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COURT PROCESS Fiona, I´m writing you to update you on the Trindle case. At the arraignment last month , the defendant was charged . However , he rejected the plea bargain . So he will be sentenced or acquitted at the trial.

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  1. COURT PROCESS Fiona, I´mwritingyoutoupdateyouontheTrindle case. At thearraignmentlastmonth, thedefendantwascharged. However, he rejectedthepleabargain. So he will be sentencedoracquitted at the trial. Sincethen, hislawyer has requesteddiscovery. So therewillprobably be a pre-trial hearingwherethedefendant´slawyer tries tosuppressevidence.

  2. Youwillhandlethediscoveryprocess and pre trial hearing. I needyoutomakesureall of theevidenceisaccepted. I don´twanthungjuryand mistrialbecauseevidenceisn´tshown. I knowwe can countonyou.

  3. A trial jury duly selected to make a decision in a criminal case regarding a defendant's guilt or innocence, but who are unable to reach a verdict due to a complete division in opinion. When a jury has been given an adequate opportunity to deliberate and is unable to reach a verdict, a retrial takes place at the discretion of the prosecution. The subsequent trial does not constitute a violation of the constitutional prohibition of Double Jeopardy.

  4. Alameda County Superior Court Judge Carrie Panetta declared a mistrial after the jury in the Dionisio Molina trail deadlocked 9-3 in favor of acquittal. Molina stood accused of driving his Jeep Grand Cherokee up onto a walkway along Crown Beach and running into and killing 78-year-old George Marceline pedestrian on July 5, 2008. Deputy district attorney Annie Saadi told the court that the district attorney's office would consider retrying the case. After Panetta declared a mistrial, Molina's defense attorney, David Billingsley, contacted Saadi to ask if the DA would consider a plea bargain. Last Thursday, Molina stood before Panetta and pled guilty to the charge of vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated.

  5. Exercises: Readthesentencepairs. Choosewherethewordsbestfit in theblanks. 1 sentenced/charged -Thewomanwasfoundguilty and was ____________ totwoyears in prison. - Themanwasarrested and ______________ withtheft. 2 trial/arraignment -At the ____________, themanwasformallychargedwiththecrime. -At theend of the__________ themanwasfoundguilty.

  6. 3 mistrial/pre-trial hearing -The case resulted in a _____________ becausesome of theevidencewas false. -Thelawyers hope they can solvetheproblem at a________

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