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The View From Washington. Frank Kelly Managing Director Head of Government Affairs – Americas. Everything you wanted to know about Washington and the world…. But didn’t want to make a campaign contribution to find out…. The Overview.
The View From Washington Frank Kelly Managing Director Head of Government Affairs – Americas
Everything you wanted to know about Washington and the world… But didn’t want to make a campaign contribution to find out…
The Overview • Where is Congress now and what are they doing and can they get it done? • How will the White House Respond? • ’08 Elections Update. • Key Global Flashpoints…
The Legislative Agenda for the Rest of ’07 and ‘08 The Frame of Reference: • Campaigns now coloring all issues… • “Pay Go” Makes EVERYTHING difficult… • Less Time on Legislative Calendar than you may think… • Drive for 60 seat Democratic majority in Senate; Little chance of Republican recovery in House.
Legislative Agenda’07 / ’08 (cont’d.) • Appropriations Bills - 12 needed; One finished. Continuing resolutions and veto threats; Eats the clock. • SCHIP - Problems seem to be multiplying and becomes more controversial by the day; Bush vetoed. Will remain a political sore point in 2008. • Tax Reform Bill- The “Mother of All Tax Bills” has arrived…But is not going anywhere…
Sub prime is Prime Time… Multiple Bills in motion, including… • Re-open Bankruptcy bill to help stave off foreclosures (Durbin) • Tax break for those facing foreclosure (Rangel) • Raise caps on GSE portfolios (Frank, Schumer) • FHA Reform (Frank) • Massive Reform of Sub prime Market (Dodd, Frank) • Treasury’s SIV - What is it, who’s in, and will it work? But idea of federal bailout is still remote.
Energy/Climate Change Legislation • Energy Bill - Stalled as Dems in House and Senate bicker. • White House Veto pen armed and ready. • Senate moving a major Climate Change bill. • Will combined bills get Cap-and-Trade?
Taxes: “The Mother of All Tax Proposals” • A mega-political food fight? • House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel (D-NY) wants to “strategically” overhaul the US tax code. Chances of getting it done in 2008 are remote – but this clearly is the opening skirmish of a larger battle in 2009. What does Rangel want to do? • AMT Reform – Patch it for `08; Completely eliminate it in `09. • Capital Gains/Dividend Taxes (in 2009) – Raise them (Cap. Gains = 28%; Div. = 28% +) to help offset national health care plan. • Estate Tax (in 2009) – Raise them.
The “Mother of All Tax Bills” Includes • 4% surcharge on all joint taxpayers earning $200k or more. Rises to %4.6 for couples earning $500k or more. • Eliminates the AMT (almost $1 trillion hit to revenues). • Carried Interest on investment partnerships taxed as ordinary income. • Limiting itemized deductions and personal exemptions to pre- 2001 EGTR Act levels for taxpayers earning above $500k. • Goodbye Cap Gains / Div. tax cuts! • Corporate taxes - Corporate rate goes from 35% to 30%
“The Temporary Tax Relief Act 2007” • One year extension of AMT Patch. • Basis Reporting by brokers of securities transactions. • Carried Interest on investment partnerships taxed as ordinary income. • Eliminate investment managers offshore deferred compensation • Removes tax on discharge of mortgage indebtedness and extends for 7 years mortgage insurance deduction. Time Running Out: Tax forms needed to be printed by November 7th.
Financial Services Again in the Spotlight • 401(k) Reform - Push for tough new disclosures from plan advisors. Four separate congressional committees investigating. • Federal Insurance Regulation - Moves being made to create “opt-in” federal regulatory structure (and escape tough state oversight”. • Rating Agencies - SEC and Congress putting them on hot seat; Watch for hearings and new regulations.
’08 Elections • Update
Presidential Campaigns…And They’re Off! Iowa Democrats Obama- 30% Clinton- 26% Edwards- 22% Richardson- 12% New Hampshire Democrats Clinton- 36% Obama- 22% Edwards- 13% Richardson- 12% Republicans Romney- 28% Huckabee- 24% Thompson- 15% Giuliani- 13% McCain- 6% Republicans Romney- 33% McCain- 18% Giuliani- 16% Huckabee- 5% Thompson- 4% *Source: ABC/Washington Post Poll 11/18/07
Presidential Campaigns…And They’re Off! Florida: Democrats Clinton- 47% Obama- 20.4% Edwards- 11.6% South Carolina: Democrats Clinton- 41% Obama- 27% Edwards- 12.3% Republicans Giuliani- 32.8% Romney- 16.3% Thompson- 14.3% McCain- 11.3% Huckabee- 8.3% Republicans Romney- 21.8% Giuliani- 19.8% Thompson- 16.8% McCain- 11.3% Huckabee- 8.5% Source: Realclearpolitics.com 11/18/07
Primaries Remain In Play… • JANUARY 2008 • January 3: Iowa* (caucuses) • January 5: Wyoming (R) • January 8: New Hampshire • January 15: Michigan • January 19: Nevada, South Carolina (R) • January 29: Florida, South Carolina (D) • FEBRUARY 2008 • February 1: Maine (R) • February 5: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado (D), Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah • February 9: Louisiana • February 10: Maine (D) • February 12: District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia • February 19: Hawaii (D), Washington, Wisconsin
Primaries Remain In Play… • MARCH 2008 • March 4: Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Ohio, Texas, Vermont • March 8: Wyoming (D) • March 11: Mississippi • APRIL 2008 • April 22: Pennsylvania • MAY 2008 • May 6: Indiana, North Carolina • May 13: Nebraska, West Virginia • May 20: Kentucky, Oregon • May 27: Idaho • JUNE 2008 • June 3: Montana, New Mexico (R), South Dakota
Will Voter Turn Out be Bigger in 2008? American voters are showing higher interest in the 2008 elections than in previous campaigns: Followed news about candidates for the presidential election very/fairly closely* September 1987 48% August 1995 47% September 1999 46% September 2003 42% August 2007 50% *Source: ORC/Pew Research Center
A Veto Proof Democratic Majority in Senate in ‘09? Currently:49 Democrats, 2 Independent 49 Republicans 2008 Elections:33 seats up for re-election; But key Republican retirements are opening the door to big Democratic wins (Virginia, Nebraska, Idaho, Texas…and others to be named later…)
China • “America’s Greatest Geopolitical Challenge.” • Congressional concern is intensifying: • 20% YOY growth of PLA • Growing global demand for natural resources. • Electronic espionage in US and among NATO allies. • CITIC/Bear Stearns, Huawei Tech/3Com, others to come… • Taiwan crisis in March?
Iran – Iraq as A Proxy War • Current Intelligence Assessment: 2-5 years from nuclear weapon. • Grand Bargain: US Missile Defense for Russian Vote? • US preemptive attack unlikely but odds are rising.
Iraq • “Surge” is working • Blackwater Incident sign of success and Iran frustration. • But how to deal with Iran? Saudi Arabia and Gulf States are increasingly worried about “spill-over.”
Venezuela • For now, bark is worse than bite. But Nationalizations, Russian weapons deals, Iran relationship worrisome to U.S. • Chavez needs U.S. money from oil sales and we need his oil. • Recent grab of TV station and resulting riots show instability.
Avian Flu – The Ultimate Market Mover • White House / Congress Spending $9.1 billion FY ’07 for planning. Even more in ’08. • Watch China, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Nigeria for outbreak areas. • Huge boost to biotech globally. Where there is a will, there’s a way.
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