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Outsourcing Influences Over the Chief Information Officers. Reyes Gonzalez (mr.gonzalez@ua.es) Jose Gasco (jl.gasco@ua.es) Juan Llopis (juan.llopis@ua.es). Department of Business Organisation. University of Alicante (SPAIN). MIC 2007, Portoroz, Slovenia.
Outsourcing Influences Over the Chief Information Officers Reyes Gonzalez (mr.gonzalez@ua.es) Jose Gasco (jl.gasco@ua.es) Juan Llopis (juan.llopis@ua.es) Department of Business Organisation. University of Alicante (SPAIN) MIC 2007, Portoroz, Slovenia
Tabla 3: Características generales de las empresas 1.Introduction IS Out has become a basic strategy to manage the changes in IT (Hoecht and Trott’06) IS managers can concentrate their resources in Core competitive power (Leem and Lee’04) IS Out has experience a considerable growth
Tabla 3: Características generales de las empresas 1.Introduction Few studies dedicated to this topic Important IS/IT Outsourcing levels This practice is going to influence the job of Chief Information Officers (CIOs)
Tabla 3: Características generales de las empresas 1.Introduction Few studies dedicated to this topic Important IS/IT Outsourcing levels This practice is going to influence the job of Chief Information Officers (CIOs) OBJECTIVE Survey to CIOs of the Largest Spanish Firms (2001-2006), Change in the view of CIOs?
Tabla 3: Características generales de las empresas 1.Introduction Few studies dedicated to this topic Important IS/IT Outsourcing levels This practice is going to influence the job of Chief Information Officers (CIOs) OBJECTIVE Survey to CIOs of the Largest Spanish Firms (2001-2006), Change in the view of CIOs? • Introduction • Antecedents • Methodology • Results and Discussion • Conclusions and Implications
Tabla 3: Características generales de las empresas 2.Antecedents We will center the study of the influence over the CIO in 3 aspects The time required for CIOs to perform their job Does IS Out. liberates CIO from everyday, routine tasks, alowing more time for more strategic tasks?? Corbett’94; McFarlan y Nolan’95; Gottschalk y Karlsen’05
Tabla 3: Características generales de las empresas 2.Antecedents We will center the study of the influence over the CIO in 3 aspects The time required for CIOs to perform their job Does IS Out. liberates CIO from everyday, routine tasks, alowing more time for more strategic tasks?? Corbett’94; McFarlan y Nolan’95; Gottschalk y Karlsen’05 The Characteristics of the CIO’s working post Does IS Out. Degrade or enhance the post of the CIO?? Palvia’95; Clark, Zmud y McCray’95; Apte et al’97
Tabla 3: Características generales de las empresas 2.Antecedents We will center the study of the influence over the CIO in 3 aspects The time required for CIOs to perform their job Does IS Out. liberates CIO from everyday, routine tasks, alowing more time for more strategic tasks?? Corbett’94; McFarlan y Nolan’95; Gottschalk y Karlsen’05 The Characteristics of the CIO’s working post Does IS Out. Degrade or enhance the post of the CIO?? Palvia’95; Clark, Zmud y McCray’95; Apte et al’97 The type of Knowledges & Skills required to perform the CIO’s activity Does IS Out. imply a different set of knowledge & skills more related with management & business?? Useem y Harder’00, Ho, Ang y Straub’03, Martinsons y Cheung’01
Tabla 3: Características generales de las empresas 3.Methodology • Largest firms are the most prone to outsource (Lee, Miranda y Kim’04) • Questionnaire is based on a previous one same authors, a literature review and analysed by some experts in IS management.
Tabla 3: Características generales de las empresas 3.Methodology Table 1: Measures of Variables and Reliability
Tabla 3: Características generales de las empresas 3.Methodology Table 2: Study Technical Specifications
Tabla 3: Características generales de las empresas 4.Results National Outsourcing Global Outsourcing
Tabla 3: Características generales de las empresas 4.Results: Implications for CIOS IS Out. influences over the time dedicated to IS activities A Redistribution towards more strategic activities
Tabla 3: Características generales de las empresas 4.Results: Implications for CIOS IS Out. influences over the characteristics of the working post IS Out. Positive influence over the CIO’s job
Tabla 3: Características generales de las empresas 4.Results: Implications for CIOS IS Out. influences over CIO’s knowledges and skills IS Out. requires more knowledges and skills
Tabla 3: Características generales de las empresas 4.Results: Descriptive longitudinal analysis
Tabla 3: Características generales de las empresas 4.Results: Descriptive longitudinal analysis The views of CIOs have not changed, they have been reinforced. More importance to aspects that were considered as important ones in advanced.
Tabla 3: Características generales de las empresas 5.Conclusions and Implications • IS Out is a generalised phenomenon, also in Spain, no Global Outsourcing • IS Out. does not influence in the time required to the CIO’s job, but implies a redistribution toward more strategic activities. • IS Out. has contributed to improve the CIOs working post (more added value, satisfaction and autonomy) • IS Out. Needs for more Knowledges & Skills (communication & negotiation)
Tabla 3: Características generales de las empresas 5.Conclusions and Implications • IS Out is a generalised phenomenon, also in Spain, no Global Outsourcing • IS Out. does not influence in the time required to the CIO’s job, but implies a redistribution toward more strategic activities. • IS Out. has contributed to improve the CIOs working post (more added value, satisfaction and autonomy) • IS Out. Needs for more Knowledges & Skills (communication & negotiation) • Longitudinal analysis: the views have reinforced over the time • In generall in the largest Spanish Firms IS Out has improve the CIO’s job, if they face IS. Out without prejudice Out. could be a good alternative for internal IS operation.
Outsourcing Influences Over the Chief Information Officers Thank You Reyes Gonzalez (mr.gonzalez@ua.es) Jose Gasco (jl.gasco@ua.es) Juan Llopis (juan.llopis@ua.es)