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The Keystone XL Pipeline will have a negative impact on the environment if the proposal to build it passes. . By Darrel Bagiotti. The Issue!.
The Keystone XL Pipeline will have a negative impact on the environment if the proposal to build it passes. By Darrel Bagiotti
The Issue! • The Keystone XL Pipeline is a proposed business plan by TransCanada a leading energy company in Canada, to pump crude oil from Albert, Canada’s tar sands to Texas’s Gulf Coast. • The project will connect underground pipes 1,700 miles across the nation carrying the expected 900,000 barrels of oil daily. • It is a heated debate because one side argues the economic benefits to having foreign oil pumped directly into the United States, compared to the opposing side arguing the Keystone XL Pipeline will have a negative impact on the environmental. • Knowing the dirty truth about the negative environmental impacts due to tar sands, it doesn’t seem like our best judgment to use it. • If the Keystone XL Pipeline proposal is signed it will have a negative impact on the environment.
The science and technology behind the issue. • Technology in the context I am using it may be different then what some may think when they hear the word. Amy E. Wendling author of Karl Marx on Technology and Alienation quotes Marx in stating, “technology exemplifies the interaction between human beings and nature” (Wendling 1). In relation to the Keystone XL Pipeline this definition of technology is exactly what this issue is about, conflict between humans and nature. • I prefer the definition from Jeffrey A. Lee author of the book The Scientific Endeavor who writes “Science is a way of learning about things; it is a process we use to improve our understanding of the universe and all that is in it” (Lee 1). Using data and information collected about tar sands and the negative impact they have on the environment, I don’t think we are improving our understanding of all things if we know something we are doing is bad but continue to do it.
The Science What are tar sands? Tar sands are a combination of clay, sand, water, and bitumen, a very black viscous oil. Tar sands extraction emits more GHG emissions then any other energy extraction process. Knowing what tar sands are and how they have a negative impact on our environment, I don’t think we are paying attention to the data and statistics scientist have been putting out about tar sands.
Technology • Open pit mining. • Enormous shovels dig up the tar sands and transfer the tar sands in giant trucks to the extraction plant. . At the extraction plant, the hot water process separates the bitumen form sand, water, and minerals. The separation takes place in separation cells, the combination of hot water and agitation releases bitumen from the oil sand, and causes tiny air bubbles to attach to the bitumen droplets, that float to the top of the separation vessel, where the bitumen can be skimmed off. The bitumen is then brought to another station where it is eventually upgraded into synthetic crude oil (EIS 1).
Fun Facts about the Keystone XL Pipeline • Tar sands emits 3x more GHG compared to conventional oil extraction. • Tar sands extraction requires strip mining huge tracts of pristine forest. An area the size of Florida is slated for extraction. • In its 2006 pipeline risk assessment for the U.S. State Department permit application, TransCanada predicted that Keystone would see one spill in 7 years. There has been 12 spills in one year.
Ethical Views • Over 1,100 people have been arrested protesting against the project. • Is it worth the risk having this pipeline run across our nation near major aquifers that provide adequate drinking water for millions of people? • People argue though that we need jobs in America and this project will create thousands of jobs in the U.S.
Economics • $13 billion dollar project • Canada’s economy relies on crude oil and the United States relies on the crude oil to support our demand for oil. • The project will create 20,000 direct high wage jobs. • States along the projected pipeline will receive $5.2billion in property taxes.
Crunching the Numbers • The pipeline is expected to flow 900,000 barrels of oil daily and with one barrel of oil in the U.S costing roughly $100, TransCanada will make $900 million every ten days. • About two tons of tar sands are required to produce one barrel of crude oil. This means roughly 1.8million tons of tar sands are required to meet the 900,000 barrels of oil daily. • Trucks carry up to 320 tons of tar sands per load. This means 5,625 trucks will be needed to carry the 1.8 million tons of tar sands daily.
The Future • Use alternative energy sources such as wind turbines, they have been around since 900 A.D and they are a eco-friendly way to produce energy. • Cuba survived peak oil, so there is hope that a nation can go through peak oil and come out strong. • Stop the megaload now!! • http://www.wearepowershift.org/ • Protest agaisnt the Keystone XL Pipeline
Work Cited • "Alberta Energy: Facts and Statistics." Alberta Energy:. 9 Sept. 2011. Web. 28 Sept. 2011. <http://www.energy.alberta.ca/OilSands/791.asp>. • DrugGangsters, Zetas. "Goldman Sachs Drives Up Oil Futures | Culture of Life News." Culture of Life News | Culture of Life News: the Blog Is Mightier than the Sword. Ruthless Analysis of History and Modern Events. 4 June 2009. Web. 29 Sept. 2011. <http://emsnews.wordpress.com/2009/06/04/goldman-sachs-drives-up- oil-futures/>. • Feed, Sam Abuelsamid RSS. "Shell Plans to Quadruple Canadian Oil Sands Production." AutoblogGreen -- We Obsessively Cover the Green Scene. 27 June 2007. Web. 29 Sept. 2011. <http://green.autoblog.com/2007/01/27/shell-plans-to-quadruple- canadian-oil-sands-production/>. • Katusa, Marin. "Securing the Insecure: U.S. Oil Imports - Undesignated - Resource Investor." Resource Investor - News and Investment Insights on Mining, Drilling and Piping Sectors, Products and Companies. 7 Oct. 2008. Web. 28 Sept. 2011. <http://www.resourceinvestor.com/News/2008/7/Pages/Securing-the-Insecure--U-S--Oil-Imports.aspx>. • Tar Sands Basics. (2003). Oil Shale and Tar Sands Information Center. ESI. Retrieved September 23, 2011, from http://ostseis.anl.gov/guide/tarsands/index.cfm • Keystone Pipeline Project. (2011, August 29). TransCanada Corporation Home. Retrieved September 08, 2011, from http://www.transcanada.com/keystone.html • Lee, J. A. (2000). The scientific endeavor: a primer on scientific principles and practice. San Francisco, CA, CA: Benjamin Cummings. • Wendling, A. E. (2009). Karl Marx on Technology And Alienation. Basingstoke, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.