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Workshop Format. Presentation with discussionNumbers exerciseWrap-up discussion. The climate challenge. Climate change is happening faster than was expected It is no exaggeration to say that we are facing a climate emergency.Addressing this emergency will require changes on a scale we have neve
1. Planes, trains and automobiles managing the environmental challenge Philip Nalpanis MIRM, DNV
Suk Rathore, DNV
The University of Warwick, 23rd September 2009 PhilPhil
2. Workshop Format Presentation with discussion
Numbers exercise
Wrap-up discussion
(Numbers exercise in middle of presentation and discussion)
Tell us your name and what youre hoping to get out of this workshop?Phil
(Numbers exercise in middle of presentation and discussion)
Tell us your name and what youre hoping to get out of this workshop?
3. The climate challenge Climate change is happening faster than was expected
It is no exaggeration to say that we are facing a climate emergency.
Addressing this emergency will require changes on a scale we have never undertaken as a human society Phil
4. The climate challenge Climate change is happening faster than was expected
It is no exaggeration to say that we are facing a climate emergency
Addressing this emergency will require changes on a scale we have never undertaken as a human society Phil
5. The environmental challenges of transport What are the environmental challenges of transport?
CO2 best-known GHG (greenhouse gas) climate-changing
Other GHG (methane, N2O, PFC, SF6, HFC)
Air Pollutants (NOx, PM10) harmful health effects
Impact on water quality
Congestion roads including at airports Phil
N2O = nitrous oxide
PFC = perfluorocarbon
SF6 = sulphur hexafluoride
HFC = hydrofluorocarbons
NOx = nitrogen oxides
PM10 = sub 10 micron particles: respirablePhil
N2O = nitrous oxide
PFC = perfluorocarbon
SF6 = sulphur hexafluoride
HFC = hydrofluorocarbons
NOx = nitrogen oxides
PM10 = sub 10 micron particles: respirable
6. The environmental challenges of transport The challenges from the transport sector are growing fast:
The single biggest environmental
challenge is probably that of
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Mainly focus on CO2 from business activities for this workshop
Figures mainly from DfT
15%/25% - all forms of transport
80% - business as normal, i.e. no action to curb emissions apart from improved efficiency for economic reasonsPhil
Figures mainly from DfT
15%/25% - all forms of transport
80% - business as normal, i.e. no action to curb emissions apart from improved efficiency for economic reasons
7. Environmentally sustainable transport What do we mean by Environmentally sustainable transport?
Its about being able to perform our day-to-day activities whilst minimizing the impact on the environment PhilPhil
8. Environmentally sustainable transport What steps can we take to manage transport systems to promote their environmental sustainability?
Reduce air, noise and water pollution from rail, road, marine and aviation sources by:
What you cant measure, you cant manage Increasing the efficiency of current transportation systems
Purchasing a more fuel-efficient car and keep it well-maintained
Reducing the number and length of car trips, and avoiding peak-hours
Increasing the use of public transport, cycling and walking and reduce use of private motor vehicles PhilPhil
9. Carbon footprint What is a carbon footprint?
The term carbon footprint is commonly used to describe the total amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for which an individual or organization is responsible.
Footprints can also be calculated for events or products.
Carbon Footprinting, Carbon Trust, 2007
CO2 and other GHG are emitted through the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas)
10. Carbon footprint Why calculate a carbon footprint?
2 main reasons are to:
Manage the footprint and reduce emissions over time
Report the footprint accurately to a third-party
Calculating the carbon footprint can be an effective tool for ongoing energy & environmental management so ways of reducing can be identified and prioritised i.e. what savings are greatest may be cost savings as well as GHG reduction
Accurate reporting 1) CSR or marketing purposes 2) fulfil request from business customers or investors 3) ascertain level of emissions needed to offset in order to become carbon-neutral.Phil
Calculating the carbon footprint can be an effective tool for ongoing energy & environmental management so ways of reducing can be identified and prioritised i.e. what savings are greatest may be cost savings as well as GHG reduction
Accurate reporting 1) CSR or marketing purposes 2) fulfil request from business customers or investors 3) ascertain level of emissions needed to offset in order to become carbon-neutral.
11. Carbon footprint: sources of CO2 What, typically, are the sources of CO2 emission from an organizations business activity?
Onsite fuel usage (direct)
Onsite electricity usage
Use of transport
Staff & contractors
Raw materials in
Goods out
Supply chain
Downstream use
Downstream waste processing PhilPhil
12. Carbon footprint how we can make a difference
We can ALL do something to use carbon energy more efficiently Phil
Source: Guardian, 01/09/09
Clothing production using natural fibres
Food livestock + fertilisersPhil
Source: Guardian, 01/09/09
Clothing production using natural fibres
Food livestock + fertilisers
13. Carbon footprint how we can make a difference
Some interesting energy saving comparisons are:
14. How we travel makes a difference
Transportation options ranked by GHG emissions:
(note that rankings vary depending on vehicle type and occupancy) Phil
Sightline Institute: Seattle based research & communication centre involved in issues pertaining to sustainable environmentsPhil
Sightline Institute: Seattle based research & communication centre involved in issues pertaining to sustainable environments
15. Calculating a carbon footprint The carbon footprint from using a mode of transport can be calculated using:
Carbon footprint (tCO2e or tCO2) =
Distance travelled × Emission Factor
The Emission Factor enables a conversion to be made from a measure of energy (or equivalent) to the amount of carbon dioxide emissions that will result. It is specific to the mode of transport used. SukSuk
16. Simple numerical exercise:
Calculate the carbon footprint to get from London Bridge Station to Paris Gare du Nord for each of the following principal modes of transport:
Car and ferry
Car Le-shuttle Calculating a carbon footprint Suk
Purpose of exercise:
See recognized methodology to calculate CF for transport
Compare modes for realistic example
Note that CF calculation may need to include >1 mode, e.g. reaching an airport to catch a flight need to calculate CF combining all modes for journey
Appreciate where largest contributions come from
Have hard data on which to base decision on how to reduce CFSuk
Purpose of exercise:
See recognized methodology to calculate CF for transport
Compare modes for realistic example
Note that CF calculation may need to include >1 mode, e.g. reaching an airport to catch a flight need to calculate CF combining all modes for journey
Appreciate where largest contributions come from
Have hard data on which to base decision on how to reduce CF
Managing CO2 emissions and noise
in the aviation industry
Aviations impact on the environment falls into 2 main categories noise and emissions.
Air travel is now the fastest contributor to global warming.
Air transport industry is a global business encompassing; airline operators, aircraft, manufacturers, fuel suppliers, ATC etc.
Aviation noise if unwanted noise generated by aircraft and is a serious and growing problem in the UK.
Night flights are a particular controversial aspect of aviation noise.
Civil Aviation Act 1982 set out provisions for controlling noise at larger airports in UK (heathrow, gatwick, stansted)
Todays aircraft are typically 75% quieter than jets in 1960s and EU regulation of aviation noise has focussed on improving engine technology.Suk
Aviations impact on the environment falls into 2 main categories noise and emissions.
Air travel is now the fastest contributor to global warming.
Air transport industry is a global business encompassing; airline operators, aircraft, manufacturers, fuel suppliers, ATC etc.
Aviation noise if unwanted noise generated by aircraft and is a serious and growing problem in the UK.
Night flights are a particular controversial aspect of aviation noise.
Civil Aviation Act 1982 set out provisions for controlling noise at larger airports in UK (heathrow, gatwick, stansted)
Todays aircraft are typically 75% quieter than jets in 1960s and EU regulation of aviation noise has focussed on improving engine technology.
18. Aviation: climate change facts & targets Effectively addressing climate change is a top priority for the aviation sector
The Facts:
Aviation activities currently account for about 2 5% of total GHG emissions
Civil aviation is growing rapidly at about 6% per year, so emissions growth is expected to continue
In respect of international aviation, aggregate carbon dioxide emissions have grown very substantially, by approximately 75% since 1995 Suk
Aviation: 2% of global CO2 emissions - of which Europe accounts for 0.5% (source: ERA).Suk
Aviation: 2% of global CO2 emissions - of which Europe accounts for 0.5% (source: ERA).
19. Aviation: climate change facts & targets Effectively addressing climate change is a top priority for the aviation sector
The Targets:
The commercial aviation industry has agreed to 3 sequential targets:
1.5% average annual improvement in fuel efficiency between now and 2020
Carbon-neutral growth by 2020
A 50% absolute reduction in aviations emissions by 2050 compared with 2005 Carbon-neutral: commonly accepted terminology for something to have met zero emissions. But because there are some greenhouse emissions, it usually necessary to use carbon offsets to achieve neutrality.
Carbon-offsets: are emission reductions made somewhere else and are then sold to entity to reduce its impact in order to become carbon neutral.Carbon-neutral: commonly accepted terminology for something to have met zero emissions. But because there are some greenhouse emissions, it usually necessary to use carbon offsets to achieve neutrality.
Carbon-offsets: are emission reductions made somewhere else and are then sold to entity to reduce its impact in order to become carbon neutral.
20. Aircraft emissions are tough to calculate because there are a lot of variables to take into account
There are a number of factors that need to be considered when calculating carbon emissions for aviation travel on a per person basis
These include:
Aircraft model
Flight profile and distance
Cargo on passenger flights
Seat occupancy rate (load factor)
Seat class
Aviation: impact on climate change on a per-person basis Suk
Aircraft model:
Fuel consumption varies by aircraft model and engine type
Aircraft fuel efficiency has improved steadily over the years through weight reduction, better aerodynamics and engine design but still a large number of less fuel-efficient aircraft remain in service. Aircraft fuel efficiency has improved by some 50% over the past 30%.
Flight profile and distance:
Aircraft experience different fuel burn rates in various flight profiles taxi, climb, cruise, approach and landing.
Generally, the farther the route, the more fuel burned. However, since take-off / landing demand higher fuel burn rates than level flight, shorter routes can be less efficient (i.e require more fuel per mile).
More sophisticated approach landings involve Continuous Descent Approaches reduces fuel burn decreasing emissions and significantly reduces noise around the airport.
Cargo on passenger flights:
In addition to the aircrafts weight and fuel it carries, the aircraft payload includes passengers and their items and cargo.
Cargo on passenger aircraft includes freight and mail and this needs to be accounted for in calculating the flights associated GHG emissions.
Seat occupancy rate (load factor):
Not all flights take-off 100% occupied.
Aircraft use less fuel per passenger the more passengers there are on board.
Seat occupancy rates have fluctuated over the years; in 1990s it averaged 65%, and in 2006 average load factor was about 80%.
Seat class:
An all-economy class seat aircraft accommodates the highest number of passengers whereas first/business class seats takes up more space and fit fewer passengers
Emissions should be allocated by space (each upper-class passenger is allocated the emissions of economy passengers that could have been seated in the same space)
Aircraft model:
Fuel consumption varies by aircraft model and engine type
Aircraft fuel efficiency has improved steadily over the years through weight reduction, better aerodynamics and engine design but still a large number of less fuel-efficient aircraft remain in service. Aircraft fuel efficiency has improved by some 50% over the past 30%.
Flight profile and distance:
Aircraft experience different fuel burn rates in various flight profiles taxi, climb, cruise, approach and landing.
Generally, the farther the route, the more fuel burned. However, since take-off / landing demand higher fuel burn rates than level flight, shorter routes can be less efficient (i.e require more fuel per mile).
More sophisticated approach landings involve Continuous Descent Approaches reduces fuel burn decreasing emissions and significantly reduces noise around the airport.
Cargo on passenger flights:
In addition to the aircrafts weight and fuel it carries, the aircraft payload includes passengers and their items and cargo.
Cargo on passenger aircraft includes freight and mail and this needs to be accounted for in calculating the flights associated GHG emissions.
Seat occupancy rate (load factor):
Not all flights take-off 100% occupied.
Aircraft use less fuel per passenger the more passengers there are on board.
Seat occupancy rates have fluctuated over the years; in 1990s it averaged 65%, and in 2006 average load factor was about 80%.
Seat class:
An all-economy class seat aircraft accommodates the highest number of passengers whereas first/business class seats takes up more space and fit fewer passengers
Emissions should be allocated by space (each upper-class passenger is allocated the emissions of economy passengers that could have been seated in the same space)
21. Aviation: initiatives to reduce carbon emissions The aviation industrys 4-pillar strategy to address climate change:
Better Technology
Improved Operations
More efficient infrastructure
Positive economic measures
22. Airlines: EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) What is the EU ETS ?
It is a greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme which aims to limit emissions by imposing progressively lower limits on sources of greenhouse gases
All airlines flying into Europe will soon need to show how they intend to disclose their carbon emissions and transport data
The airline industry will be included in the European Union (EU) Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) from 2012. This will create new challenges in meeting the requirements
The EU-ETS Directive will require all aircraft operators flying into or out of any EU airport to participate in the EU ETS SukSuk
23. How can airlines minimize carbon emissions? In the Air
Efficient use of aircraft
New aircraft
Route structure
Fly direct
Avoid congested hubs
On the Ground
Shorter turnaround times
Use less ground equipment
Simple airport infrastructure
In the Air
Efficient use of aircraft - configured the seating of planes to accommodate more passengers per aircraft, therefore saving fuel on same a/c and route
New aircraft latest technology equipped = cleanest and fuel efficient, minimising environmental impact
Route structure (e.g. fly short-haul only) short-haul flights create significantly less carbon emissions than long-haul
Fly direct avoiding having to land and take-off keeps emissions to a minimum
Avoid congested hubs quick turnarounds, minimal taxing and holding patterns uses less fuel and so emitting less carbon
On the Ground
Shorter turnaround times means that less airport services / infrastructure is needed and so less energy is used on the ground.
Use less ground equipment e.g. avoid using air-bridges, motorised steps so more efficient keeps emissions minimal
Simple airport infrastructure dont need expensive energy intensive facilities
In the Air
Efficient use of aircraft - configured the seating of planes to accommodate more passengers per aircraft, therefore saving fuel on same a/c and route
New aircraft latest technology equipped = cleanest and fuel efficient, minimising environmental impact
Route structure (e.g. fly short-haul only) short-haul flights create significantly less carbon emissions than long-haul
Fly direct avoiding having to land and take-off keeps emissions to a minimum
Avoid congested hubs quick turnarounds, minimal taxing and holding patterns uses less fuel and so emitting less carbon
On the Ground
Shorter turnaround times means that less airport services / infrastructure is needed and so less energy is used on the ground.
Use less ground equipment e.g. avoid using air-bridges, motorised steps so more efficient keeps emissions minimal
Simple airport infrastructure dont need expensive energy intensive facilities
24. Flying: variation in carbon emissions Suk
Anyone taking these flights over a year might rack up a carbon footprint totalling more than 35 tonnes.
Anyone taking these flights over a year might rack up a carbon footprint totalling more than 35 tonnes.
Carbon footprinting in the wider industry
Road & railPhil
Road & rail
26. Road Did you know?
There is one car for every 2 people in the UK
Each travels an average of about 9,000 miles a year
Emissions are directly related to the amount of fuel you buy
Newer smaller cars are about twice as energy-efficient as older, 4-wheel drive vehicles
Road sector is the largest source of carbon emissions from transport in the UK
27. Road: climate change facts Carbon emissions from passenger cars have seen a downward trend but those from HGVs have continued to rise
Carbon emissions of new cars purchased in the UK have been on a slow gradual downward trend:
Penetration of diesels and improvements in fuel efficiency as well as Government & EU policies is reflected in this downward trend Phil
Policies: coming up (slide 29)
Policies: coming up (slide 29)
28. Road: CO2 (DfT) forecasting
2000 2010: Emissions of carbon from road transport are expected to grow by about 10%
Increased levels of traffic will offset improvements in fuel efficiency
Slower traffic growth due to:
Modal shift
Ownership saturation?Phil
Slower traffic growth due to:
Modal shift
Ownership saturation?
29. Road: initiatives to reduce carbon emissions Initiatives & Government policies:
Encourage purchase of more fuel efficient vehicles by increasing cost of petrol/diesel
Introduce schemes to incentivise the use of biofuels
Provide research & development support for industry-led low carbon vehicle
Promote Eco-driving programmes
A way of driving to reduces fuel consumption, GHG emissions and accidents
Several countries have already implemented successful eco-driving programmes
30. Support and encourage development of new technology for improving fuel efficiency and carbon footprint, e.g.:
Hybrids (battery recharged from electricity)
Fully electric vehicles
Generation of biofuels
Hydrogen-fuelled vehicles
Road: initiatives to reduce carbon emissions Phil
Picture is of hybrid bus
All-electric vehicles may be a viable option for consumers who require a car for short urban journeys only but these vehicles do not yet possess the range, size or top speeds likely to make them attractive for the majority of consumers.
Hydrogen and fuel cell technologies face a number of technical and cost challenges before they can become commercially viable options for road or other transport modes. Fundamental fuel cell stack performance is not yet able to deliver the required mix of power density, lifetime, cold start and other properties at acceptable cost.
Picture is of hybrid bus
All-electric vehicles may be a viable option for consumers who require a car for short urban journeys only but these vehicles do not yet possess the range, size or top speeds likely to make them attractive for the majority of consumers.
Hydrogen and fuel cell technologies face a number of technical and cost challenges before they can become commercially viable options for road or other transport modes. Fundamental fuel cell stack performance is not yet able to deliver the required mix of power density, lifetime, cold start and other properties at acceptable cost.
31. Rail: initiatives to reduce carbon emissions In aggregate, passenger rail contributes just 0.5% to total UK CO2 emissions
Initiatives under way aimed at further improving energy efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions per passenger km from rail include:
Regenerative braking (where electric trains return energy to the power supply when braking)
Biofuels trials
Investigating the scope for energy savings from more efficient driving techniques
Taken together, these measures should have a significant impact on the railways core energy efficiency Phil
However, downside is that modern trains have more powered systems: doors, A/C, displaysPhil
However, downside is that modern trains have more powered systems: doors, A/C, displays
32. Managing the environmental impact of transport In your business, how could you reduce CO2 emissions?
May be helpful to consider: PhilPhil