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Equal Pay challenges gender discrimination in pay poor negotiation skills we value ourselves less men feeling threatened, lower pay government benefits paid to men.
Equal Pay challengesgender discrimination in paypoor negotiation skillswe value ourselves lessmen feeling threatened, lower paygovernment benefits paid to men
Equal Pay challengesavailability of childcarepay rates not transparentconfidentiality in pay ratesdisrupted careerspart-time work not valuedvisibility in the workplacerecognition of the value of women’s work
Equal Pay strategiesincrease awarenesstarget information – inflight magazinesget educated about rightsaccurate data, publicly availabletranslations of materials and datarepresentation on boardssupport companies which pay fairsend a proxy to the AGMrequire transparency in pay rates
Equal Pay strategiesunhappy hoursspeed coaching in wage negotiationemphasise the life-cycle impact recognise quality work, not time in the office influence our childrenuse our power to influenceengage champions – senior menmove beyond awareness – take actiontake ownership – take a lead
Equal Pay strategiesuse our power to influenceengage champions – senior menmove beyond awareness – take actiontake ownership – take a leadwww.equal-pay-day.com