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Are you Workplace Ready? Of C ourse I Is!

Are you Workplace Ready? Of C ourse I Is!. Presented by : Karen J. Johnson Nancy C. Metz October 19, 2012. Are Workplace Readiness Skills Relevant?. “Soft skills like communication and teamwork were ranked even higher than education.”

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Are you Workplace Ready? Of C ourse I Is!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Are you Workplace Ready?Of Course I Is! Presented by: Karen J. Johnson Nancy C. Metz October 19, 2012

  2. Are Workplace Readiness Skills Relevant? “Soft skills like communication and teamwork were ranked even higher than education.” “42% of employers are turned off by how unprepared students are in interviews, and 26% are turned off by their bad attitude.” -Survey of 225 employers by Millennial Branding and Experience, Inc. “99% of executives rate problem solving as absolutely essential or very important.” -MetLife Survey

  3. Who is Here? Wordle

  4. Personal Qualities & People Skills • Diversity Awareness • Conflict Resolution • Creativity and Resourcefulness • Positive Work Ethic • Integrity • Teamwork • Self-Representation

  5. Professional Knowledge & Skills • Speaking & Listening • Reading & Writing • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving • Health & Safety • Organizations, Systems & Climates • Lifelong Learning • Job Acquisition & Advancement • Time, Task, & Resource Management • Job-Specific Mathematics • Customer Service

  6. Technology Knowledge & Skills • Job-Specific Technologies • Information Technology • Internet Use & Security • Telecommunications

  7. Group Activity Using the images on your table, describe what WRS is being exemplified by the students.

  8. Showcased Lessons Workplace Ethics Job Acquisition Skills Teamwork

  9. Need Ideas? Try Verso - www.cteresource.org/verso/

  10. Workplace Ethics Cheating on the SAT's

  11. Steps to Success: Getting the Job • Career Search • Resume • References • Application • Interview • Cover Letter • Thank You Letter • W-4 • Paycheck Math

  12. Career Search www.khake.com

  13. Resumes • Nextsteps.org

  14. Interviews Interview Day

  15. Teamwork • Norms • Real World Application • Self Assessment/Reflection

  16. Questions?

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