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Ask the experts: Device apps

Ask the experts: Device apps. Nar Ganapathy , Peter Wieland, Paul Sliwowicz , Joseph Ngari , Frank Gorgenyi , Steve Schalek , Mitsuru Saito, Lisa Ong , George Roussos, Noel Anderson 3-102. Agenda. Pointers to a set of resources Panel Introduction Q&A.

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Ask the experts: Device apps

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ask the experts: Device apps Nar Ganapathy, Peter Wieland, Paul Sliwowicz, Joseph Ngari, Frank Gorgenyi, Steve Schalek, Mitsuru Saito, Lisa Ong, George Roussos, Noel Anderson 3-102

  2. Agenda • Pointers to a set of resources • Panel Introduction • Q&A

  3. Build 2011 presentations relevant to this topic • [HW-275T] Building and delivering a great Windows Store style app for your device • [HW-652T] Building a great Windows Store style device app for your printer • [HW-715T] Building a great Windows Store style device app for your camera • [HW-288T] Building great Windows Store style apps for mobile broadband devices • [APP-405T] Share: Your app powers the Windows 8 share experience • [PLAT-282T] File type associations and AutoPlay • [HW-747T] Building Windows Store style apps that connect to specialized devices

  4. Resources • Windows Store Device Apps Workshop 2012 • Windows Store Device Apps Link for Windows Store Device Apps • Please email your feedback to josn@microsoft.com (Joseph Ngari) Please submit session evals by using the Build Windows 8 app or at http://aka.ms/BuildSessions

  5. Resources • Develop: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/apps/br229512 • Design: http://design.windows.com/ • Samples: http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsapps/Windows-8-Modern-Style-App-Samples • Videos: http://channel9.msdn.com/Windows Please submit session evals by using the Build Windows 8 app or at http://aka.ms/BuildSessions

  6. Introduction of panelists and Q&A

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