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MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY T. MAKARIM SALMAN. TERMS RELATED TO THE D.S. 1. Anus (n) (ay- nus ): opening at the lower end of the digestive tract (system), through which faeces are discharged. The combining forms an/o and proct /o both mean the anus. Anal – adj Anally – adverb .
TERMS RELATED TO THE D.S 1. Anus (n) (ay-nus): opening at the lower end of the digestive tract (system), through which faeces are discharged. The combining forms an/o and proct/o both mean the anus. Anal – adj Anally – adverb
2.Rectal(adj) (rek-t’l) pertaining to the rectum. The combining form is rect/o.Rectum – noun.rectally – adverb.
3. appendix (n) (a-pn-diks): the short thin blind-ended tube, 2-20 cm long that is attached to the end of the caecum. The combining form appendic/o means appendix.appendiceal - adj
4.colon(n) ( koh-lon): the main part of the large intestine, running from the caecum at the end of the small intestine to the rectum. The combining formscol/o andcolon/omean colon and large intestine. Colonic – adj
♣Colonoscopymeans visual examination of the inside of the colon, using a colonoscopepassed through the rectum.
5. Duodenum (n) ( dew-o-deen-um): first of the three parts of small intestine. The combining form duoden/o means duodenum.Duodenal – adj
6.enteral(adj) (en-ter-al): means pertaining to the intestine.enterally (adverb)Intestine (noun)♣enteritis: inflammation of the small intestine.
7. Gall bladder (n) (gawl-blad-er) pear-shaped sac located under the liver. The combining form chole/omeans bile or gall, andcyst/o means cyst or sac filled with fluid.♣Cholecystectomy: surgical removal of the gall bladder.
8.gastric(adj) (gas-trik) pertaining to the stomach.♣Gastroenterologist: doctor who specializes in the diseases of the stomach and intestine.♣Gastroscopy: visual examination of the stomach.
9.Ileum(n) (il-ium): the lowest of the three portions of the small intestine, between jejunum and caecum.Ileal – adj (il-i-al)♣ileectomy: surgical removal of the ileum or part of the ileum.
10.liver(n) large organ in the upper part of the abdomen. The combining formhepat/o means liver.hepatic – adj.♣Hepatitis: inflammation of the liver.
11. Pancreas(n) (pank-ri-as): gland which lies across the back of the upper abdomen. The combining form is pancreat/o.Pancreatic – adj.
12. Todigest(v) means to break down the food in the alimentary tract and to convert it into elements which are absorbed into the body.digestive – adjdigestion – noundigestible – adj (can be digested)
13.Buccal(adj) (buk-al): usually pertaining to the inside of the cheek. The combining formbucc/omeans cheek.
14.Dentistry(n) (den-tist-ri): a branch of medicine which deals with teeth and gums. The combining formdent/omeans teeth.Dental – adj
♣Dentist: doctor who specializes in treating disorders of the teeth.♣Dentition (n) (den-tish-on) means the number, type and arrangement of teeth as a whole in the mouth.
♣Denture (n) (den-cher) means a set of false teeth, fixed to a plate which fits inside the mouth.
15. to extract(v) (eks-trakt) means to pull out (a tooth for example).extraction – noun
16.gingiva(n) (jin-jiv-a) means gum.Gingival – adj♣gingivitis: inflammation of the gums.
17.Labial(adj) (lay-bi-al) pertaining to the lips or to the labium. The combining forms labi/oandcheil/omean lips.Lips – nounLabium – noun
♣labioplasty: surgical repair of injury or deformity of the lips.
18.Lingual(adj) (ling-wal) pertaining to the tongue. lingu/o and gloss/oboth mean tongue.
19. Oesophagus(n) (ee-sof-a-gus) from the pharynx to the stomach. The combining form isoesophag/o.oesophageal – adj
20.Pharyngeal(adj)(fa-rin-jee-al) pertaining to the pharynx.♣ Pharyngitis(n) inflammatioon of the pharynx. Pharynx – noun.
21.Oral (adj) pertaining to the mouth. The combining form or/omeans the mouth. Mouth – noun.orally – adverb.22. Stoma (n) (stoh-ma) means mouth. The combining form is stomat/o.stomal– adj.♣Stomatitis: (n) inflammation of the mouth.
23. Palate(n) (pal-at): roof of the mouth. The combining form is palat/o.Palatine – adj.♣Palatoplasty: surgical repair of the roof of the mouth.