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Explore the achievements and ongoing projects of ITU-T Study Group 16 on multimedia services, systems, and terminals. Learn about media coding, MM platforms, and more.
ITU-T Study Group 16Multimedia Services, Systems and Terminals Pierre-André Probst /Switzerland
Contents • Terms of reference • Management Team • SG Organization • Statistics • Highlights of achievements / Projects / FGs • Workshops • Future work • Conclusions
Terms of Reference • Studies related to service definition and multimedia systems (MM), including the associated terminals (including facsimile terminals), modems and signal processing. • Lead SG for: • MM services, systems and terminals • E-business and e-commerce
Study Group Structure • WP1- Modems and facsimile terminalsTerminal and interworking aspects of modems and facsimile, MM facilities for customers with disabilities like text telephony. • WP2 - MM-platform and interworkingMM systems characteristics and their interworking over different platforms (PSTN, ISDN, IP-based networks, Mobile). • WP3 - Media codingAlgorithms for speech, audio and video coding and associated software tools. • WP4 - MM frameworkLead SG activities (Mediacom 2004: coordination of MM standard development in and outside ITU-T) and overall MM services and applications aspects, including end-to-end architecture.
Statistics (I) • Sixty-nine Rapporteurs meetings held • Eight normal and 429 delayed contributions received • Six SG meetings and two WP meetings held • SG participants : • Max: 187 (2000-11) • Min: 109 (2003-05) • Average: 134
Statistics (II) • 69new & 136 revised Recommendations approved • 22 Questions assigned by WTSA-2000 • Four new or revised Questions during study period • 20 Questions proposed for the next study period
Highlights of achievements (I) • Modems, facsimile terminals and accessibility to MM systems:- Support of modems connections over IP-based networks (V.150 series).- Improvement of facsimile terminals standards (colour fax: T.42) and real-time communication for Group 3 facsimile over IP based networks (T.38).- Promotion of text conversation standards and development of protocols to support these facilities in and over IP based networks.
Highlights of achievements (II) • MM Platform and Interworking (1/2):- New version of Media Gateway Protocol (H.248) and development of new packages (41 in total).- MM Systems over ISDN (H.320): introduction of support for H.264 and use of additional video channels (H.239).- MM Systems over IP-based networks (H.323): development and approval of Version 5 which includes a number additional functions, enhancement to H.323 related Recs like H.225.0 (call signalling) and H.460 series (generic extensible framework).- Security for MM systems (H.235): further development to Version and approval of Version 3, which includes RAS and NAT/Firewall related aspects.
Highlights of achievements (III) • MM Platform and Interworking (2/2):- Directory services: development of a new series (H.350) allowing the use of LDAP and X.500 directory services for MM conferencing (7 Recs covering H.323, H.320, H.235, SIP and non-standard protocols, call forwarding and preferences).- Mobility management for H.323 systems: development of a new series of Recs (H.500) addressing mobility management of H.323 terminals and users (H.510), security procedures (H.530) and intra/inter domains management related aspects (H.501).- Reference architecture for controlling the QoS and service priority of MM services in heterogeneous networks: approval of a new Rec H.360.
Highlights of achievements (IV) • Media coding (1/2)- Development of a new generation of video coding standards (H.264) in cooperation with MPEG for all applications (distributive and interactive communications) on different platforms (fixed and mobile including IP-based networks), bit rate reduction of more than 50 % for the same level of quality (adopted by the DVD-Forum for High Definition-DVD standard).- Still image coding: continuation of the collaborative work with JPEG (maintenance of the T.80 and T.800 series of Recs).Cooperation to be strengthened in future (e.g joint meeting in 2005).- Wideband speech coding around 16 kbit/s: alignment of G.722.2 with 3GPP AMR-WB specifications (Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband)
Highlights of achievements (V) • Media coding (2/2)- 4 kbit/s speech coding: considerable efforts spent to identify and assess two possible candidates towards a single standard.No consensus was possible among the proponents, the work is suspended since October 2002.- Variable bit rate coding of speech signals: definition of target performance objectives to support a large number of applications (3G wireless services, VOIP, very low bit rate PSTN, CME, PCME, …), corresponding Recs are planned for 2005/2006.- Maintenance of existing standards and of software tools for audio coding development
Highlights of achievements (VI) • MM Framework (MEDIACOM-2004) (1/2)- Development and approval of basic Recs for triple-play service deployment based on xDSL technologies in the access network: - creation of a Focus Group in accordance with A.7 - development and approval of two Recs covering the Architecture (H.610) and AOMP aspects (H.611), based on technical specifications prepared in the FS-VDSL Focus Group.- TDR/ETS: considerable efforts spent to identify the MM needs of the different players involved in ETS and TDR, approval of a new question (Q I/16) and creation of the PCP-TDR (Partnership Coordination Panel) as informal platform to contribute to the coordination in the development of ETS/TDR standards in and outside ITU-T among the various organisations involved in this field.
Highlights of achievements (VII) • MM Framework (MEDIACOM-2004) (2/2)- e-Health: approval of a new question (Q J/16: MM Framework for e-Health application) to study the standardisation of MM service facilities to support the various e-Health applications (e.g. telemedecine) and creation of an informal platform (eHSCG: e-Health Standardisation Coordination Group) to exchange information and identify possible standardisation issues among the different communities involved in this area.- Development of a Metadata Framework to allow content and/or broadcast program information to be delivered over different networks and terminals (F.MDF).
Highlights of achievements (VIII) • Lead SG Activities: Multimedia (MEDIACOM-2004)- Project Steering Committee mechanism used for the coordination with IETF (e.g. H248, H.350) and MPEG (e.g. H.264). - Coordination of SG16 involvement in the IP, GII and NGN projects.- Organisation of and participation to several workshops (see next slide).- Workshop follow up on SG16 relevant issues (updating of the work programme and of the questions). • Lead SG Activities: e-commerce and e-business-relevant issues of MM transactions have been addressed in the work on SG16 questions (e.g. under Q G/16 on security)- participation to the UN-ECE MoU management team meetings- new set of questions includes the trends towards “e-everything”
Workshops (I) • IP-Networking and Mediacom-2004 [with SG13](Geneva, 24-27 April 2001) • Multimedia in the 21st century(Porto Seguro, Brazil, 4-5 June 2001) • Multimedia Convergence (IP Cablecom / Mediacom 2004/ Interactivity in Multimedia)[with SG9 and ITU-R SG6](Geneva, 12-15 March 2002) • Satellites in IP and Multimedia [lead SG13](Geneva, 9-11 December 2002) • Telecommunications for Disaster Relief [with SG2](Geneva, 17-19 February 2003)
Workshops (II) • Standardization in E-Health [with ITU-D](Geneva, 23-25 May 2003) • Next Generation Networks: What, When and How? - "Encompassing Services, Transport Convergence, mobility issues and more..."[Lead SG13](Geneva, 9-10 July 2003) • Accessibility I: ITU Takes Deaf People's Accessibility Needs Into Account - a plenary Session within the Telecommunications for the Deaf (TDI) Conference(Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 14-16 July 2003)
Workshops (III) • Accessibility II: Communication by all means: Accessibility for all in telecommunications enabled by multimedia standards - a special session at the Telecom 2003 Forum)(Geneva, 12-17 October 2003) • Standardization in Telecommunications for motor vehicles[with SG12](Geneva, 24-25 November 2003) • High-level workshop on International Standards for Medical Technologies - World Health Organization (WHO)[lead WSC = ITU + ISO + IEC](Geneva, 26-27 February 2004)
Workshops (IV) • H.350, Directory services for multimedia networks[organized by ViDeNet/Internet2](Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, 25 March 2004) • All Star Network Access[lead SG15](Geneva, 2-4 June 2004) • Home Networks Home and Services[with SG9](Tokyo, Japan, 16-17 June 2004) • Advances in the Emerging Standard H.264/AVC[organized by US International Society for Optical Engineering – SPIE](2-6 August 2004)
Future Work (I) • MM service capabilities trends:- Large offer of multimedia services and applications (“Anytime, Anywhere, Anyone”), increased complexity of customer segmentation.- Convergence with broadcastingat the service and network levels.- Increased customer needs for higher bandwidth and terminal/service/users mobility (fix/mobile convergence).- Importance of content creation and delivery.
Future Work (II) • Impact on SG16 future work:- Address the higher layers capabilities for ubiquitous services (e-everything)- Decoupling between the higher and lower layers of the NGN (architecture)- Continue to address the interworking issues (evolution of platforms)- Strengthen the coordination efforts (MEDIACOM) within ITU-T/ITU and with other SDOs and Forum/Consortia and make extensive use of existing tools (A-Series of Recs.)
Acknowledgements • To SG16 customers ! • To the management team of the SG, • To the TSB counselors, • To the TSB secretariat, • To the TSB Director,