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Food Regulations & Standards. Introduction. The legal requirements for food safety and food quality have been established by many national governments, with the objective of protecting consumers and ensuring that foods are fit for human consumption.
Introduction • The legal requirements for food safety and food quality have been established by many national governments, with the objective of protecting consumers and ensuring that foods are fit for human consumption. • These requirements are contained in food laws and regulations, the scope of which varies from one country to another.
Food Laws & Regulations • Food laws are statements of government policies that cover both the general and specific aspects of adulteration and misbranding of foods, while the food regulations deal with the enforcement of government policies that are embodied in the food laws. • These food laws and regulations are intended to ensure that foods do not cause harm, illness, or injury; are not adulterated or misbranded; and are wholesome and fit for human consumption.
Food Laws & Regulations • Food laws and regulations apply to all foods produced domestically, as well as all foods imported into a country; foods cannot be imported if they do not conform to the food laws and regulations of the importing country. • Food laws protect consumers from illnesses and injury by prohibiting the presence of any poisonous or harmful substance in foods that are intended for human consumption. • In addition, food laws protect consumers from fraud and deception by prohibiting false or misleading information relating to foods
Indonesian Food Laws & Regulations • Undang-undang No 7/1996 tentang Pangan • Undang-undang Nomor 8 tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen • Peraturan Pemerintah No 28/2004 tentang Keamanan, Mutu dan Gizi Pangan • Peraturan Pemerintah No. 69/1999 tentang Label dan Iklan Pangan
Contoh Peraturan Perundang-undangan di Bidang Makanan di Indonesia • Permenkes RI No. 329/Menkes/Per/XII/76 tentang Produksi dan Peredaran Makanan • Permenkes RI No. 79/Menkes/Per/III/78 tentang Label dan Periklanan Makanan • Permenkes RI No. 382/Menkes/Per/VI/89 tentang Pendaftaran Makanan • Keputusan Bersama Menteri Kesehatan dan Menteri Agama RI No. 427/Menkes/SKB/VIII/85, No. 68 Tahun 1985 tentang Pencantuman Tulisan “Halal” pada Label Makanan • Keputusan Dirjen POM No. 01323/B/SK/V/1985 tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI No. 180/Menkes/Per/IV/1985 tentang Makanan Kadaluarsa • Keputusan Dirjen POM No. 03537/B/SK/VI/1989 tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI No. 382/Menkes/Per/VI/1989 tentang Pendaftaran Makanan • Keputusan Dirjen POM No. 02591/B/SK/VIII/1991 tentang Perubahan Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI No. 180/Menkes/Per/IV/1985 tentang Makanan Kadaluarsa
Undang-undang No 7/1996 tentang Pangan Pasal 21 • Setiap orang dilarang mengedarkan : • Pangan yang mengandung bahan beracun, berbahaya, atau yang dapat merugikan atau membahayakan kesehatan atau jiwa manusia ; • Pangan yang mengandung cemaran yang melampaui ambang batas maksimal yang ditetapkan ; • Pangan yang mengandung bahan yang dilarang digunakan dalam kegiatan atau proses produksi pangan ; • Pangan yang mengandung bahan yang kotor, busuk, tengik, terurai atau
Undang-undang No 7/1996 tentang Pangan mengandung bahan nabati atau hewani yang berpenyakti atau berasal dari bangkai sehingga menjadikan pangan tidak layak dikonsumsi manusia ; e. Pangan yang sudah kadaluwarsa.
Undang-undang No 7/1996 tentang Pangan Pasal 24 • Pemerintah menetapkan standar mutu pangan ; • Terhadap pangan tertentu yang diperdagangkan, Pemerintah dpat memberlakukan dan mewajibkan pemenuhan standar mutu pangan yang ditetapkan berdasarkan ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) ;
Undang-undang No 7/1996 tentang Pangan Pasal 25 • Pemerintah menetapkan persyaratan sertifikasi mutu pangan yang diperdagangkan ; • Persyaratan sertifikasi mutu pangan, sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1), diterapkan secara bertahap berdasarkan jenis pangan dengan memperhatikan kesiapan dan kebutuhan sistem pangan.
Undang-undang No 7/1996 tentang Pangan Pasal 26 • Setiap orang dilarang memperdagangkan : • Pangan tertentu, sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal 24 ayat (2), apabila tidak memenuhi standar mutu yang ditetapkan sesuai dengan peruntukannya ; • Pangan yang mutu berbeda atau tidak sama dengan mutu pangan yang dijanjikan ; • Pangan yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan sertifikasi mutu pangan, sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 25.
Enforcement of food laws and regulations • The responsibility for enforcing food laws and regulations is assigned to government regulatory agencies. These enforcement activities fall into two categories. • Inspection and audit of establishments that process, handle, and store food to ensure that the required sanitary and controlled conditions are followed; audits are used by some regulatory agencies that enforce HACCP-based regulations. • Inspection and analysis of foods for harmful substances to ensure that there is conformance to established limits and tolerances.
Enforcement of food laws and regulations • The food safety control system in Indonesia requires elements of pre-market and post-market control. • Pre-market control is conducted by evaluating the food safety of products to ensure the compliance with safety and quality requirements. If a product is found to meet to necessary requirements, the product is provided with registration approval number and it become eligible for the retail market. • Post-market control is conducted for food products which have been distributed in the market The National Agency for Drug and Food Control (BPOM)
Food Standards • Food standards also establish requirements for the safety and quality of foods; however, unless a food standard is part of food regulations, it is not a legal requirement. • Indonesia : Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI)
Standar Nasional Indonesia • Satu-satunya standar yang berlaku secara nasional di Indonesia. • SNI dirumuskan oleh Panitia Teknis dan ditetapkan oleh Badan Standarisasi Nasional. • Agar SNI dpat diterima oleh para stakeholder, maka SNI menganut asas: keterbukaan, transparansi, konsensus dan tidak memihak, efektif dan relevan, koheren, dan berdimensi pembangunan.
Food Standards • The Codex Standards are the best examples of food standards. The CAC has the mandate to implement the joint FAO/WHO Foods Standards Program. • This has resulted in the Codex Alimentarius, a collection of standards for food quality, food suitability, and food safety. • These food standards have been adopted by countries worldwide and are intended primarily to protect consumers and to facilitate international food trade. • They include codes of practice such as The Codex General Principles Of Food Hygiene, standards for maximum residual levels (MRL) for pesticides and for veterinary drugs in foods, and standards for specifications for food additives.
The Regulatory Environment: International Framework, UN Office International des Epizooties International Plant Protection Convention FAO GATT WTO (Food and Agriculture Organization) Codex Alimentarius Commission FAO/WHO working party on food labeling The Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS)
SPS Agreement • Protect human or animal life from risks – additives, contaminants, toxins and disease-causing organisms • Protect human life from plant/animal diseases • Protect animal/plant life from pests, diseases • Prevent or limit other damage to a country from the entry, establishment or spread of pests • Adaptation for country-specific needs – e.g. climate, pests, diseases
The Role of Codex Alimentarius • Develops standards in • Food quality • Nutrition • Labeling • Not involved in trade barriers Codex Alimentarius FAO/WHO working party on food labeling WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT)
Codex Indonesia • 2009