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Chapter 8: The Progressive Era

Chapter 8: The Progressive Era. Chapter 8 The Progressive Era. Reform. “ ations ” Industrialization/urbanization/immigration Progressivism- Reform Movement Who? Members of all political parties, social classes, ethnic groups and religions

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Chapter 8: The Progressive Era

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  1. Chapter 8: The Progressive Era Chapter 8 The Progressive Era

  2. Reform • “ations” • Industrialization/urbanization/immigration Progressivism- Reform Movement Who? Members of all political parties, social classes, ethnic groups and religions Beliefs: Industrialization and Urbanization created social and political problems Populism-Similar views on corruption Populism-Led by workers and farmers Progressivism- Led by middle and upper class

  3. Social Problems • Political Corruption • City officials who built corrupt organizations (Political Machines) • Corrupt Government + Urban Growth= • Overcrowding • Unsafe Drinking Water • No/Poor Municipal Services

  4. Big Business • Trusts- Conglomerates…Many wanted Government to “Bust The Trusts” • Middle Class- Thought • there was no opportunity • for small business owners • Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890- Wasn’t effective enough to limit big business

  5. Muckrakers • Journalists Call for reform • Wrote Sensational stories • Muckrake is used for cleaning out horse stalls • Lincoln Steffens-Published The Shame of the CitiesAbout Philadelphia government overcharging utilities • Jacob Riis-Photographer for New York Sun, published How the Other Half Lives • Ida Tarbell-The History of Standard Oil John Rockefeller’s Ruthless Methods

  6. Writers • Upton Sinclair- Wrote The Jungle, a novel about poor immigrants working in Chicago Stockyards • Frances Ellen Watkins-African American Journalist published Iola Leroy

  7. Reformers • Walter Rauschenbusch-Baptist Minister who wrote Christianity and the Social Crisis • Social Gospel- Charity and Justice • End Child Labor • Shorter Workweek • Limit power of Corporations and Trusts

  8. Reformers • Settlement House-Community Center that provided social services to Urban poor • Taught English to Immigrants • Child Care • Taught Kindergarten JaneAddams-Worked at Settlement House in England, Opened Hull House in Chicago By 1911…400+ Settlement Houses

  9. Reformers • Florence Kelley-Lawyer, helped Ban Child Labor in Illinois • 1902-National Child Labor Committee • 1909-Helped Create National Association For The Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) • 1912-Lobbied Federal Government to create U.S. Children’s Bureau • 1916 Keating-Owens Act-Banned Child Labor • 1918-Ruled Unconstitutional by U.S. Supreme Court

  10. Reform • Education-States passed laws forcing Children to Attend School Until A Certain Age • John Dewey-Wanted Schools to teach History and Geography, as well as Woodworking and Cooking

  11. Reform • Industrial Accidents-USA is #1 in World during 1900’s • No Safety Laws, 30,000 Workers Die on the Job/500,000 Injured • March 1911-Triangle Shirtwaist Factory-New York City- Female Workers, Kills 146 • Intensifies calls for reform • Causes New York to pass laws for workplace safety

  12. Government Reform • 1900-Galveston, Texas-8,000 Die in massive Hurricane • Galveston, TX forms Commission Government • 5 Person Commission Replaces Mayor and Aldermen • Very Efficient-By 1918 Nearly 500 Cities Adopt Commission • Nearly Eliminates Corruption of Political Machines

  13. Political Reform • Direct Primary- Robert M. La Follette Establishes an Election where citizens vote to select nominees for elections • By 1916, all but 4 states have Direct Primaries • Initiative-People have power to put new law on ballot by Petitions • Referendum-Allow Citizens to say “Yea or Nea” • Recall-Voters could remove officials from office before the end of their term

  14. Political Reform • Dynamic Progressive Governors • Robert La Folletteof Wisconsin • Elected 1900 • Railroads Charge Lower Fees/Pay Higher Taxes • Improve Education Hiram Johnson of Governor-Stopped Southern Pacific RailRoad Control of State Govt. Theodore Roosevelt-New York Governor Woodrow Wilson- New Jersey Governor

  15. Women’s Rights • Muller v. Oregon-1908 • Supreme Court Agrees With Louis D. Brandeis, Women Should Only Work 10 Hours • Companies pay Women Less Than Men • Florence Kelley-National Consumers League • Labels Goods Produced Under Fair, Safe and Healthy Working Conditions • Women’s Trade Union League (WTUL)-Improve Conditions for Female Factory Workers (Minimum Wage)

  16. Women’s Rights • WCTU-Temperance (No Drinking Alcohol) • Margaret Sanger-Nurse, Starts 1st Birth Control Clinic in USA • Ida B. Wells- National Association of Colored Women (NACW) 1896

  17. Suffrage • Suffrage-Right to Vote • Carrie Chapman Catt- School Superintendent • National American Woman Suffrage Association-NAWSA-President in 1900 • 2 Prong Attack-Lobby Congress, Make Referendum • Recruit Wealthy and Poor • “Suffragettes”

  18. Suffrage • Alice Paul-Social Activist, Quaker, Ph.D • National Woman’s Party (NWP)-1917 Public Protest Marches-1st Group To March at White House 1917-NAWSA- Supports WWI NWP-Opposes War 1919-19th Amendment-Right To Vote shall Not Be Denied or Abridged on Account of Sex

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