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SDA for LHC: A proposal

SDA for LHC: A proposal. Timofei Bolshakov & Elliott McCrory Fermilab. Overview. The Fermilab implementation of SDA has been a success But we foresee improvements. It can be modularized for use at LHC Key components Enthusiastic participants! McCrory and Bolshakov

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SDA for LHC: A proposal

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  1. SDA for LHC:A proposal Timofei Bolshakov & Elliott McCrory Fermilab

  2. Overview • The Fermilab implementation of SDA has been a success • But we foresee improvements. • It can be modularized for use at LHC • Key components • Enthusiastic participants! • McCrory and Bolshakov • TB already done lots of work on this • With support from AD/Controls Dept. • AJAX • BerkeleyDB-XML E. McCrory & T. Bolshakov, Fermilab

  3. Definition of Terms • SDA = Sequenced Data Acquisition • Also, Shot Data Analysis • Definition • A general logging system for a repeated, complex process • Creates a time abstraction • Defines time w.r.t. collider operations • Time abstraction is understood by everyone • E.g., running the Tevatron • Loading, ramping, squeezing, scraping, initiate collisions, begin HEP, end HEP, dump beam; repeat. • Data collected and stored on this time abstraction • Indices: Time markers of “Shot” E. McCrory & T. Bolshakov, Fermilab

  4. Changes from SDA to SDA-II • Underlying database is XML • Simplifies communication, storage, data exchange, etc. • Fermilab now: Sybase • All communications are now in XML • Translation mechanisms are required • Substantially increases complexity, reduces speed • Would install this at Fermilab • We’d probably be required to swap in Oracle DB at CERN • User interface is AJAX • Fermilab now: Java applications • Modern technology, cleaner, easier to understand UI • API changes • Clean up definition of data • To include possibility of more complex data, like videos E. McCrory & T. Bolshakov, Fermilab

  5. More relevant “clock” Shot/store number Today: Store # 4590 Case Collider shot: 15 cases Proton Injection Porch Proton Injection tune up Eject Protons Inject Protons Pbar Injection Porch Inject Pbars (Defunct) Before Ramp Acceleration Flattop Squeeze Initiate Collisions Remove Halo HEP Pause HEP Set Each case may have one or more sets For example: “What happened at 4401, Inject Protons, second bunch injection [a.k.a. Set 2]?” Other common processes use this clock abstraction AccumulatorRecycler transfers Pbar Transfers to Tevatron Mappings among these Tevatron store #4590 uses Recycler transfer shot #2309 Sequenced Data Acquisition Extra Details On SDA E. McCrory & T. Bolshakov, Fermilab

  6. SDA: Shot Data Analysis Extra Details On SDA • Uses • Sequenced Data Acquisition database • Conventional data loggers • Create summaries • The Supertable! • A summary of key information, mostly from SDA database • Excel, HTML, AIDA/JAS • One row = one store; 224 columns • Contains SDA numbers and (more significantly) new, calculated numbers from SDA data • E.g., Lifetime fits, transmission efficiencies, etc. • Do certain types of calculations • More complicated (transmission efficiencies) • Time dependent (Emittances) • Observe/alert E. McCrory & T. Bolshakov, Fermilab

  7. Rules The instructions that define the time abstraction the collected data the collection event Shot The entire complex process SDA generates a sequence number with each new shot At Fermilab, also called “store” or “file” Device Any data that can be read (live) on an event All types of data are (should be!) supported Scalar, vector, spectrum, video,. audio, image, scaled, unscaled, whatever! Case/Collection One unit of the time abstraction Given an identifying name Inject Protons, Squeeze, Begin HEP, etc. One “collection” is gathered and stored Set Sequence of identical collections within a case Event SDA terms Extra Details On SDA E. McCrory & T. Bolshakov, Fermilab

  8. Goal for This SDA Project • Re-write the Fermilab SDA system • Two distinct improvements envisioned • Using an XML database will simplify the system • Translating from XML to relational db and back adds significant complications • Should be faster • Our data abstraction is limited • Have not been able to store some types of data, e.g., video. • Implement for LHC • Required components • Configuration Database & Editor • Daemons • Viewer • Reports • Java API E. McCrory & T. Bolshakov, Fermilab

  9. Details on SDA Components Extra Details On SDA • Configuration Database & Editor • Create the desired shot structure, the case names, the rules for collecting device values, etc. • Daemons • Collect and store values in the database for different shots, with maps among the various SDA shot types. • Viewer • Browse the collected SDA information • Reports • prepare simple summaries on all aspects of a shot or of several shots in comparison. • Java API • To create Shot Data Analysis E. McCrory & T. Bolshakov, Fermilab

  10. Implementation Ideas/Notes • UI will be in AJAX • Asynchronous JAvascript using Xml • JavaScript, CSS, XML marriage! • See: • http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/J2EE/AJAX/ • http://www.adaptivepath.com/publications/essays/archives/000385.php by Jesse James Garrett, • Director of User Experience Strategy and a founding partner of Adaptive Path • Google Maps, http://maps.google.com • BerkeleyDB-XML • BerkeleyDB, on which BerkeleyDB-XML is based, is used by InDiCo. • http://www.sleepycat.com E. McCrory & T. Bolshakov, Fermilab

  11. Demonstration of Data Access

  12. SDA DB XML Structure <structure> <owner id='{0,1,2,3}' name='{ColliderShot, ...}' test=‘B’ timestamp='L' current='true'> <case alias=’12’ name=‘Initiate collisions’ mult-collection=‘CollectionName’ multsets='B' arm1='Event1‘ arm2='Event2' disarm1=‘DisarmEvent1' disarm2=‘DisarmEvent2’ set1='E' set2='E' end1='E' end2='E'> <atom> <type>device</atom> <request>device-str</request> <event>Event specification</event> </atom> <atom> <type>snapshot</type> <request>device-str</request> <event>Event specfication</event> </atom> <atom> <type>fast-time-plot<type> <request>device-str</request> <event>Event specfication</event> </atom> ... </case> ... </owner> ... </structure> E. McCrory & T. Bolshakov, Fermilab

  13. Modification Entry <modifications> <re-export from='string-source' timestamp='L' by='user'/> <inserted timestamp='L' by='user'> <path>owner/case/</path> <atom> ... </atom> </inserted> <removed timestamp='L' by='user'> <path>owner/case/</path> <atom> ... </atom> </removed> <changed timestamp='L' by='user'> <path>owner/case/...</path> <old-value> ... </old-value> <new-value> ... </new-value> </changed> </modifications> E. McCrory & T. Bolshakov, Fermilab

  14. Benefits for Fermilab • We will make a significant contribution to the LHC control system. • SDA servlets will be accelerated • Servlets deal with the XML/Relational DB translation • Sybase database usage will be lower • Removing at least one costly license fee to Sybase • New types of shots can be created easier. • The SDA System may live longer then ACNET. • These new tools should be easier to use than old ones. E. McCrory & T. Bolshakov, Fermilab

  15. A Possible Road Map • Develop new tools for SDA-II: Done • http://lhc001.fnal.gov/SDAII • Export all the data from our current Sybase tables into the new XML DB system: Done • Write plug-ins for ACNET • Write plug-ins for the LHC and ship the system there • Testing at LHC with XML Database • May need to convert to Oracle • AIP supports this, but not as fast or as “clean” E. McCrory & T. Bolshakov, Fermilab

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