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“MED Programme” ZeroCo (2 ) Zero emission COmmunities Action Plan Description Kick Off Meeting June 17° 18° 2010 . WP O Preparation of the application . Period : January 7 th 2009 – February 1 st 2010 Partner in charge : Legambiente Onlus Overall Component Budget : 25,687.00 €.
“MED Programme” • ZeroCo(2) • Zero emission COmmunities • Action Plan Description • Kick Off Meeting • June 17° 18° 2010
WP O Preparation of the application Period: January 7th 2009 – February 1st 2010 Partner in charge: Legambiente Onlus Overall Component Budget: 25,687.00 €
0.1 Pre-proposal Application The Province of Massa Carrara, in January 2009 had appointed a work group composed by experts of Legambiente, one of the most skilled structures national-wide in the field of energy efficiency policies, to draw up a project idea, applicable on the 2nd MED call, aimed at solving the problem of energy efficiency policy in small local communities. The work group had developed the project draft and had shared it with some of the most experienced structures in the field of Energy in Med area. Once structured the partnership, the work group had leaded the planning process designing the project work plan and overall budget, taking part in MED official meeting and applying the pre-proposal. Period: January 7th 2009 – March 13th 2009 Partner in charge: Legambiente Onlus Overall Budget for Action: 9,000.00 € Output: 1 Pre application (Description of project idea, overall description of objective, expected results, actions, partnership and provisional budget)
0.2 Final Proposal Application The work group restarts its work in November 2009.Each partner has selected pilot Municipalities according to common criteria: inhabitants, average income, location in a protected area, interest in the project. As foreseen in pre application involved municipalities will be 3 in GR and IT and 2 in Spain, whereas in Portugal 6 municipalities had expressed their interest in hosting pilot interventions, so the envisaged fund for each one had decrease from 60,000 to 30.000. This will guarantee if the model could achieve the same result with less public capitals. Despite of the increasing of interventions, form 10 to 14, the foreseen budget in CO4 has been decrease of around 115.000 of ERDF and clear explained, according with JTS remarks. Period: November 2nd 2009 – February 1st 2010 Partner in charge: Legambiente Onlus Overall Budget for Action: 16,687.00 € Output: 1 Final Proposal Application (Final Proposal Application with the required annexes. The Final application describes in details general and specific objective, results, actions, deliverables, partnership and provisional budget.)
WP1 Communication and capitalisation • Period: June 1st 2010 – May 31st 2012 • Partner in charge: Legambiente ONLUS • Overall Component Budget: 256,825.56 €
1.1 Communication of project activities and results Throughout the project will be planned and implemented communication actions in order to inform stakeholders regarding project activities and transfer project results. The envisaged communication media will be: Project Website in English with translation in project partners’ languages with the following areas: Project, News, Showcase area, Links, Events, Press Room; Communication material: 100.000 Leaflets, 20.000 in each project languages (EN/IT/ES/GR/PT), with general information on project’s themes, 1000 Posters to be used during projects main events, 100.000 flyers 20.000 in each project languages, with user-friendly information concerning: Public Private Partnership, Zero Emission Communities, Energy Behaviors • Period: June 1st 2010 – May 31st 2012 • Partner in charge: Legambiente ONLUS • Partner involved : all • Overall Budget for Action: 140,575.34 €
Output Project Website Description: Website will be realized in English with translation in project partners’ languages with the following areas: Project, News, Showcase area, Links, Events, Press Room. Legambiente will be in charge of Graphic design, editing and upload of the website. Communication material Description • 100.000 Leaflets: 20.000 in each project languages. They contain general information on the project. Target audience 100.000 stakeholders. Their graphic design is in charge of Legambiente, their production on Legambiente (IT+EN), CRES, AER, AREANATejo • 1.000 Posters 200 in each project languages. They will be used during projects main events. Their graphic design is in charge of Legambiente, their production on Legambiente(IT+EN), CRES, AER, AREANATejo • 100.000 flyers: 20.000 in each project with user-friendly information on: PPP, Zero Emission Communities, Energy Behaviours Their graphic design is in charge of Legambiente, their production on Legambiente (IT+EN), CRES, AER, AREANATejo. Target audience 100.000 stakeholder
1.2 Capitalization of project results The Project results, summarized in the final project Manual, will be spread to local, regional and national policy makers trough a set of targeted actions. In each territory will be organized: 1 seminar addressed to local planners where the mayors of pilot municipalities will share their experience with their peers, at least 4 face-to-face meeting addressed to other pilot area mayors interested in joining in PPP, 1 ad hoc workshop for policy makers of over-municipal level (municipalities associations, provinces et similia NUTS III) aimed at spreading project model, 1 National conference addressed to regional and national politicians aimed at supporting introductions of supporting measures for zero emission policies in small municipalities • Period: December 1st 2011 – May 31st 2012 • Partner in charge: Massa Carrara Province • Partner involved : all • Overall Budget for Action: 116,250.22 €
Output 4 seminar addressed to local planners: 1 seminar in each country aimed at informing at least 20 mayors on the project. Organization cost (room rental, catering, etc) will be incurred by technical partners: Legambiente, CRES, AER, AREANATejo. Management will be in charge of local administration 16 face-to-face meeting: At least 4 meetings in each country aimed at favoring the joining of at least 4 further municipalities in PPP and the adoption of Zero emission policy after project end. They will be managed jointly by local administration and technical partner 4 ad hoc workshop: 1 workshops per country aimed at transferring the methodology to at least 15 local public administrations. Organization cost will be incurred by technical partners: Legambiente, CRES, AER, AREANATejo. Management will be in charge of local administration 4 National conference: 1 conference per country to 60 stakeholders. The Italian one will correspond with final international event. Organization cost is in charge of technical partners: Legambiente, CRES, AER, AREANATejo. Management is in charge of local administration Partners: Legambiente, CRES, AER, AREANATejo
WP 2 Project management • Period: June 1st 2010 – May 31st 2012 • Partner in charge: Massa Carrara Province • Budget: 280,043.20 €
2.1 Decision Making Process Decision making process will be carried out by the Steering Committee (SC). SC will be composed by representatives of each partner and leaded by the Project Coordinator appointed by Applicant and responsible for project overall organization. The SC will adopt the “Executive project manual” which stresses internal rules for processing projects' tasks. The SC will be in charge of project executive planning and managerial issues. The SC will meet every six months. The applicant will be in charge of transferring to the JTS decisions and requests brought up in SC meetings and to develop the Activity Reports which includes information on operations’ progress and consistency between the objectives envisaged and the objectives achieved. Period: June 1st 2010 – May 31st 2012 Partner in charge: Massa Carrara Province Partner involved : all Overall Budget for Action: 133,851.04 €
Output • 5 project meetings reports: Project secretariat will be in charge of draw up and send to the project partners the report of each meeting with the description of main issues tackled and decision taken • 5 activities report: Narrative reports will be carried out under the responsibility of coordinator and according with the information sent by partners’ project managers. Reports will be presented and validated by SC
2.2 Administrative and Financial Management The Financial Management of the Project will be coordinated by the Financial Manager supported by a Project Secretariat. The Financial manager will be responsible for the accounts, financial reporting, and internal handling of the ERDF funds and national cofinancing. He will implement the project accounting system: controlling the consistency of partners’ expenses with the foreseen activities, collecting all the partners’ financial reports, presenting to the JTS the financial reports containing a retrospective accounting of expenditure paid out during the reporting period and, once received the refunds from the Certifying Authority, pay the partners. • Period: June 1st 2010 – May 31st 2012 • Partner in charge: Massa Carrara Province • Partner involved : all • Overall Budget for Action: 122,192.16 €
Output • 5 financial report: Financial reports including external audits as requested by MA will be carried out under the responsibility of Financial Manager and according with the data provided by partners’ financial responsibles. Reports will be presented and validated by SC
2.3 Monitoring & evaluation system The Applicant will appoint a person in charge of M&ES. The appointed person will design and implement a monitoring and evaluation system aimed at supporting Project coordinator in: • Monitoring the achievement of the objectives of the project on the basis of output and result indicators suggested in the Implementation Guide • Assessing the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the project implementation according with the planned time scheduling, budgetary programming, ratio cost/benefit • Evaluating the quality of the organization, of the management and coordination He will be also in charge of developing “Executive project manual” which will be adopted during the first project meeting • Period: June 1st 2010 – May 31st 2012 • Partner in charge: Massa Carrara Province • Overall Budget for Action: 24,000.00 €
WP 3 Development of PPP Scheme for ZeroEmission communities creation • Period: June 1st 2010 – December 31st 2010 • Partner in charge: CRES • Budget: 80,885.50 €
3.1 Collection and compared analysis of PPPs models and best practices The first step will be the set up of a transnational board composed by experts appointed by all partners in charge of the methodology designing. First of all they will be engaged in the collection and compared analysis of existing models and best practices: the analysis will take into account publications and different sources of information treating PPPs models and their evolution. A milestone will be the “Guidelines for successful Public–Private Partnerships” published by EU Commission, Directorate General Regional Policy, in March 2003. The activities will proceed to the collection and analysis of case studies and best practices concerning the application of PPP scheme to the management of public interventions in the field of energy • Period: June 1st 2010 – August 31st 2010 • Partner in charge: AREANATejo • Partner involved : CRES, AER, AREANATejo, Kyoto ClubService • Overall Budget for Action: 28,465.65 €
Output • 1 PPP best practice survey: The survey is a working paper of around 15 pages carried out under the responsibility of AREANATejo. It will be available on electronic format on the project website
3.2 PPP scheme Model designing According with the information merged from the compared analysis, the transnational board will be in charge of the methodology designing of a PPP overall scheme aimed at leading each partner throughout the pilot phase in PPP setting up. The PPP overall scheme will delve deeper into major issues such as: legal form, capital, accounting standard, financial obligations, security interests, concession, control-ling, works and infrastructure, subcontracting, liability with respect to users and third parties, performance guarantees and insurance, changes in conditions, exempting impediments, force majeure. The Methodology will be summarized in a guideline uploaded on the website and make available for all partners. • Period: August 2nd 2010 - December 31st 2010 • Partner in charge: CRES • Partner involved: AER, AREANATejo, Kyoto Club Service • Overall Budget for Action: 52,419.85 €
Output • 1 Guideline on PPP setting up and management: The guideline is a working paper of around 30 pages carried out under the responsibility of CRES. It will be available on electronic format on the project website
WP4 Pilot application assessment and fine tuning of the PPP scheme • Period: December 1st 2010 - February 29th 2012 • Partner in charge: Energy Agency of Ribera (AER) • Budget: 872,835.31 €
4.1 Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP) designing In each involved national area, technical partner will draw up a plan for each involved municipality. SEAP will be carried out according with the SEAP template developed by the Covenant of Mayors Office and will concern: • Long term vision and overall strategy specifying the overall CO2 emission target foreseen, the priority areas of action, the attribution of staff and financial capacities; • Key results of the Baseline Emission Inventory indicating the current level of energy consumption and identifying the principal sources of CO2 emissions; • Key elements of the SEAP defining the short and long term measures set up to put the overall strategy into action, together with time frames, assigned responsibilities and allocated budgets Period: December 1st 2010 - March 31st 2011 Partner in charge: Energy Agency of Ribera (AER) Partner involved: all Overall Budget for Action: 103,037.50 €
Output • 14 Sustainable Energy Action Plans: The plan is made according with Covenant Template. 14 SEAP will be designed and formally adopted: 6 in PT, 3 in IT, 3 in GR, 2 in ES. SEAPs will be available on electronic format on the project and municipalities website
4.2 PPP Set up According with the guidelines developed in Component 3 in each involved national area will be set up a PPP among local public institutions, (provinces, municipalities association, municipalities) and public and private technical partners (Energy Agencies, ESCO, investors, banks and credit institutes) consistent with each Local/Regional/National regulatory framework. In each PPP contract scheme will be detailed: risk allocation, components of service, duration, ownership of assets; treatment of human resources; roles and responsibilities of partners; profit and cost sharing provisions. The Local PPPs have the task to start up and carry on the SEAP, also after project end, leading involved municipalities towards the goal of Zero emissions • Period: March 1st 2011 – May 31st 2011 • Partner in charge: CRES • Partner involved: all • Overall Budget for Action: 36,892.65 €
Output 4 Public-Private Partnership contract scheme: In each country will be designed a contract scheme which will be signed by all the public and private actors involved in the PPP, aimed at regulating their rights and obligations
4.3 Sustainable Energy Action Plans implementation Once established, each PPP will start up SEAPs. It will be individuated a first set of interventions regarding one or more of issues tackled by plan: built environment, municipal infrastructure (district heating, public lighting, smart grids),land use and urban planning, decentralised RES, waste management, public and private transport policies and urban mobility; therefore will be arranged the procurement procedures to acquire the needed durable goods (photovoltaic panel, heat pump…) consumable (led lamps, glasses) services (installation and maintenance). Finally PPP will monitor the realization of the intervention and plan the reinvestment of funds deriving from economic saving for further realization of SEAP after project end. • Period: May 2nd 2011 – February 29th 2012 • Partner in charge: Energy Agency of Ribera (AER) • Partner involved: all except Legambiente • Overall Budget for Action: 703,392.66 €
Output 14 Set of structural intervention: In each municipality will be realized structural interventions aimed at reducing energy waste and producing energy from RES, acquiring durable goods(photovoltaic panel, heat pump) consumable (led lamps, glasses) services (installation and maintenance)
4.4 PPP scheme effectiveness and pertinence assessment Throughout PPP implementation will be carried out an in itinere monitoring action aimed at analysing the effectiveness and the pertinence of the model in the different political, institutional and social framework. Each Technical partner will be in charge to carry out this action in its own pilot area. The data merged from the pilot experiences, with the suggested amendments to increase the effectiveness of the model in each different territorial framework, will be summarized in the Final Project Manual. This Manual wants to be a useful guide which could lead the local policy maker towards the creation of Zero Emission communities through the creation of Public Private Partnership. • Period: March 1st 2011 - February 29th 2012 • Partner in charge: CRES • Partner involved: AER, AREANATejo, Kyoto Club Service • Overall Budget for Action: 29,512.50 €
Output 1 Final Project Manual: It will be a manual targeted on local public administration at regional National and local level of around 60 pages available on electronic format on project website. It will be spread during the capitalization actions. CRES will be in charge of coordinating the work of the other technical partner involved and of the presentation of the Manual to the Steering Committee.
WP5 Designing and application of a Energy Awareness Action Plan (EAAP) • Period: June 1st 2010 – 31st 2012 May • Partner in charge: Legambiente Onlus • Budget: 355,137.74 €
5.1 Designing of Energy Awareness Action Plan guidelines Sustainable Energy Action Plans should be presented and debated by the civil society. SEAPs with a high degree of citizen participation are the most likely to get continuity in the long-term and to succeed in attaining their objectives. For this reason transnational board (ref 2.1) will draw up general guidelines aimed at identifying a common framework of awareness, education and consensus building action. The Guidelines will set common targets, themes and communication media which will lead the designing of the Local Awareness & Consensus Building Strategy. Furthermore the Board will have the task to guarantee the overall coordination of the national and transnational awareness action which will be implemented throughout the project pilot phase (Comp 3) • Period: June 1st 2010 – November 30th 2010 • Partner in charge: Legambiente Onlus • Partner involved: CRES, AER, AREANATejo, Kyoto Club Services srl • Overall Budget for Action: 17,272.50 €
Output • 1 Energy Awareness Action Plan guidelines: The guideline is a working paper of around 30 pages carried out under the responsibility of Legambiente. It will be available on electronic format on the project website
5.2 Local Awareness & Consensus Building Actions According to the guidelines partners will have in charge the identification of local Awareness & Consensus Building Actions. The actions will concern: awareness events addressed to citizens-consumers aimed at illustrating energy responsible in purchase and daily behavior; extra-scholastic labs addressed to primary schools pupils; workshops for local entrepreneurs aimed at illustrating energy efficiency policy in business. In details, in each national territory will be organized: • events addressed to citizen consumers in shopping areas targeted at least on 1000 people; • labs addressed at least to 80 pupils of the local schools, • workshops addressed to 40 entrepreneurs. • Period: November 1st 2010 - May 31st 2012 • Partner in charge: Legambiente Onlus • Overall Budget for Action: 216,218.30 €
Output 12 Events addressed to citizen consumers: 3 events will be organised in IT and GR / 2 in ES / 4 in PT. Organization cost (room rental, catering, etc) and management will be in charge of technical partners: KyotoClub, CRES, AER, AREANATejo 16 Labs addressed to pupils: 4 labs will be organised in IT and GR /3 in ES / 5 in PT. Organization cost (didactic material, rooms rental, consumable) and management will be in charge of technical partners Legambiente, CRES, AER, AREANATejo 8 Workshop addressed to entrepreneurs: 2 in each territory, addressed to 20 entrepreneurs Organization cost (room rental, catering, etc) and management will be in charge of technical partners: KyotoClub, CRES, AER, AREANATejo.
5.3 Transnational Road campaign Simultaneously with the local awareness actions, will be carry out a transnational road campaign, named Climate Caravan, organised with sustainable means of transport which bring in the 9 steps of its itinerary thematic labs, expositions and performances aimed at delve into the following issues: European energy policies, Renewable Energy Sources (RES) Rational Use of Energy (RUE), Climate Change, Zero Emission Communities, sustainable mobility, waste management. The itinerary starts from Portugal and will cross at least Spain, France, Italy and will end in Greece for more than 3.000 km across the MED area. The foreseen target audience is around 10,000 people • Period: March 1st 2011 – March 31st 2012 • Partner in charge: Legambiente Onlus • Overall Budget for Action: 121,646.94 €