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Data Mining: Overview, Terminologies, and Software

Explore the essentials of data mining, from terminologies like data, information, and knowledge to software tools like Oracle Data Miner and Rapidminer for ETL tasks. Understand why data mining is crucial and its overlap with statistics, machine learning, and more.

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Data Mining: Overview, Terminologies, and Software

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  1. CPIT 440 Data Mining and Warehouse Lab1Introduction and Overview

  2. CPIT 440 Data Mining and Warehouse kholoudsaadkau@yahoo.com • Office #: 127 • Office Hours • Sunday and Tuesday: (11 - 1) • Monday: (12 – 1) • Thursday (11 - 12)

  3. CPIT 440 Data Mining and Warehouse The Lab Syllabus

  4. CPIT 440 Data Mining and Warehouse The Lab Syllabus

  5. CPIT 440 Data Mining and Warehouse Software used • Oracle Data Miner (ODM) • Rapidminer (for ETL)

  6. CPIT 440 Data Mining and Warehouse The Grades Distribution

  7. CPIT 440 Data Mining and Warehouse Lab Group • In Acadox

  8. CPIT 440 Data Mining and Warehouse Lab1: Outlines • Overview • Important Terminologies • Data • Information • Knowledge • Warehouses. • What is Data Mining ?

  9. CPIT 440 Data Mining and Warehouse What is Data Mining ? • Data mining is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives - different dimensions or angels, categorize and summarize it into useful information. • This information can be used to increase the revenue, cuts costs, find some solutions on specific issue or make development plan in the learning environment…. so on

  10. CPIT 440 Data Mining and Warehouse What is Data Mining ?

  11. CPIT 440 Data Mining and Warehouse What is Data Mining ?

  12. CPIT 440 Data Mining and Warehouse Terminologies • Data: Data are any facts, numbers, or text that can be processed by a computer, and it could be: • Operational or transactional data • Nonoperational data • Meta data • Information: The patterns, associations, or relationships among all this data can provide information. • For example, analysis of retail point of sale transaction data can yield information on which products are selling and when.

  13. CPIT 440 Data Mining and Warehouse Terminologies • Knowledge Information can be converted into knowledge about historical patterns and future trends. • For example, summary information on retail supermarket sales can be analyzed to provide knowledge of consumer buying behavior. • Thus, a manufacturer or retailer could determine which items are most susceptible to promotional efforts. • Data Warehouses Data warehousing is defined as a process of centralized data management and retrieval.

  14. CPIT 440 Data Mining and Warehouse Data Mining overlaps with many disciplines • Statistics • Machine Learning • Information Retrieval • Distributed Computing • Database Systems

  15. CPIT 440 Data Mining and Warehouse Why we Need Data Mining ? • Student Discussion

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