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THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE. (Opisni sedanjik). Spreganje glagola “biti”. EDNINA 1. I am = I’ m (jaz sem) 2. you are = You’re (ti si) 3. he is = he’ s (on je) she is = she’ s (ona je) it is = it’ s (ono je). MNOŽINA 1. we are = we’ re (mi smo)
Spreganje glagola “biti” EDNINA 1. I am = I’m (jaz sem) 2. you are = You’re (ti si) 3. he is = he’s (on je) she is = she’s (ona je) it is = it’s (ono je) MNOŽINA 1. we are = we’re (mi smo) 2. you are = you’re (vi ste) 3. they are = they’re (oni so)
TRDILNA OBLIKA They are readingbooks now.
VPRAŠALNA OBLIKA Are they readingbooks now?
NIKALNA OBLIKA They aren’t reading books now.
TA ČAS SE RABI ZA: • trenutna dejanja (v trenutku govorjenja) I am sleeping at the moment. • začasno dejanje v sedanjosti This week I am reading an interesting book.
Časovni izrazi so: • now, at the moment, right now, today,…
Posebnosti pri pisavi: • če se glagol konča na –e, le tega izpustimo: come – coming, have – having, close – closing • končni soglasnik za kratkim naglašenim samoglasnikom se podvoji, preden dodamo –ing: sit – sitting, hit – hitting, run – running • če se glagol konča na –l, se ta vedno podvoji: travel – travelling • če se glagol konča na –ie, se ta spremeni v –y preden dodamo – ing lie – lying, tie - tying
Exercises: • Napiši obliko glagola za continuous tense: make – making have - ______________ sit - ____________ run - _____________ lie - ______________ stop - ______________ model - _______________ get - ____________ travel - ____________ tie - ____________ write - _____________ work - ______________ enter - ______________ meet - ______________ dance - ______________ get - _______________
Napiši stavke v The Present Continuous Tensu: 0. He/get/prettynervousHe is gettingprettynervous. • She/write/a letter • We/work • They/argue • I/meet/myfriendstonight • Thekids/play/in the garden • They/tie/theirshoes • He/travel/a lot • Look! The dog/pee/on thecarpet • She/enter/thehouse • I/sit/on thesofa
Tvori trdilne povedi v The Present Continuous tensu: 0. Weare dancing (dance) now. • She ___________________ (have) a bath. • I ___________________ (make) my bed. • Mymum _____________________ (talk) to you. • She ____________________ (close) thedoor. • He ____________________ (stand) in front ofourhouse. • Children ___________________ (watch) cartoons. • Look! Thedogs ___________________ (run). • I ____________________ (try) to helpyou at present.
Sedaj povedi iz prejšnje naloge postavi v vprašalno in nikalno obliko: 0. We are dancing now. Are we dancing now? We aren’t dancing now.
Vstavi manjkajoče glagole v opisnem sedanjiku: READ, GROW, LEAVE, EAT, BUILD, PAY, DRAW, GIVE, HOLD, STEAL • She _________________ a book now. • They ________________ their house now. • Look, a thief __________________ her handbag. • My parents __________________ a new garage. • The child __________________ a nice picture. • They _________________ for drinks now. • She __________________ tomorrow. • The plant _________________ very fast. • He ______________________ my hand. • The dog _____________________ his food now. • They ____________________ me some instructions.
VPRAŠALNE POVEDI My brothers are studying a lot. Are my brothers studying a lot? My brothers aren’tstudying a lot. What are my brothers studying? Where are my brothers studying? Why are my brothers studying? Who is studying?
Exercises: Vprašaj se po podčrtanih besedah: 0. Tony is getting up now.When is Tony getting up? • He’s doinghishomeworknow. • They’recomingon Friday. • I’m favinga goodfun. • We are returninghome. • He’s havinga shower. • Myfatheris sellinghis car. • I’m makingbreakfast. • He’s wearing a shirt. • Steveis studyingnow. • Children are playingin the garden at the moment.
SUZANNE VEGA: Tom’s dinner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z66rDVkaK4w Lyrics: I am sitting In themorning At thediner On thecorner I am waiting At thecounter Forthe man To pourthecoffee Andhefills it Onlyhalfway Andbefore I evenargue He is lookingOut the windowAt somebodyComing in"It is alwaysNice to see you"Says the manBehind the counterTo the womanWho has come inShe is shakingHer umbrella