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Team Building. Bellwork (On Notetaker ). Think back to a time you worked with a group. Name one positive thing about working with a group and one negative thing about working with a group . Objectives for today!. Students will be able to: 1. Identify and apply industry terminology
Bellwork(On Notetaker) • Think back to a time you worked with a group. Name one positive thing about working with a group and one negative thing about working with a group.
Objectives for today! • Students will be able to: • 1. Identify and apply industry terminology • 2. Demonstrate team-building methods
TERMS • Team– A group of people working towards a common goal • Team Building – The process of allowing a group of people the reach a goal • Empowerment – Encourages team members to contribute to and take responsibility for the management process.
TEAM BUILDING • Should be structured so that all team members succeeds • No one in the group should lose • Methods managers should consider: • Clear Rules • Clear Expected Behavior • Promotes Respect • Promotes Responsibility • Safe • Promotes Creativity
Right hand yes/agree….Left hand no/disagree • Q1 Have you ever participated in team building activities? • Q2 On average: Do you think you can get more done with a team in the workplace? • Q3 Do you find it challenging to work with someone you don’t know?
Name that song and artist!!! One point for each • Left side- on your own • Right side- on an assigned team • DJ Earworm Mashup 2013 • Debrief (Answer on the back of your notes): Why do you believe we just did this?
TEAM BUILDING • Social Development • The objective of any method of team-building needs to make sure that employees know: • It is not always that the group solves a challenge, but how the group works together to try to solve the challenge.
TEAM BUILDING • Reasons Managers Use Teamwork Methods: • Improve Communication • Learn Different Roles • Improve Risk Taking • Improve Working Environment • Follow-Up Discussions that can help improve morale among workers
Pinic! • Mr. Reyes is having a picnic. • Mr. Reyes is very picky about what you can bring. • Try to help your teammates figure out what they can bring. • This is not an easy task at first, but funny once you figured it out
TEAM BUILDING • Examples of questions managers use to initiate discussion among employees: • What worked well? • What did not work well? • Was the group successful? Explain • Would you do anything different if you could do the activity again? Explain
TEAM BUILDING • Things for managers to keep in mind when using team-building methods: • Should focus on cooperation, not competition • Use positive feedback often • Do not solve the challenge for the employees • Encourage employees to work together • Remember that employee safety is the most important concern for the manager
ACTIVITY • Detective: Group stands in a circle. Two students are chosen as the detectives. Their task is to find the leader of the "gang." Leader actually leads the group by making movements - group copies to hide the leader. The detective(s) attempt to find the first one who changes the movement. Leader needs to change at least every 10 seconds.
FLYER ACTIVITY • You and you partner are the managers of a coffee shop that recently merged with a small book store. While all employees will remain under their former manager, it is necessary to create a united group of workers. Brainstorm ideas for team-building activities. Pick your favorite activity and design a flyer describing your event.
Closure • A to Z – Using the fist letter of your last name, select a word or phrase which best describes an element of the lesson or the information learned.