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ESPLOST Update. Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools March 5, 2008. ESPLOST Receipts. Year to Date Revenues = $62,798,425.32 including interest earnings. ESPLOST Expenditures. Expenditures listed are as of January 31, 2008. ESPLOST Project Updates. Woodville-Tompkins CM @ Risk

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  1. ESPLOST Update Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools March 5, 2008

  2. ESPLOST Receipts Year to Date Revenues = $62,798,425.32 including interest earnings

  3. ESPLOST Expenditures Expenditures listed are as of January 31, 2008

  4. ESPLOST Project Updates • Woodville-Tompkins • CM @ Risk • Timelines • Short List (3) – March 5, 2008 • Board Approval - April 2008 • Completion of Phase I, II, & III August 1, 2008 • Completion of Phase IV – November 1, 2008 • Stated Cost Limitation - $3.1 Million

  5. ESPLOST Project Updates • Godley Station K-8 • Site Studies completed by Thomas & Hutton • K-8 Site Development Plan submitted to DOE • Design Team Recommendation – May 2008 • CM @ Risk Team Recommendation – August 2008 • Site Work Begin – Fall 2008 • Construction Begin – Spring 2009 • Completion – Summer 2010

  6. ESPLOST Project Updates • Windsor Forest Elementary • Hansen Architects – Capital Improvements Committee • Hansen and URS/PMCC working to confirm master plan to ensure long term success. • Immediate Needs addressed first. • Roof Repair/Replacement • Schedule other work to maximize Local Facility Plan funding.

  7. ESPLOST Project Updates • Security Consultant • Contract Award to Contech Design Group – February 6, 2008 • Performance Time Line – Work Completed June 21, 2008 • Prioritized Intervals (Video Monitoring #1) • Pre-Work Conference held on February 6, 2008 • Recommendations should be in-line with district goal of consistency in equipment/software utilized. • All Video and Fencing Complete prior to 2008-2009 School Year.

  8. 5 Year Local Facilities Plan • Where Are We? • Schools have been assessed for their current physical condition and capital improvement needs. • February 15, 2008 – Draft Submitted to State DOE for review

  9. 5 Year Local Facilities Plan • Timeline • Jan 9, 2008; BOE approve proposed Organization and FTE distribution to schools • Feb 15, 2008; Complete 1st Draft - Database • Mar 14, 2008; Ga DOE Quality Control review • Apr 2, 2008; State Validation team review • May 7, 2008; BOE approve LFP • Jun 30, 2008, State DOE approve LFP

  10. ESPLOST Update Board Discussion / Questions

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