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Funding For HIV/AIDS

Aidan Askin Brandon Silva. Funding For HIV/AIDS. Purpose. The purpose to our Civic Action Project is to achieve more funding to HIV/AIDS. We believe that Americans are just a few steps away from curing this destructive disease.

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Funding For HIV/AIDS

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  1. Aidan Askin Brandon Silva Funding For HIV/AIDS

  2. Purpose • The purpose to our Civic Action Project is to achieve more funding to HIV/AIDS. • We believe that Americans are just a few steps away from curing this destructive disease. • We want to stop the increasing number of 33 million people in Africa with HIV/AIDS • Since we are in a struggling economy the government has halted the funding for HIV/AIDS

  3. HIV/AIDS • AIDS is a life-threatening condition which ultimately results in Human Immunodeffincy Virus (HIV). • This disease directly interferes with the body's ability to fight foreign organisms that could be threatening to the person health.

  4. HIV/AIDS Direct Effect on a Person • Someone suffering from this disease, must endure an extremely poor quality of life. • Symptoms include… After Just Weeks After Years • Chronic Diarrhea • Weight loss • Headaches • Persistent, unexplained fatigue • Blurred and distorted vision • Skin rashes or bumps • Fever • Headache • Sore throat • Swollen lymph glands • Rash

  5. This is Real, This is Now… • 1.8 million people died as 2.6 million people were newly infected in 2009 • More than 68% of people infected with HIV/AIDS are in Sub – Saharan Africa • It affects all ages • 2.5 million children under 15 live with HIV/AIDS worldwide

  6. USAID • USAID • A independent federal agency that is one of the primary agency's that is used for assistance in foreign problems. • Their program consists of Prevention, Care and Support, Treatment, Sustainability and System Strengthening , and Research. • They are very advanced in all these programs and show sufficient evidence of their capability.

  7. What We Have Now • America funded 6.8 billion for the 2010 fiscal year which has not changed from the previous fiscal year. Number of Deaths Worldwide Yearly

  8. Brenda Blakely’s Story • Brenda Blakely was just another normal woman in the United States. • She received a call early in the morning that her brother Bert was dying of HIV/AIDS and only had a few days to live. • Brenda Blakely covered nearly 700 miles to see her brother alive.

  9. Brenda Blakely’s Story • She arrived at the hospital only to see her brother still alive but weak, and struggling painfully. • As he passed in her arms, she cried and sobbed realizing that her brother had fallen victim to HIV/AIDS. • Stories like these are not uncommon, families all over the world suffer the losses just because there is no hope, no cure…

  10. But There Will Be Hope… • For people like Brenda Blakely, seeing someone leave this earth enduring pain and suffering has given them the hope and passion to fight, so that others may not have to go though the same hardships.

  11. Our Feelings… • This subject is extremely important to us, because we believe that every person deserves the same quality of life. • It is painful to witness the apathy toward this HIV/AIDS epidemic that claims millions every year. • Just a slight raise in the annual funding could change the lives of millions around the world.

  12. What The Government Can Do? • As of May 16, 2011 there is no bill in congress leading to an overall increase in the HIV/AIDS funding. • There are many bills relating to our subject but we know that the only way to achieve the cure is money. • We would like to implicate a new policy leading to more federal funding towards HIV/AIDS research.

  13. Resolution • We knowthat an increase of the budget towards USAID and/or a overall increase in the federal budget towards HIV/AIDS will help the this epidemic be destroyed in the US and around the world. • To be bold we are asking to see an increase of 1.5% overall. This 1.5% (102 million dollars) would increase the amount of

  14. What Are We Going To Do?One Action Changes The Face of Millions of lives…

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