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Goals of the Open Days

Explore CERN's groundbreaking research and global impact. Discover experiments, meet the diverse community, and engage with cutting-edge technology.

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Goals of the Open Days

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  1. Goals of the Open Days • Engage our visitors in the ground-breaking research that we carry out at CERN and its benefits to society • Promote the values of openness, diversity and peaceful collaboration • Engage visitors in how we work and why • Discover our experiments, our laboratories and our workshops. • Meet our diverse community of researchers, engineers, students, support staff • Situate CERN globally with Member States, and particle physics laboratories across the world

  2. Overall strategy LHC P4 (RF cavities)

  3. Open Days 2019 Core Team CERN Directorate

  4. Security (Didier Constant) Host State Relations (Friedemann Eder) Surface visit points (Dominique Bertola) Volunteers (Loraine Massarotti) Underground visit points (Nicoletta Garelli & Gerard Cumer) Branding and Design (Fabienne Landua) Transport & Parking (Gilles Bollinger) Visitors registration and access (François Briard) Safety (Yann Lechevin) Digital Communications (Kate Kahle) Logistics and Supplies (Didier Constant) CERN Shop (Yesika Enriquez) Thematic Zones (Alejandra Gomez) Press and Media (Arnaud Marsollier) Site Maintenance (Didier Constant) Events programming (Claudia Marcelloni) Photography and Video (Paola Catapano) IT support (Wayne Salter) Evaluation (Emma Sanders) Documentation, Minutes & Reports (Marika Flygar) Budget control (Laure Esteveny) Procurement and Purchasing (Fatima Najeh) CORE TEAM Sponsorship (Matteo Castoldi) Ana Godinho (Project Leader) François Briard Didier Constant Marika Flygar Dominique Bertola Yann Lechevin

  5. COD 2019 September 14-15 9am to 20pm Beam instrumentation stand • Aim: • To show in a fun and interesting way what we (BI group) do at CERN • How: • Video ~7min, looping continuously on big screen. Being updated to include BPM • Hardware stands with videos and A0 posters • A few A0 posters with description of BI people and disciplines • Who: • Coordinator: L. Søby • Deputy: L. Jensen • BP linkman: I. Degl’Innocenti • BL linkman: J. Storey • EA linkman: I. Ortega Ruiz, L. Warming • IQ linkman: T. Lefevre • ML linkman,  B. Moser, W. Andreazza • PM linkman: S. Burger • SW linkman: M. Gonzalez Berges • Video upgrade: I. Degl’Innocenti

  6. Restaurant Toilet Exit Entrance Assuming a 20x10m tent

  7. 220V distribution point Ethernet distribution point Light Screen 32” Tent 10 * 20m A0 poster 2m Screen 160” WS Schottky Video 7min BPMs BTV Welcome Exit 40 persons per 15 mn i.e. ~ 160/h ICT + ? XBPF + ? BLM + BGI BI skills BI skills

  8. Requested hardware…..so far

  9. Posters • Outside one A0 poster • Welcome and what to expect, French and English • Inside two A0 posters: • Showing two different instruments (BPM and WS) with accent on technologies and professions +people • Inside 7-10 A0posters explaining how the instruments works. • BTV, WS, BLM, XBPF, ICT, RF ball, BPM, ?? • The final text editing and design of the posters will be done centrally, with the help of the graphics design office. • Deadline 15th of April • Old posters: • \\cern.ch\dfs\Workspaces\b\BI_COD13\Posters\Final version • New Posters: • \\cern.ch\dfs\Workspaces\b\BI_COD19\Posters\

  10. General BI A0 posters 2013 Would need an update! Can be reused as is

  11. General BI A0 posters 2013 Would need a small update

  12. Volunteers for the weekend

  13. Summery • Update our stands with new developments, since 2013. • Clarify stands now, in order to determine hardware request, dead line 15/3. Budget 10kCHF • Update posters to A0, deadline 15/4 • Beam instrumentation video will be updated to include BPM. • We should start looking for volunteers within each section

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