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Energy Efficiency and Conservation at HUD

Reviewing HUD's commitment to energy efficiency and conservation, outlining accomplishments, current initiatives, key recommendations, and program-specific actions to enhance energy efficiency in HUD-assisted housing. Focus on improving interagency partnerships, training, rewards, standards, and policy analysis, with a department-wide approach. Specific actions detailed for FHA, Public Housing, and Community Planning and Development programs. The document highlights partnership initiatives, a sample ENERGY STAR website, and rehab guidelines for energy-efficient projects. Additional accomplishments and upcoming support contract details are also provided.

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Energy Efficiency and Conservation at HUD

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  1. Energy Efficiency and Conservation at HUD Robert Groberg HUD Office of Environment and Energy

  2. Implementing the President’s National Energy Policy - Task Force convened by then-Deputy Secretary Jackson (co-chaired by CPD and PD&R). - Energy Action Plan created to support President’s National Energy Policy. - Review accomplishments and current status

  3. HUD Spends An Estimated $4 Billion Each Year on Utilities - Estimated $1.1 billion directly through public housing operating subsidies. - Remainder through utility allowances – Housing Choice Vouchers or Section 8 multifamily contracts. - More than 10% of entire budget. - High oil and natural gas prices impact housing affordability.

  4. Secretary Alphonso JacksonTestifies “With the announcement of the President’s National Energy Policy we now have the necessary framework for promoting increased energy efficiency in housing.HUD is committed to giving this issue the priority it deserves to make sure we make significant progress in conserving energy in housing.” June 20, 2001 Testimony to House Financial Services Committee

  5. Energy Task Force Created To Develop Plan - July 2001-Secretary Jackson creates Energy Task Force – designates CPD and PD&R as co-chairs. - April 2002-Secretary Jackson approves Department-Wide Action Plan with 21 items. - June 2004-Deputy Secretary Bernardi assigns field office roles for implementing Energy Plan.

  6. Secretary Jackson’s Charge to the Task Force - Improve energy efficiency and conservation in HUD-assisted rental housing. - Expand the use of Energy Efficient Mortgages, consistent with sound underwriting principles. - Provide technical assistance on energy issues to nonprofits and faith-based organizations. - Research and development of new energy efficient technologies.

  7. Key Recommendations - Strengthen interagency partnerships. - Coordinate information and training. - Strengthen rewards and incentives. - Strengthen energy standards. - Improve management and monitoring. - Conduct policy analysis and research.

  8. Department-Wide Actions - Work with EPA to distribute Energy Star information. - Formalize interagency partnerships. - Coordinate Department-wide training and information. - Award priority rating points for energy efficiency in SuperNOFA/competitive grants. - Assign agency-wide responsibility for coordination. - Include energy in Annual Performance Plan.

  9. Program Specific Actions FHA - Give priority, simplify single-family energy efficient mortgage (EEM) program. - Initiate multifamily weatherization partnership, training for managers & staff. Public Housing - Improve tracking, monitoring utilities. - Streamline energy performance contracting.

  10. Program Specific Actions Community Planning and Development- - Provide technical assistance and information to HOME & CDBG grantees. - Promote Combined Heat and Power (CHP) in housing and community development. - Promote Energy Star in buildings.

  11. Example: HOMEFolsom Dore Apts – San Francisco • $1.9 million in • HOME funds • - Currently under • construction • - High-efficiency • HVAC system • - Energy Star • Appliances • - High-performing • windows

  12. Example:Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Danbury Connecticut Housing Authority -energy performance contract -no initial cost -electricity reduced by 1.05 million kWh -total energy cost reduced by $40,000 annually

  13. Highlight 1:HUD Signs MOU with EPA and DOE - HUD, EPA, DOE Memorandum of Understanding - September 2002 - Expands purchasing of Energy Star in all HUD-assisted, financed, insured buildings

  14. Highlight 2: Energy Star Web Site www.waptac.org

  15. Highlight 3: Energy Efficient Rehab Guidelines Click to add text www.rehabadvisor.com

  16. Additional Accomplishments - Priority rating point for energy efficiency included in FY 2005 SuperNOFA (Dept.-wide) - Energy included in FY 2004-2005 Annual Performance Plans (Dept.-wide) - Benchmarking initiated to establish baseline for energy use in public housing (PIH)

  17. Additional Accomplishments (2) - HOPE VI demonstration projects completed in Holyoke, MA and San Antonio, TX (PD&R-PIH) - Tracking of EEMS improved (FHA) - DOE-HUD Multifamily weatherization pilot initiated in St. Louis (FHA)

  18. Additional Accomplishments (3) HUD-DOE Interagency Agreement to promote use of combined heat and power (CHP): - Put profiles of FHA and PH apartment buildings on HUD web. • Update CHP manual for building owners. - Work with six DOE Regional CHP Centers. • Find opportunities in CDBG and brownfields developments.

  19. Promoting the Plan: Upcoming Support Contract Contract will support: • Five training workshops scheduled during FY 2005 • E-Newsletter for staff, grant recipients • Informational materials – briefing papers and research reports • Additional technical support.

  20. Role of Field Offices • Regional Representatives to coordinate field office activities with Task Force per Dep. Sec. Memo: - Include performance measures in FY ’05 Management Plans - Participate in Task Force Meetings (conference calls). - Establish regional “team” of program office reps. - Identify training and information needs. - Liaison with DOE and EPA where appropriate. - Identify local opportunities to promote Action Plan. • Goal: Fully implement plan by the end of FY 2005

  21. For Further Informationwww.hud.gov [search for “energy”] Robert Groberg, Community Planning and Development 202-708-0614 Ext. 4642 Michael Freedberg, Policy Development and Research 202-708 0614 Ext. 4366

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