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Enhancing Trade Union Education - ESF Support |

Implementing a new system of trade union education with ESF backing for improved workforce representation and cohesion. |

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Enhancing Trade Union Education - ESF Support |

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  1. Setting up a new system of trade union education with the support from the ESF EDUI EDU Days Berlin, 19-20 November 2015 Darko Šeperić Executive Secretary for Projects, Education and European Affairs Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia

  2. Background • Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia (UATUC/SSSH) • one of five TU confederations in Croatia, organising dominantly, but not exclusively, the private sector • 23 branch unions with around 135,000 members • 15 local offices + 46 staff members • Trade Union School • comprehensive system of TU education for shop-floor representatives from all affiliated unions • seven 2-day modules each new shop steward should pass during first year of mandate • operating form mid-1990’s until 2004 • widely recognised that shop stewards which passed the programme still “make the diference”

  3. Trade union education today • most of the basic educational activities organised by affiliated unions • significant variations in both quantity and quality – explained by resources and level of interest • due to diminishing resources and problems with getting the time off, shorter educational sessions sometimes included as part of different meetings (regional coordinations etc.) • UATUC participated in delivery of courses organised by afiliated unions, and organises different courses on ad hoc basis • based on needs or availability of external funding (projects) • no clear aims, plan and funding structure • new legislation • collective bargaining, organising • short courses for new health and safery reps and works’ councils’ member • inefficient use of resources • lack of planing and monitoring of results • education methods still more based on lecturing than active learning 3

  4. UATUC and EU projects • 2013 – first time EU funding available for strenghtening social dialogue in Croatia (IPA) • 2014 – funding opportunities significantly extended (ESF) • UATUC’s strategic approach to EU funding • until 2013 – participating as partner in variety of projects, simoultaneously building up capacities for independend application and implementation • 2013 – “Strenghtening bipartite dialogue through joint work on collective bargaining (IPA, 110,000 EUR) • collective agreements database • 2014 – “EDUCA – New System of TU Education” 4

  5. Project: EDUCA – New System of TU Education • Project promoter: Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia (UATUC) • Partners: Metalworkers' Trade Union of Croatia – Industrial Trade UnionConstruction Trade Union of Croatia • Trade Union of Tourism and Services of Croatia • Autonomous Trade Union of Energy, Chemistry and Non-metal Workers of Croatia (EKN) • Commercial Trade Union of Croatia (STH) • Duration: 27 July 2015 – 26 July 2016 • Budget: 1.8 million HRK (235,500EUR) • Funding: European social fund (ESF) – 100% 5

  6. Objectives Specific objective: Increase the capacities of trade unions for social dialogue through the establishment of a new integrated system of trade union education and training at the UATUC level. • expand the scope and quality of trade union education • raise awareness on the importance of education for successful work of trade union and workers representatives • shift the focus from transferring knowledge to developing skills • contribute to the development of organisational culture and cohesion among the affiliated unions 6

  7. Target groups • Target groups: 1. experts of the trade unions affiliated to the UATUC involved in the implementation of training of trade union and workers' representatives • 2. trade union and workers’ representatives •  shop-stewards, members of shop stewards’ committees • members of works’ councils • OSH reps • representatives of workers in an employer’s body • activists of affiliated trade unions • Final beneficiaries: All the members of trade unions affiliated to UATUC 7

  8. Project: EDUCA – New System of TU Education Expected outcomes: 1. Established systematic and sustainable model of trade union training harmonized with and adapted to the needs of the target group. 2. Developed curriculum of the trade union education. 3. Formed and trained group of trade union educators for delivering the education programme. 4. Ensured conditions for functioning of the trade union education system. 5. Raised public awareness on social usefulness and role of trade union education in lifelong learning. 8

  9. Activities • Structuring the new system of TU education • needs assesment • - focus group • - survey (questionnaire) • - semi-structured interviews • - information on existing educational activities 9

  10. Activities • Structuring the new system of TU education (2) • document on the structure and functioning of the new system • - aims • - target groups • - topics / methods / tutors • - certification • - operative / logistical functioning of the system • - funding • - communicating the new system • catalogue of courses • - topics, target groups and learning outcomes for each of the planned courses 10

  11. Activities • Developing curriculum of trade union education • developing programme and content of 10 core courses • - materials for tutors • - materials for participants • producing the manual on methodology of TU education • - to be used for training of trainers 11

  12. Activities • Developing curriculum of trade union education (2) • study visit to UK - TUC Education • + support in development of methodology and course materials 12

  13. Activities • Selection and training of group of trade union educators (tutors) for deliveting the courses • selection of 20 tutors • - two tutors per each course • - participation in development of the courses • training of trainers • - 3 x 2 days • - final training after delivery of the course under supervision • implementation of 10 courses developed during the project • - around 200 participants • - to be used for testing of developed courses, materials and tutors’ skills 13

  14. Activities • Ensuring conditions for functioning of the system • adaptation of the training room in UATUC HQ • - including furniture and equipment • developing the visual identityof the new UATUC TU education system • design and production of materials for trainers and participants • producing section on the UATUC website dedicated to TU education • producing the database for monitoring implementation of education activities • + Promotion and visibility •  international conference on the societal role of trade union education 14

  15. Conclusions • challenges and obstacles in implementation • - time • - changing organisational culture and way of “doing business” of affiliated unions • sustainability of results • - whole project makes sense only if sustainable in long term • - strategy: demonstrating positive change and its practical effects • European dimension of trade union education? • objective limitations in introducing European topics in TU education • TUC contribution 15

  16. S S S H Savez samostalnih sindikata Hrvatske Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia Trg kralja Petra Krešimira IV, br. 2 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia Tel: + 385 1 4655 026 Fax: + 385 1 4655 011 sssh@sssh.hr www.sssh.hr

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