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Making Visible the Invisible - Library Unbound by George Legrady

Explore how George Legrady transformed Seattle Public Library through data art, technology, and community involvement. Discover the innovative projects and challenges faced in creating a dynamic data exchange center within a library setting.

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Making Visible the Invisible - Library Unbound by George Legrady

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  1. MAKING VISIBLE THE INVISIBLE “Library Unbound” Seattle Public Library Commission Data Art for the Networked Community George Legrady

  2. George Legrady

  3. SPL Library: Architectural InfraStructure Transformations • Rem Koolhaas radical redesign • Open public research computerized spaces • Spiral lay-out book storage stacks • Wired librarians (offices turned into open spaces) • RFID automated checkout and return sorting George Legrady

  4. Book Spiral: Dewey Classification in a Continuous Ribbon George Legrady

  5. Dewey Coded Floor Spiral .jp George Legrady

  6. Automated RF System Check-in, Check-out George Legrady

  7. Librarians Set Loose: Traded Office Space for Commdevice George Legrady

  8. Visualizing the Collective Data Space: The Library As Data Exchange Center George Legrady

  9. Librarians & Visualization George Legrady

  10. “Making Visible the Invisible”, a 10 year Visualization Project 2004-2014 • For the next ten years: Collect hourly circulation of books, analyze the data, and represent through visualizations • Data animations are featured on 6 large LCD panels located on a glass wall horizontally behind the librarians’ main information desk • in the Mixing Chamber, a large open 19,500 sq ft space dedicated to information retrieval and public accessible computer research. George Legrady

  11. Research Phase (fall 2003-spr 2005) • 1 week residency to learn about the library, its operations, etc. • Correlation is madebetween the flow of data (books, DVD) leaving the library and what the community of patrons considers interesting information at any specific time. • The circulation of books is information that can be calculated mathematically and represented visually. George Legrady

  12. What are the Research Questions? • Focus on the library as a “Data Exchange Center” • Information incirculation: Meaning to emerge out of the organization of data • Emergence driven: Localindividual actions (checking out books/dvds) add up to collective positions: representative of the communal thinking! • How to transform the collecting and processing of data into an aestheticexperience: Emphasis on narrative, metaphoric, associative expression • Visualizations: Based on the organization of the data, according to rule-based processes George Legrady

  13. Challenges: Negotiating Data Access, Privacy, Reliability • Libraries & other archival institutions are not used to dynamic artworks that plug into their system for data • Much negotiation with the IT sector for access to data over long time • Obvious main concerns: Security, privacy protection, system integrity, virus protection, maintenance, etc. • Reliability Issue: Project has to be reliable, self-sustaining for the next ten years George Legrady

  14. 3 Related Previous Projects: 1992-2001 • An Anecdoted Archive From the Cold War, 1992A collection of historical & personal objects organized according to an invented classification system (Floorplan) • Slippery Traces, 1995Navigation through 250 postcards (classified into 26 chapters) according to multilayered rules inscribed in database (picture within picture navigation links) • Pockets Full of Memories, 2001A dynamically growing collection of artifacts with data sets provided by the public. The objects are dynamically self-organized in a 2D map continuously creating a global order George Legrady

  15. Anecdoted Archive from the Cold War: 1992 • A collection of historical & personal objects organized according to a “hardwired” classification system: Museum floorplan; 8 rooms/chapters; each with 6 to 12 stories; each story has mutiple narratives based on object grouping George Legrady

  16. Slippery Traces: 1995 • 250 postcards organized into 26 chapters. Multilinear relational database structure: Navigation from image to image according to rules inscribed in database with picture within picture navigation links) George Legrady

  17. Pockets Full of Memories: 2001-2006 • A dynamically growing collection of artifacts provided by the public with data sets through a questionnaire. The objects are dynamically self-organized in a 2D Visualization map. Local similarities emerging into a global order. George Legrady

  18. Phase I: Concept & Design Development (2003) | With Andreas Schlegel • Visualizations experimentations: Rapid prototyping rough sketches focused on look and feel of still & animations • Dewey Decimal Classification system • Online Tracking of Flow of data: George Legrady

  19. George Legrady

  20. Significant Area: Digital Data Processing / Management • Basic method: [data collection] -> [data processing] -> [visualization] • Bulk of the work: The [data processing] in-between incoming data and the visualization • Data is received every 10 minutes (3000 per hour, 20000 transactions per day) • Operating for the next ten years (2014) <Processing> In:DATA Out:VISUALIZATION George Legrady

  21. Data Processing & Metadata • How: by tracking the circulation of books/media • Require: Regular access to real-time data over long time • Methods: Calculations based on metadata • All books & media (cds, dvds, etc.) are RF tagged • System tracks circulation automatically • Metadata: Catalog Num; bibliography Num; date/time stamps; collection code; itemtype; barcode; title; callNumber; Dewey class; keywords. George Legrady

  22. Dewey Classification System: Ten topics each subdivided into 100 subclasses • 000 - Generalities100 - Philosophy & Psychology200 - Religion300 - Social Science400 - Language500 - Natural Science & Mathematics600 - Technology & Applied Sciences700 - Arts800 - Literature900 - Geography & History • “Untangling my chopsticks” has the Dewey label 641.5952, (placed in the 641 “Food & drink” section) George Legrady

  23. Metadata in XML Format • <transaction> • <itemNumber>1531202</itemNumber> • <bibNumber>2180049</bibNumber> • <ckodate>2005-04-20</ckodate> • <ckotime>16:55:00</ckotime> • <ckidate>2005-05-06</ckidate> • <ckitime>18:21:00</ckitime> • <collcode>nanf</collcode> • <itemtype>acbk</itemtype> • <barcode>0010045801205</barcode> • <title>Untangling my chopsticks, a culinary sojourn in Kyoto</title> • <callNumber>641.5952 R358U 2003</callNumber> • <deweyClass>641.5952</deweyClass> • <subjects> • <subject>Cookery Japanese</subject> • <subject>Japanese tea ceremony</subject> • <subject>Kyoto Japan Social life and customs</subject> • <subject>Food habits Japan Kyoto</subject> • </subjects> • </transaction> George Legrady

  24. Phase II: Visual Exploration & System Planning (2004) | With August Black • System, data storage discussions with SPL IT • Experimentation with graphic visualizations: spectral pulses; radar plots; bezier/spirals, Voronoi variations • Planning the datastructure: its organization, questions of what to look for, what patterns, keywords? George Legrady

  25. Phase III: System Architecture, Design & Production | With Rama Hoetzlein • July 2005: System Architecture: Design and production • Aug 2005: Data Flow Structure and Visualizations (without access to real data) • Sept 5-12, 2005: Seattle Installation: • 1 week to install • First realtime access to data • Hardware/Software synchronization • Interface with IT George Legrady

  26. Rama Hoetzlein: System Development (summer/fall 2005) • System overview (for continuous, large scale data analysis and real-time visualization) • Data Analysis Overview • Keyword Frequency Analysis • Storing Data over time (10 years) • Visualization Processes (Realtime graphics, synchronizataion, data retrieval) • Network Data Flow (Server, clients, data transfer) • Multiple Visualization Timing • Visualization Management (Layered processes, GameX interface) George Legrady

  27. Librarians & Visualization George Legrady

  28. 1 _Vital Statistics, Fall 2005 • The day’s and last hour’s circulation activities • 1) Total items, 2) Dewey, 3) Non-Dewey, 4) Books,5) DVD, 6) CD’s and other media • Background color changes with time throughout day • IMPACT: Statistical overview, a form of clock at glance George Legrady

  29. 2 _Floating Titles: Fall 2005 • Time based, linear stream of the last hour’s titles, timestamped, spatialized (far, close), and color coded (books, media) • IMPACT: Sequence provides unexpected associations George Legrady

  30. 3 _Dot Matrix Rain: Fall 2005 • Non-Dewey titles fall from the top of screen (gravity metaphor), Dewey titles pop up on screen • Finale: Overall Dewey activity trace • IMPACT: Relational overview (for librarians) between Dewey, non-dewey, books, and media. George Legrady

  31. 4 _Keyword Map Attack: Fall 2005 • Word Frequency Index of significant title words, and Marc associated keywords, spatially plotted according to Dewey order, color coded, based on usage • IMPACT: Maps topics of interests based on keywords transcending Dewey categories George Legrady

  32. George Legrady

  33. George Legrady

  34. George Legrady

  35. George Legrady

  36. George Legrady

  37. George Legrady

  38. George Legrady

  39. Front and Back Views of the Visualization Installation George Legrady

  40. Challenges for a Ten Year Digital Media Arts Project • What to map to show “Change Over time” • Search for patterns: What exactly to look for? • External correlation (news events)? relevant? • Feedback: How does the visualization impact on circulation? • How do the librarians react to the visualized information, and the participatory need of technical support? George Legrady

  41. Review & Evaluation Issues • Best realization method: Custom software design defined by the task at hand • Collaborative Development requires a particular mindset from participants • Technology changes every 3 years: Long term technological artwork requires maintenance program and budget • Institution must be competent to feature and willing to support technologally complex artworks George Legrady

  42. Credits • Technical Design, Research & Production • Andreas Schlegel, Preliminary interaction Design, website, data organization (2003-2004) • August Black, Preliminary data organization and visualization, system administration (2004-2005) • Rama Hoetzlein/Mark Zifchock Team, Final Engineering design, data organization, and production (Summer 2005) • Sponsors • Seattle Public Library • Seattle Arts Commission • Committee of 33, Seattle • NSF IGERT multimedia Research George Legrady

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