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THE REDEEMED CHRISTIAN SCHOOL OF MISSIONS. CHILD EVANGELISM. CHILD EVANGELISM. INTRODUCTION Reading through the Scriptures in Luke chapter 18; we see Jesus’ attitude to the rich young ruler and the children there as a contrast:- 1. A locked door with extra bolts heavily closed.
CHILD EVANGELISM • INTRODUCTION • Reading through the Scriptures in Luke chapter 18; we see Jesus’ attitude to the rich young ruler and the children there as a contrast:- • 1. A locked door with extra bolts heavily closed.
CHILD EVANGELISM • 2. A widely opened door way without any threshold, any hindrance, no door at all welcomed an encouragement. Another surprise is in the gospel according to Saint Matthew chapter. 18:1, when the question, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven was raised?
CHILD EVANGELISM • The answer Jesus gave is in the second through to the sixth verses. There were also argument as to whether or not children’s conversion be done before adolescence.
CHILD EVANGELISM • Again in Verse 10 the ministry of Angels concerning children was spelt out. In Verses 13&14 Jesus expounded on how much concern God shows for the lost and the child. Hence, this should propel us into compassion on and with little children if we as Christians desire to be like Father.
CHILD EVANGELISM • Statistics has it that one-third of the population in the world is under age 15, which equally portend that more than a billion children in the world need to know Jesus Christ. Child evangelism is not a different Gospel, rather it is a translation problem, in which we must proclaim the great truths of the Christian faith in a very simplistic and tactful manner.
CHILD EVANGELISM • WE NEED A VISION • WHY? We are the chosen one 1Peter 2:9. The things of the kingdom are not hidden from us. So we should see a vision. Because “without VISION in the Church the children in the world perish” Prov. 29:18. “Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest”. John 4:34-35.
CHILD EVANGELISM • WHO’S TASK? Deut. 6:4-9 • (1) Originally the parents (Deut. 6:4-9, Deut. 11; Deut 31:12-13). What of those outside the flock (Matt. 18:10-14). • (2) The followers of Jesus Christ,- the committed believers. That is, you and i. We are to take heed.
CHILD EVANGELISM • REASONS FOR CHILD EVANGELISM? • (1) It is Christ’s mission • (2) It is Christ’s joy. • (3) it is the will of the Master that the little ones should not perish. Believers should intensify efforts to concentrate on the field of children, especially: • (a) The abandoned • (b) The outcast • (c) The fatherless • (d) The ones in the school • (e) The children of Christians. • (f) The children of non-Christians • (g) Pastors’ or ministers’ children. The field is vast
CHILD EVANGELISM • Nearly 1/3 of the world population falls under these categories. If you cannot reach them all , reach the ones in your locality, environment and or country. • This is important: Because: • 1. It is in God’s plan of Redemption: Moses to pharaoh Ex. 10:9. Moses said “we will go with our young”. Not one child was left in Egypt to suffer. • 2. It is in the Strategy of the Church: To neglect children is heading for the death of the community.
CHILD EVANGELISM • 3. It is for us as witnesses of Christ. To teach children the things of God is a matter of obedience. It is often repeated in the scriptures (Prov. 22:6; Deut. 6:6-7; Deut. 32:45-46; Ps. 78:5-8, Eph. 3:4).
CHILD EVANGELISM • 4. Psychologists, state the vital parts of children upbringing is mainly contained in their early childhood, since it is during this period they have a keen and receptive mind owing to their developmental stage. For instance, if one wants a fine Cocoa and a good crop, one must take proper care, measure and monitoring right from the nursery stage when it is easier and less strenuous to tend.
CHILD EVANGELISM • 5. The children ministry has been neglected and under-sighted: in the current church state. Conscious efforts to propagate the gospel has been centred and channelled to the adults and youths. However, we need to fashion out the factors responsible for this mal-appropriation. We may then ask , What are the contributing factors that led to the children ministry ineffectiveness in our present Christian community ?
CHILD EVANGELISM • (a) Under evaluation of the spiritual capacity of children to assimilate the Gospel message. • (b) Absence of an evangelism theology of the evangelization of children.
CHILD EVANGELISM • (c) Absence of good books, especially on academic level, dealing with the principles of the evangelization of children. • (d) Lack of vision in the Church for this work, consequently lack of support for children workers.
CHILD EVANGELISM • (e) Inadequate or non-existent training for this ministry etc. • (6) The fruit is ripe for harvest: If we do not throw the sickle, the fruits will be reaped by the enemy(devil and his agents). The children of today will be adults of tomorrow so the time to reach them for Christ is NOW. How do we go about it?
CHILD EVANGELISM • Underlisted below are few out of the many strategies to employ in reaching this little but precious ones, This will be developed according to the lines of the main sources of influence.
CHILD EVANGELISM • (a) The family: It is unquestionable. The home has the greatest influence on the child. In God’s creative plan, parents for the children are His first appointed evangelists. That is why Satan is always trying his utmost to dismantle the family.
CHILD EVANGELISM • To disallow him, be to yourselves true Christian parents. As fathers and mothers let your ambition be that your child will know the things of the kingdom of God first. Then other things come later.
CHILD EVANGELISM • (b) The school: Today, schools in Africa, especially in Nigeria are fast becoming battle fields of the ungodly. Our vision as children workers should be to infiltrate the schools, from kindergarten to University with Christian teachers. Even when we are forbidden to make propaganda for our faith our way of teaching will be different and can have a deep influence.
CHILD EVANGELISM • (c) The church: The Church is the best place to reach the children , only if the Church follows the original design and purpose of her existence. When Jesus brought back little daughter of Jarius, He took with him not only the parents but his co-workers (three of his disciples), representatives of the future Church (mark 5:40).
CHILD EVANGELISM • For today’s Peter, John and James, there is a range of possible activities: Sunday school, children quiz, sports and other post-church activities that can keep them in the presence of God.
CHILD EVANGELISM • (d) Teaching, children’s missions, weekend Retreats in Churches: Evangelistic camps, music (leading songs, creating new songs and choruses) etc.
CHILD EVANGELISM • CONCLUSION • Brethren, you have known the will of our Master Lord Jesus for the children. Since evangelising children is a priority, in which way do you feel God is leading you to be personally committed? Ask Him to show you and obey. You know we need to have a vision, and that the field is vast and the fruits are ripe for harvest.
CHILD EVANGELISM • NOW is the time for harvest, as you know that procrastination is dangerous, which could bring unpalatable result to the kingdom. Take a decision to obey God’s command to reach the unreached. To win children for Christ is a TASK THAT MUST BE DONE.