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Varied menu of Activities (Including Sport Art/ICT and study support)

Things we do now…. Things we could do…. Through NOF (New opportunities funding) schools within the Sports Partnerships are offered sports clubs that can run after school, lunchtimes or at breakfast clubs. Train KS4 pupils to lead, organise clubs within primary schools.

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Varied menu of Activities (Including Sport Art/ICT and study support)

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  1. Things we do now…. Things we could do…. Through NOF (New opportunities funding) schools within the Sports Partnerships are offered sports clubs that can run after school, lunchtimes or at breakfast clubs. Train KS4 pupils to lead, organise clubs within primary schools. E-Learning – A programme of activities within and outside of the school day including courses for Primary and Secondary school students, teachers, parents & members of the community. Community based Karate club Woodland. 7pm – 9pm Thurs evening Meads – gardening club Luton Adult Education – Variety of courses @ community colleges & schools for adults to include, also often outreach at sites by arrangements Modern Foreign Languages ICT, Skills for Life, Arts, Family Learning Whitefield Junior: After-school & lunch time sport, music, art, gardening, ICT (before school) science Family worker Weekend football teams access field Parenting classes Piton Hill Junior – after school clubs, sport related 4 x week. Healthy Eating @ Marsh Farm Children’s Centre – Gill Blowers Site. After school, orchestra – football (girls and boys) netball, hockey, cricket & cross country Meads Primary – Lunch Time, Art Club. Library Club, Guitar/Recorder/choir Activities at Waulud Prmary – Lunch time clubs, after school clubs, Art, Music, Homework,Craft, Science, Gardening, Sport, Buddy Club, Story Book. Sundon Park Juniors – After school clubs Sport & Foreign Language & Choir. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, after school till 16:30pm or 16:45pm Whitefield Infants:- Clubs (Pupils only) ICT/Numeracy/Football/Games/ Family Literacy Pupils and Parents 10 sessions per term Stay and Play 2 x sessions per week. 0-4 year olds & parentsStay and play 2 x sessions per week 0-4 years & Peep 2 sessions per week 3 year olds & parent Toy Library Family Worker Train teachers/TA’s/lunch supervision to run clubs Increase of activities offered and provide more outreach Our parents as we are near Lea Manor need ICT support Extend – dependant on funding and resources Healthy Eating – Keeping up with children PHFS Adult Ed. ICT room Extend clubs – art/music After school clubs (pupils only) Art, PE/dance, music, gardening – Whitefield Infants Nurture Group, including breakfast club, Targeted family from school – Whitefield Infants Parent workshops – Healthy Eating keeping uo with your children etc. Whitefield Infants Varied menu of Activities (Including Sport Art/ICT and study support)

  2. CHILDCARE (8am to 6pm, 48 weeks per year) Things we do now Breakfast Club/After school Club/Holiday Club in Leagrave School by Centre of Hope  Playtime Pre School Breakfast Club in community centre, Mon – Fri 8am – 9.15am walk bus to Cheynes/Sundon Park  Playtime Pre School Lunch Club 11.30 – 12.30am Age 2-5  Playtime Preschool 9.15am 11.45 Lunch Club 11.30-12.30, 12.30-3.00pm age 2-5 years  Cheynes Infant – Family Worker will be in place by Sept 06, offering parent support groups  Playtime Preschool. Looking at after school but need funding  Health – Sundon Centre, Parent Toddlers 09.30-11.30, Mondays  Playtime Pre School – Play Scheme  Cheynes Infant School – Considering possibility of offering after schools club facilities in conjunction with playtime pre-school  Waulud – Breakfast Club, Creche for Adult Learning, Family Learning  Full day care & Foundation Stage Education Centre on Lea Manor High School Campus  Childcare 0-5 years, 8-6, 48 weeks on Mossdale site Gill Blowers Nursery, Leabank site – Childcare through Marsh Farm C.C.  Hope to run Holiday Club – Mossdale Gill Blowers Holiday Club – access through Marsh Farm C.C (Leabank)  Sundon Junior School – Early Birds Morning Club  PE Activities, Wednesday Pre School 8am – 8.45am  2-3’s Children in Need – Free Childcare/Education Mon – Weds, Gill Blowers Lea Bank Site  E-Learning @ Luton - Every weekday after school clubs from 4-6pm including filmmaking, film screenings & music technology work. Open for school use from 8.30 – 6pm every weekday (Primary & Secondary) Things we could do Breakfast Club @ White Field Juniors from Sept 2006-07-06 Weekend Club (Sat and or Sun) Different Activities for All  Pirton Hill Junior School - Breakfast Club – Link with Playgroup  If there is a need, extend childcare (0-5) in Leabank sire (Gill Blowers)  Extend free 2-3’s to M-F, Leabank – Gill Blowers  Breakfast Club, more adult learning during the school day 

  3. SWIFT AND EASY REFERRALS – to specialise support services Things we do now Whitefield Junior – Links with Community Nurse, EWO, CAMS, Edwin Lobo, Physio, and Community Police Soc. Services. CHUMS, carers  Lealands & Bet “ Ed Psych, LCET, connexions Pirton Hill Junior – B&T, EWO, Police – community officer LSS, links with Social Services although question the swift response Now more meetings Professional meeting at out school  The Meads – School Liaison Meetings – Good support B&T, Ed PSYCH, EWO, Social Services have never attended Waulud Primary -Community Police Officer -EWO on site -Camh -Social Services -Young carers project -BIP -Community Nurse -Transition Mentor  E Learning @ Luton – Offer ICT Support for learners with learning difficulties both within the buildings & out in schools through the use of “tailor made” ICT support kits.  Gill Blowers (Leabank) Refer families through Sure Start – Marsh Farm C.C   BIP Family Liaison worker – Whitefield Infants  Refer families (Leabank) through Sure Start Marsh Farm C.C.

  4. SWIFT AND EASY REFERRALS – to specialise support services Things we could do! Community Support base in school, to include Social Services availability, parental & family services e.g. Housing, Health and Job Centre? Ensure schools are represented in discussions about hour best to deliver all levels of Family Support in Luton including Social Services, CAMHS, Edwin Lobo. Link with, housing health, - extended current. Family worker 2006 – way forward Social Service based on School Site BSF – has an opportunity to provide access for health professionals to come together LSA’s balancing teachers needs, parent’s needs, health professional’s needs, when supporting disabled students. Extended schools make a requirement of space schools Need for community rooms on school site Would like to involve health/ other agencies as part of development as a Children’s Centre (Gill Blowers Mossdale Site). Extended Schools – make a requirement of space on schools Coordination of health professionals on the secondary site

  5. Things we do now Things we could do Community Access including Family/Parent/Adult Learning • Luton Ad Education variety of courses for adults based at colleges/schools throughout Luton • Family worker in many Key Stage 1 & 2 schools • Waulud Primary Variety of courses dependent on funding & resources Family Worker in all KS1 & KS2 Schools links between family support in Schools & Children Centre’s and provision for children with disabilities and their families More family learning opportunities – e.g. student “mentoring” their parents/other family members Relocate Y.C Expand day time activities to include more adult/family etc. (Need space, however). Extend Family Learning Through Children Centre initiative (Mossdale Site, Gill Blowers). • Family Workers 1&2 • ESOL • Diet & Exercise • PEEP • Toy Library • Monthly Workshops (Craft Health) E-learning @ Luton – A programme of community training on all spaces within the building including the television studio & the music Technology Suite. A course entitled “The Technology of e-learning Luton” runs every two months providing an overview of everything offered. Lea Lands – Youth Club The Meads - Youth Club, various community activities e.g. re learning/sports -         Swimming events -         Busy Bees pre school -         Feeder school links Whitefield: Cubs, Beavers, Scouts, Adult Ballroom dancing, ESOL Pirton Hill Junior – Scouts, Rainbows Luton Chair, Weekend Sundon Park Rangers Access to Job Centre Plus on 2 Sites M.F children Centre at Lea Manor – Gill Blowers Sundon Park Junior School – Community Football, Friday 4pm – 6 pm Sundon Park Junior School – Guides, Tuesday Brownies – Thursday Rainbows restarting soon Mossdale (Gill Blowers) - English classes Parent Workshops Stay/Play Job Centre Plus Adult Training High School training on site and linked to Adult Education Marsh Farm Children’s Centre Host Yoga – 2 x evenings – Whitefield Infant Steps – 6 sessions, parents – “ “

  6. School Community – A View of the future Thinking/Feeling/Saying We did that. We need that That belongs to us Natural part of out day to go in – get involved We are welcome What is the next step Parents Role? Integrated package to care for children in community Doing There would be network of informal of internal communication – where to go what to do Regular visitor/helper – “talking up the school” Working for longer Less time your children

  7. Schools - A View of the future Thinking/Feeling/Saying Should have done this ages ago? Community identity – coming together Can I pay my car tax here? Wish it had been like this when I was at school Doing Extending Creative thinking – not just learning but also enjoying life Adults learning along side pupils

  8. Families/Parents – A view of the future Thinking/Feeling/Saying For parents of children and SEN – “ grateful” that their children are included in quality child care in an environment familiar to their children Parents grateful of opportunity to go to work/study knowing children cared for Access support/guidance from a non judgemental learning community older community – learning from them/ values/guilt no longer – parent(s) who have to work. Doing Celebrating children achievements Regular community events as the norm Open access/welcome “Me time” for parents, grand parents and children

  9. Children – A View of the Future Thinking/Feeling/Saying “Safe” in a familiar environment (SEN Children) “I’m really glad I live in Luton ‘Rejected unwanted at home, sent out again! Glad! Of opportunities & chances Einstein – Here! Marconi – Here! Shackleston – Here! They were all somewhere – opportunities, encouragement, self-confident, celebrate the creative Have somewhere to go to get away from family life etc. and do what I enjoy doing Parents will want to set foot in school for help & support A child pupil will go to school knowingly some one will be able to help feel safe. Doing Access to /enjoyment of physical/creativity/healthy Having a whale of a time Changing career paths/life partners Take opportunities – travel-flexibility Living instead of surviving “I have a dream” Find out what they say are good at. Other activities apart from sport & dance – filming, photography, cooking, useful life skills

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