharaohs.

  45. Title: Carving of a Woman This Egyptian bust from around 1500 BC has become a popular attraction at Chicago's Field Museum because visitors think it’s a spitting image of the late Michael Jackson, complete with a “tweaked” nose. If you know much about his music, he actually did an ancient Egyptian themed video in the early 90s to the song Remember the Time.

  46. Cartouche • A cartouche is an oval form which frames the hieroglyphs that make up the name of a God or Royal person. • It represents a looped rope which has the magical power to protect the name that is written inside it. • Cartouches were first used about 2500 BC. • They were originally circular in shape, but gradually changed to an oval form with flat sides. • This shape allowed a better arrangement of the hieroglyphs inside. • On becoming king, the Pharaoh would adopt a royal name. This was called the 'prenomen'. It was often displayed along with the 'nomen' ( the Pharaoh's birth name ) in the form of a double cartouche. • This is the cartouche for King Tutankhamen.

  47. Create your own Cartouche • Using a piece of drawing paper in the shape of a rectangle, fold the paper in half, like a hot dog bun. • Draw the outside edge of half of the cartouche shape. • Cut the shape with scissors. • Open up the folded paper, you now have a whole cartouche. • Add the symbols that represent the letters of your name, add other symbols if you wish…you can make yourself a pharaoh if you want. • Give it color with markers, outline with Sharpie.

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