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A Pound of Cure… in 10 min or less. November 2, 2011 Rina Lister, RN CDE MS HM Intermountain Health & Fitness Institute. Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness. Edward Stanley, Earl of Derby (1826-93), British statesman.
A Pound of Cure…in 10 min or less November 2, 2011 Rina Lister, RN CDE MS HM Intermountain Health & Fitness Institute
Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness. • Edward Stanley, Earl of Derby (1826-93), British statesman.
Benefits of Lifestyle Intervention • Decrease in BP noted with lifestyle intervention group LIG (vs. an increase noted in both placebo and metformin group) • TG levels decreased in all treatments groups BUT more so in LIG • LIG significantly increased HDL and decreased LDL • 3 year f/u: 25-28% less Medication to treat HTN and HLD in LIG vs placebo and metformin group\ - DPP. Diabetes Care, 28; 888-894. 2005
CDC: Disease Control and Prevention • Quick review of 7 Lessons Learned from CDC • Identify and build strong partnerships with organizations with skilled and motivated staff • Educate and involve local health care systems, providers, and health plans in the planning process to obtain buy-in and also involve them in screening and diagnostic activities • Build on EBP of others • Begin to educate the target population early and develop motivational strategies to enhance participation • Utilize familiar community organizations to enhance appeal to intervention participants • Achieving participant outcomes takes ongoing support and time • Link prevention efforts to the benefits and activities of partner programs assessing similar populations
Diabetes…CVD…Obesity… • 25.8 million with Diabetes…26.8 Million with Heart Disease…105.4 Million Obese • Risk Factors similar: age, gender, race, family hx, BMI, WC, HTN, HLD, Physical Inactivity, Stress….. • Heart 4 Life Program at Health & Fitness Institute • CDC Summary Health Statistics for U.S. Adults: National Health Interview Survey, 2009.
References • Pleis, J.R., Ward, B.W., and Lucas, J.W. CDC Summary Health Statistics for U.S. Adults: National Health Interview Survey, 2009. National Center of Health Statistics. Vital Health Stat 10 (249); 5-15. • Lloyd-Jones, D., Adams, R.J., Brown, T.M., et al. Heart disease and Stroke Statistics 2010 Update. A report from the AHA Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee.Circulation. 2010;121-170. • Thompson, D.L. Exercise and Diabetes. ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal, 15(2);5. • Ruderman, N. and Devlin, J.T.(1995) The Health Professional’s Guide to Diabetes and Exercise. ADA. Alexandria, VA. 1995.
www.cdc.gov/cvd • www.cdc.gov/diabetes • www.cdc.gov/obesity