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Industrialization Sketches

America's Industrial Revolution 1865-1925. What are the causes?. New Frontiers: Farming's Revolution. After Civil War, US population rose greatlyFarmers went west to Great PlainsHomestead Act, 1862?160 acres of free land to anyone who would farm it for five years. Cattle Farming. Grazed on land in

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Industrialization Sketches

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    1. Industrialization Sketches Why?

    2. America’s Industrial Revolution 1865-1925 What are the causes?

    3. New Frontiers: Farming’s Revolution After Civil War, US population rose greatly Farmers went west to Great Plains Homestead Act, 1862—160 acres of free land to anyone who would farm it for five years

    4. Cattle Farming Grazed on land in Texas, Kansas, Nebraska, Dakotas, Wyoming, and Montana Went to market and brought there on long cattle drives by cowboys

    5. Mountains and Valleys West for riches in mining minerals in Rockies & Sierra Nevada Timber in California Gold & silver funded US industrializing Gold discovered in California brought more settlers west

    6. Transcontinental Railroad To build workers blast through Sierra Nevada and Rockies Chinese, Mexicans, Irish, African Americans, ex-Confederates and Federal soldiers filled job openings on Transcontinental Railroad 1869 it was complete Everyone benefited except the Native Americans

    7. Second Great Removal Rapid settlement of land west of Mississippi R. forced second removal of Native Americans Relocated to reservations Dawes Severalty Act (1871) took away rights of Native Americans to negotiate treaties over land with US government

    8. The Rise of Big Business Captains of Industry or Robber Barons

    9. Industrialization Terms Bessemer Process Horizontal integration Vertical integration Laissez faire Capitalism Capital Social Darwinism Trust Sherman Anti-Trust Act Entrepreneur Philanthropist Corporation Monopoly

    10. Industrialization Focus Questions Was the rise of industry good for the United States? How did the industrialization affect the US?

    11. Industrialism The process of manufacturing replacing agriculture in the US Urbanization of the US US becoming “smaller” due to better modes of transportation and communication Rise of big business & labor unions “The Gilded Age” Trusts

    12. Causes of Industrial Expansion Abundance of natural resources (lumber, coal, oil) fueled factories machines Immigrants (from Southern and Eastern Europe and Asia) filled demand for cheap workers Cultural climate favorable view of entrepreneurs & inventors (the American Dream)

    13. New Technologies Thomas Edison & electric light bulb revolutionized factory life New and better railroads transported goods throughout US Bessemer Process-air sent through molten iron removing impurities; steel made was better and quicker than previously Improvements to telegraph Telephone invented Eased communication barriers

    15. Line Graph: Patents Issued for Inventions, 1845-1900

    16. Impact of Industrialization Long-lasting impact on society Rise in standard of living Cities grew up and out Culturally diverse Efficient production techniques Improved transportation and communication Consumerism Instead of making clothes, they were bought @ stores

    17. Big Business Before Civil War businesses were small and family owned End of 19th C. large corporations dominated the US business scene Corporations gain huge fortunes Federal Regulations target corporate abuses

    18. Big Business Andrew Carnegie—steel baron sold US Steel for $1.5 billion John D. Rockefeller—oil tycoon; Standard Oil Gustavaus Swift and Philip Armour—meatpacking Tobacco, farm machinery, and sewing machines also dominated

    19. Big Business Robber barons— “stole” their fortunes by paying low wages Captains of industry—steered the country toward economic prosperity New business organization cartels Trusts Monopolies/oligopolies

    20. Big Business Trust—has a board of trustees who combine the stocks into a new organization and run the business Bought out/merged with smaller firms Vertical integration—Carnegie/steel Taking control of each step in production of a product Horizontal integration—Rockefeller/oil Bringing together as many firms from same industry

    21. Big Business Social Darwinism to describe how the “fittest” people in society would dominate Carnegie was a philanthropist (rich should share riches to help aid in the betterment of society)

    22. Big Business Federal Regulations established to combat the large corporations Interstate Commerce Commission created to oversee railroad operations Regulated with Sherman Anti-trust Act in 1890, which banned mergers and monopolies didn’t work at first; not enforced; laissez faire

    24. Line Graph for Total Number of Workers, 1870-1920 (in thousands)

    26. Line Graph for Value of US Exports 1850-1905 (in millions)

    28. BAR Graph for Average Annual Income, 1890

    29. Consumer Price Index Today: 219 1890: 9.0 Formula to make the Historical Price the “current” price using the CPI: Divide the most current index number (202.5) by the historical year’s number (9.0) Take this figure (22.5) and multiply it by the price in the historical year (256—teachers salary) and the sum is ($5,760)

    30. The Gilded Age 1873 author Mark Twain “coined” the phrase Something that is gilded looks like gold but only on the outside Used to describe US society because industrialists made great fortunes, led extravagant lifestyles, but there was corruption & social unrest brewing beneath

    31. The Gilded Age Carnegie, Rockefeller, Vanderbilt were all entrepreneurs Amassed huge fortunes Became philanthropists (person who gives money to support a worthy cause)

    32. Robber Barons or Captains of Industry? Critics call industrialists robber barons Wealthy by ruthless means Lavish lifestyle cruelly drove out small businesses raised prices robbed the nation of natural resources worked their workers to death

    33. Supporters think industrialists were captains of industry despite shady dealings, helped usher in modern economy worked hard & took advantage of new technology innovative ideas to finance business created jobs for millions helped living standards rise mostly for wealthy workers continued to struggle… Robber Barons or Captains of Industry?

    34. LL Response: A time when… Write a short paragraph (5-10 sentences) describing a time when you were unhappy with certain conditions—at work, school, or home—that you had to deal with. How did you try to change those conditions? Were you successful? Why or why not?

    35. The Rise of Unions Combatants of Big Business

    36. Unions Vocabulary Working class Child labor American Federation of Labor (AFL) Haymarket Affair Homestead Strike Pullman Strike Division of labor Sweatshop Tenement Labor union Strike Socialism Collective bargaining anarchist

    37. Learning Log Chart (2 pgs) Conditions of the Working Class Labor Movements Strikes Erupt Nationwide Mixed Success

    38. Pg 24: Our Class vs. Labor Unions

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