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County 4-H Youth Horse Program Tracing/Tracking Project “ Equine Identification ” 2007

County 4-H Youth Horse Program Tracing/Tracking Project “ Equine Identification ” 2007. Penn State University Dairy and Animal Sciences Department in cooperation with Equine Species Working Group and the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. Grant Research Conducted By:.

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County 4-H Youth Horse Program Tracing/Tracking Project “ Equine Identification ” 2007

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  1. County 4-H Youth Horse Program Tracing/Tracking Project“Equine Identification”2007

  2. Penn State University Dairy and Animal Sciences Department in cooperation with Equine Species Working Group and the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. Grant Research Conducted By:

  3. Why do we need an identification system for equine?

  4. Protect our horse (s) • Control outbreaks of contagious foreign diseases • Protect human health • Address the threat of bio-terrorism • Identify lost, stolen or displaced horses • Maintain a stable economic environment • Insure freedom of movement and export of horses • Be a responsible member of the livestock industry

  5. What is the purpose of this project for “Equine Identification?” • Survey and determine the concerns and issues facing the nation and Pennsylvania’s equine owners concerning the National Animal Identification System

  6. Who would participate in this project? 4-H Members, Leaders, and Families

  7. With the support of County 4-H Horse Program through Educators, 4-H Leaders, and 4-H Members • Registered premise (facility hosting equine) • Willingness to report tracing/tracking of equine’s movement • Project horses with current Coggins and Rabies Verification

  8. Performance Project • Production Project • Horsemanship Skills Project • Therapeutic Riding Project • Competitive Trail Riding Project

  9. Who should receive a premise number?

  10. Facilities Public and Private Stables • Rodeo Arenas • National or State Parks • Universities (Educational/Research Facilities/Diagnostic Laboratories) • Ports of Exit • Dude Ranches • Ports of Entry

  11. Quarantine Facilities • Auctions and Sales • Fairgrounds • Breeding Farms • Boarding Facilities • Equine Clinics and Hospitals • Racetracks • Show/Exhibition/Competition

  12. How do I register my premise? • Call 1-717-772-2852 Ext. 208 for more information and to request a form to register your premise through the U.S. Postal Services and PA Dept of Agriculture. • Complete the paper registration form and mail to BAHDS Room 408 2301 N. Cameron Street Harrisburg, Pa. 17110

  13. Online Registration • Complete an online registration • Visit https://PaFarms.org • Click on Register Your Premise or • Visit https://farminfo.psu.edu/ • Click on Register Your Premise NOW!

  14. For More Premise Information: • For Pamphlets, Fact Sheets, and NAIS (National Animal Identification System) Poster contact the AHC: ahc@horsecoucil.org

  15. What is the chip?...Where is it implanted?...Who does the implanting?...How does it work?

  16. The RFID chip is an electronic device implanted into the horse similar to how dogs currently are implanted with micro-chips • Implantation site: nuchal ligament on the left side, in the middle third of the neck, halfway between the ears and the withers

  17. For this program veterinarians will provide the implanting to your horse at no cost to the 4-H member. The veterinarian will not administer other types of equine care, inoculations, examinations, etc.

  18. Injection sites may develop complications. Any additional veterinary care after implantation will be the horse owner’s responsibility.

  19. You will not need to scan your equine or purchase a scanner. The program contact personnel will set up convenient times and locations for your horse to be periodically scanned. A scanner will identify the chip that is implanted in your equine’s neck.

  20. What does the chip look like? RFID - Microchip

  21. Magnified Interior of Microchip Graphics courtesy of Electronic ID Inc

  22. Why is the National Identification System so important? • Premises identification and individual identification benefits equine owners • Notification in the event of an equine disease outbreak • Horses implanted with a chip can be identified when stolen or lost to their current premises

  23. Why is this project important? • Survey and assess the composition and nature of the equine industry, including its resistance to the implementation of national ID and the impact it will have on the quality of life of equine owners and participants in equine activities.

  24. Evaluate the potential use of microchips, scanners and a web-based data collection system to provide and effective and affordable system for individual identification of horses to meet the national requirement for animal ID. • Provide data summary and analysis as well as access to data tracing/tracking of disease outbreaks to ensure a healthy environment for participating in equestrian events.

  25. How will chipping and registering my premise help in disease outbreaks? • PDA (Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture) at the present time does not have the information to control and eradicate an equine disease outbreak

  26. Premise ID and Individual Equine ID enables the Bureau of Animal and Diagnostic Services to efficiently and effectively respond to a disease outbreak

  27. How your premise is affected in a disease outbreak!

  28. What will I do to be part of the grant survey? • Register my premise • Agree to implant chip in my equine • Record project equine with contact and report travels

  29. Release Forms • Veterinary Release Form • Parental Permission Form

  30. References • NAIS and Horses The facts surrounding the National Animal Identification System as it applies to the horse industry in the U.S. • Grant Proposal: Develop Methods to Overcome Resistance to the Implementation of National Equine Identification • Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture • Penn State University

  31. Credits • Ann Swinker, PhD., Associate Professor Equine Sciences, PSU • Patricia Comerford, MS, ExtensionSpecialist, PSU • Nancy Dreschel, DVN, Animal Science Instructor, PSU • Brian Egan, MS, Equine Science Instructor, PSU • Edward Jedrzejewski, DVM, Horse Farm Manager, PSU

  32. Credits Cont. • Helene McKernan, BS, Equine Research Associate, PSU • Suzanne Myers PhD., Veterinary Science, PA Dept. AG, Animal Diagnostic Lab • Kadie Vanderman, PSU Student • Karen Vines, MS, Distance Learning Coordinator, PSU • Jacob Werner, VMD, Animal Resource Program, PSU

  33. Any questions?

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