THE GREEK SCULPTURE • Greeksculpturesevolvedverymuchover time. Theesculptures of theArchaicAge are verystatic and represent figures schematically. In theClassicalAge, sculptorslearnttorepresentmovement in thehumanbody. And in theHellenisticAgesculpturesreflectedpeople´sfeeling and moods. • Themostimportantcharacteristics of Greeksculpture are these: • Itsreligiousfunction . Themajority of thereliefs and statuesrepresentgods and goddeses and heroes. • Theconcernwithbeauty, proportion and harmony. • Theimportance of therepresentation of thenakedhumanbody. • The use fostone in reliefs and bronze in statues. Most of thebronzeshavebeenlost and weonlyknowtheRoman copies in marble.