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Equip yourself with all the necessary resources, strategies, and insights for excelling in Modern History examinations. Learn about key study techniques, utilization of past papers, understanding marking guidelines, and more.
Instructions for presentation • Could you all please take a copy of the presentation notes. • Could you take a copy of the SOURCE BOOKLET: Examination Responses for the specific NATIONAL STUDY you are undertaking. • They are marked :Germany, Russia, USA, China, Sth Africa and India
Modern HistoryTHE ESSAYSingleton High School HSC Seminar Day 2017 Twentieth Century National Studies and International Studies in Peace and Conflict
AGENDA • Introduction and outline • What are you doing to prepare • Where to find help. • The statistics • The marking process • Marking activity • Summary
HSC SUCCESS CHECKLIST • Have you checked the course outline and requirements? • Have you acquired a study guide? • Have you used past HSC papers? • Do you understand the paper is divided into four and worth 25% each. • Have you used the HSC Standards Packages?
CHECKLIST CONTINUED • Do you have the most recent resources available to you? • Do you practice writing your essays under exam conditions? • Have you got the key terms and have access to a glossary of these terms? • Do you act upon the feedback you are given?
AND MORE • Do you revise in class and at home before assessment tasks, tests and examinations? • Are your revision techniques effective? • Do you understand how you are assessed against marking guidelines? • Would you know what your assessment rank or percentage is at the moment?
Resources Modern History. 2005-2015 Higher School Certificate. BOS Past Papers Exam Workbook. Board of Studies. Teaching and Educational Standards NSW Students Online • https://arc.nesa.nsw.edu.au/standards-packs/SP02_15270/ HTA Teaching History Your Teacher
Marker Feedback • Found with the past papers. • Insight and Tips • Reflections
Preparation for Exams • http://studentsonline.bostes.nsw.edu.au/go/exams/preparing_for_your_written_exams/advice-hsc-exams/
Marking Guidelines • Please cons
THE A RANGE RESPONSE • Presents a logical, coherent and well structured response drawing on clear identification of relevant key features.
NATIONAL STUDIESTHE MARKING PROCESS • Importance of the Guidelines. • A –E Range. • Briefing/pilot marking. • Role of the SM • The Control script Integrity and how it is maintained throughout the 11,000 plus scripts. • Mistakes are tolerated. It is a first draft.
ESSAY QUESTION 2006Marking Activity Examples A,B and C Assess the importance of nationalism as a cause of the failure of democracy in Germany in the period 1918-34. http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/syllabus_hsc/syllabus2000_lista.html Page 41-21
Content/Themes • Treaty of Versailles;Dolchstosslegende. • Lack of democratic tradition. • Economic pressure. 1923 and 1929. • Article 48, Proportional representation-Constitutional flaws • Hitler and nationalism.Lebensraum. • Role of the army and elites.
Content/Themes • Occupation of the Ruhr • The Stressman Era 1924-28 • Dawes and Young Plan • Membership of the League of Nations • International acceptance • Left Wing attempts
Sth Africa: How significant was the role of Steve Biko and the Black Consciousness Movement in the development of resistance to apartheid? • Russia:How significant was military victory in the Civil War for the Bolshevik consolidation of power in the period up to 1924? • India:Evaluate the view that communalism in the 1930s and 1940s ensured the Partition of India in 1947.
USA: To what extent was the Great Depression a result of Republican economic policies in ther 1920’s? • China : Account for the difficulty in achieving political stability and unification in China in the period 1927-1937.
ACRONYMS Do you use acronyms as part of your essay plan? L (Lack of,leftwing) E (Economic hardship 1923,1929) A (article 48) D (Dolchstosslegende) T ( Treaty of Versailles) A ( Army /Elites) P (Proportional representation, constitutional fl) Q. Are abbreviations acceptable? Yes.
PREPARED ANSWERS • They are easy to spot and make the mistake of not answering the question. • They will fall into the C Range. • Students should not make the mistake of avoiding the question and writing everything the know.
Features of the Exemplar Essay • Length (exceptions do exist) generally 8 pages plus. • Analytical argument. • Sophisticated language • IT ANSWERS THE QUESTION.
What should a paragraph contain?SEER/ Look at the exemplar • Statement • Explain • Example • Relate
The essayshould contain • NARRATIVE- THE STORY. EVIDENCE- WHO,WHERE,WHEN? ARGUMENT- HOW? Not necessary but useful • HISTORIOGRAPHY- Historians and their opinions.
Type of Question asked in 2013 • (Q9 AUS) To what extentresponsible/conformity. • (Q10 Chi) Assess the impact/North Exp/Maoism. • (Q11 Ger) To what extent/ Great Dep, Assess the impact Nazism. • (Q12 Ind) Account for /communalism, How significant changes Britain/India
(Q13 Indo) Assess the impact /Pancasila, To what extent S,P,Echallenges • (Q14 Jpn) What was the significanceRusJ war, Assess the impact militarism • (Q15 Rus) To what extent /Treat of BL,Account for changes in Sov society. • (Q16 StA) Assess the effect/resistance, quote ‘colinternational’ to what extent. • (Q17 USA)To what extent racial conflict, quote ‘govt intervention’ To what extent
COMMON FAULTS IN ASSESSMENT TASK ESSAYS. • Students do not have an essay plan • Introduction is a ‘backgrounder’, ‘mystery’ ‘collection of truisms’, content dominated paragraphs. Exaggeration and over-generalisation Lack of supporting evidence Leaping to conclusions Inconsistencies in tense Failure to acknowledge sources. No bibliography. Unannounced quotations
IN PREPARATION AND TIPS • Use paragraphs to highlight structure. • ‘building blocks’ • Compose introductions. Concise and unambiguous. Use the question. • Little or no background. • Daisy chain of truism • Content dominated paragraphs.
The student must establish what they are doing quickly but methodically. • Key phrases and ideas need to identified. • The time period outlined in the question should be adhered to. • Background knowledge should be very brief if relevant at all. .
What does the examiner look for ? • Knowledge and Understanding • The ability to analyse historical problems and be aware of the contexts in which historical problems are analysed • The ability to recognise the importance and structures of cause and effect.
Section II – Twentieth Century National Studies • making a judgment or assessment • presenting a sophisticated argument or explanation as the question requires • using very specific, relevant and accurate historical information. • Candidates need to improve in these areas:
MORE • providing a sustained judgement or assessment rather than a narrative or general response • integrating specific historical detail to support the response • making reference to the statement where it is part of the question
EXEMPLAR SOURCE D Modern History 2014 Higher School Certificate Exam Workbook Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards NSW pp36-37
Final comments Make your own luck by writing until the very last moment. Study the content and leave nothing out. Be aware of the level of sophistication you will be asked to write at. Be clear on the the instructional verb, subject, content. Practice practice practice
Today was Friday the 26th of May START OF HSC DAY 1 (Mon) 16th October 2017 143 days MODERN HISTORY DAY 5 (Friday) 20th of October (9.25am) 147 days ANCIENT HISTORY DAY 7 (Tues) 24th October 2015 (9.25am) 151 days HISTORY EXTENSION DAY 9 (Thur) 27th of October (1.55 pm) 154 days robert.pecovnik@det.nsw.edu.au
2014 Question Source D Germany between 1918 and 1939 was the triumph of nationalism over democracy. • To what extent is this statement accurate?