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Guidance through the educational duties. A seminar for new ABAP. Agenda. Who are the new junior and senior researchers ? What is my educational role ? ‘ ECTS-fiche ’ What about invigilating exams ? Where to find the proper documents ?
Guidance through the educational duties A seminar fornew ABAP
Agenda • Who are the new junior and senior researchers ? • What is my educational role ? • ‘ECTS-fiche’ • What about invigilating exams ? • Where to find the proper documents ? • What facilities and databases can I use in the library ? • What to expect from the next sessions in this series of seminars ?
Pleased to meet you… You ? Me: • Wilfried Lemahieu • Management Informatics research group • Vice Dean Education FEB • Campus Vice Dean Education FEB@Leuven
What is myeducationalrole ? • Assistancewithcourses • Manage a course’s page in Toledo • cfr. session 2: Use of ICT & Toledo • Answeringquestions on a course • Teaching (cfr. sessions 5 and 6, Teaching in an active way) • Correctingexams & giving feedback (cfr. session4) • ECTS-fiche • Master thesis guidance (cfr. session 3) • Invigilatingexams • As you may be involved in international programs … • Cultural issues (cfr. session 7)
ECTS-fiche • Syllabus: as publishedon the Web • http://onderwijsaanbod.kuleuven.be/2013/syllabi/e/D0H27AE.htm • KU Loket: editECTS-fiche • https://webwsp.aps.kuleuven.be/irj/portal
Complex grading (goodexample) • Determination of grades* The grades are determined by the course holder(s) (titularis), as announced via Toledo and the examination schedule. The result is computed and expressed as a whole number on a scale of 20.* The in-class participation (presentations & assignments) count for 20% of the final grade, the project paper counts for 35% of the final grade, and the final exam counts for the other 45%. If there is a deficit score (<10/20) for the final exam, this exam grade becomes the final grade for the course. Hence, a minimum grade of 10 for the final exam is required to pass the course.* Based on peer assessment (team self evaluation) a correction can be made to the grade for the in-class participation and paper. The correction will correspond to the magnitude of the peer evaluation of the student contribution to the team work, and will be communicated via Toledo. • Evaluation third examination period* During an academic year, the student has 2 chances to participate in the exam: a first time during the first or second examination period, and a second time during the third examination period.* The characteristics of the determination of grades in the third examination period are similar to those of the first or the second examination period. The grades for the in-class participation and paper of the first- or second examination period remain valid in the third examination period.Evaluation assignment*Deadline: Term of deliverance and deadline will be determined by the lecturer (titularis) and communicated via Toledo.
ECTS versus Toledo • In any case youneed to makesure the information onToledo does NEVER contradict the information in the ECTS-record • NEVER change the modalitiesduring the academicyear • If a change is needed, requestthis via POC (Permanent EducationCommittee). Itwillonlybegranted in veryexceptional cases • Thisgivesrise to time-consumingappeal procedures bystudents • Goodpractice: • put ‘stable’ information in ECTS-record • e.g. components (paper, exam, ...), type of questions (notnumber of Qs !!) • put ‘variable’ information (like deadlines) onToledo
Invigilatingexams (mandatory !) • Mostly in January, June and September (also in betweenforcatch-upexams) • 2 supervisors for each examination room, irrespective of the size of that examination room (larger rooms 3 - 4) • The supervisors are linked to specializations of the exam as much as possible • Approx. 10-12 turns per personacross the year • The allocation of the amount of supervisions is based on the 3 examination periods (January, June and September). So benchmarking your amount of supervisions with colleagues, based on one examination period is meaningless
Invigilatingexams: who? when? • Most Postdocs are released from this duty (depends on type of mandate, cf. mail) • Education assistants, temporary assistants (2-4-6 mandates), assistants with a scholarship and FWO-aspirants have to supervise • We take into account the time they have to dedicate to education according to their type of contract or mandate • Consequently, education assistants need to supervise more than temporary assistants; and temporary assistants need to supervise more than assistants with a scholarship and FWO-aspirants • Obviously, we alsotakepart-timeemploymentinto account • Supervisions on Saturday or during the evening count double
Invigilatingexams: platform • Turns are assignedby Student Office, seeexamsupervision platform http://econ.kuleuven.be/examSupervision • In case a date doesn't fit you (holiday, conference, ... ), you'llneed to findsomebody to switch turnswith • To reduce the switchingload, makesure to report long term absences 6 weeks in advance ! • Long term illness, maternityleave, visitingshipsabroad, ... • Report these at least 6 weeks in advance to • the secretary of your research unit • the HR secretary (EviFosse) • The student office kan takeyour long terms absences into account, reducing the need to findsomebody to switch yourturnswith
Invigilatingexams • I knowit's a boring task. Nevertheless ... Supervisors are expected to actively supervise during the exams. Reading a book or working on your laptop clearly is not part of the task at hand. • Practical Guidelines via "docentenportaal" • Beforehand • start of the exam • during the exam • end of the exam • Whatwithirregularities (cheating, ... )
What are the rules when supervising at exams? • When doing exam surveillance, how long before the actual start time should you be there, and do you have to pick up the exams in advance? • What are your main responsibilities during surveillance at exams? • What are you (doctoral students) allowed to bring at the surveillance at exams (books, laptop, …)? • How to deal with a student you suspect of cheating in an exam? • Instructions on • www.econ.kuleuven.be • docenten examens Richtlijnen/Guidelines