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MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY T. MAKARIM SALMAN. 1. Lung (n) one of two organs of respiration in the body into which air is sucked when a person breathes. The combining form pneumon /o means the lungs and air. Pulm /o and pulmon /o are additional combining forms which means lung. Pulmonary – adj.
1. Lung (n) one of two organs of respiration in the body into which air is sucked when a person breathes. The combining form pneumon/o means the lungs and air. Pulm/o and pulmon/o are additional combining forms which means lung.Pulmonary – adj.
2. Pneumonia (n) (new-moh-nia) inflammation of the lung.3. Pneumothorax (n) means air in the pleural cavity.
4. Bronchus (n) air passage leading from the trachea into the lungs.Bronchial – adj.bronchi – plural.
5. Bronchitis (n) (brong-ky-tis) means inflammation of the bronchi. The combining form bronch/o means bronchus.
6. Bronchiectasis(n) (bronk-i-ekta-sis) means a disorder of the bronchi which become wide, infected and filled with the pus. The suffix –ectasis means dilatation or stretching.
7. Bronchodilator (n) a drug which expands the opening of the passage into the lung. The opposite is bronchoconstrictor.
8. Trachea (n) (tray-kia) means the main air passage which runs from the larynx to the bronchi, also known as the wind pipe. Tracheal – adj.trache/o – combining form.
9. tracheostomy (n): a surgical operation to make a hole through the throat into the wind pipe to allow the patient to breath.
10. Larynx (n) an organ in the throat which produces sounds.Laryngeal – adj.laryngitis – noun (inflammation of the larynx).
12. Nose (n) an organ through which a person breathes and smells. The combining forms rhin/o and nas/o both mean nose.Nasal- adj.13. Rhinoplasty (n) means surgical repair of the nose.
14. rhinitis: (n)inflammation of the mucus membrane in the nose.15.rhinorrhea (n): watery discharge from the nose. The suffix -rrheameans flow or discharge.
16. Diaphragm (n) ( dy-a-fram) means the muscle separating the chest and abdomen. The combining form pharen/o means diaphragm Diaphragmatic – adj.
17. Sinus (n) (sy-nus) means a cavity inside the body including cavities inside the head behind cheekbone, forehead and nose. The combining form siun/o means sinus or cavity. 18.sinusitis(n) (sy-nus-I-tis) inflammation of the sinuses.
19. Thoracic (adj) means pertaining to the thorax. The combining forms thorac/o , steth/o and pect/o all mean chest.20. thoracocentesis (n) means puncture of the chest.
21. Costal (adj) (kost’l) referring to the ribs.22. stethoscope(n): means an instrument with two earpieces used for listening to the chest sounds.
23. Anoxia (n) (an-oks-ia) lack of oxygen in body tissue. The combining forms ox/o, ox/iand ox/y all mean oxygen.24. Hypopnoea(n) (hy-poh-nee-a) means abnormal decrease in the rate of breathing.
25. Apnoea (n) (ap-nee-a) means the absence of spontaneous breathing or respiration. The prefix a- means without. The suffix –pnoeameans breathing.
26. Asthma (n) (ass-ma) means narrowing of the bronchial tubes, where the muscle go to spasm and the patient has difficulty in breathing.Asthmatic – adj.
27. Cyanosis (n) (sy-a-noh-sis) means bluish discoloration of the skin or mucous membranes. Caused by a lack of a adequate oxygen. Cyan/o means blue.Cyanosed – verb.Cyanotic – adj.
28. Dysphonia (n) (dis-foh-nia) means any voice impairment. The combining form phon /o means voice or sound.29. Emphysema (n) means air in the tissues.
30. Haemothorax (n) means accumulation of blood in the pleural cavity. The combining formhaem/o means blood. The root word thorax means chest.
31. to respire (v) means breath deeply.respiration – noun respiratory – adj 32. to intubate (v)means to insert a tube into any organ or part of the body. Intubation – noun.
33. Aspiration (n) (ass-per-ay-shon) means:(i) Removing fluids from a cavity in the body.(ii) inhaling foreign materials e.g. vomited stomach contents into the lung.Aspirate – verb.Aspirator – noun ( the instrument that suck fluid out of a cavity)
34. Oedema (n) (ee-de-ma) an excessive accumulation of liquid in body tissues.
35. Spirometer (n) an instrument for measuring the volume of air taken in and out of the lungs.
36. sputum (n) (spew-tum) mucus found in an inflamed nose, throat or lung and coughed up by the patient, also known as phlegm (flem). 37. septum (n) means a wall between two parts of an organ. The combining form is sept/o.Septal – adj.