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Standard Contract Forum 27 September 2007 13.30 Customer Suite, BT Centre, London

. Standard Contract Forum 27 September 2007 13.30 Customer Suite, BT Centre, London. Standard Contract Forum 27 Sept 2007. AGENDA Introduction and Notes of Previous Meeting Consult 21 Directory Information Update Consolidated Emergency Calls Service

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Standard Contract Forum 27 September 2007 13.30 Customer Suite, BT Centre, London

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  1. . Standard Contract Forum 27 September 200713.30Customer Suite, BT Centre, London

  2. Standard Contract Forum 27 Sept 2007 • AGENDA • Introduction and Notes of Previous Meeting • Consult 21 • Directory Information Update • Consolidated Emergency Calls Service • Monthly billing option for interconnect circuits • Personal Number Call Announcement • Next step telephony contracting • Review of New and Amended Schedules • Any Other Business

  3. 21CN/ Consult21 Update • Broadband • Interconnect • Pathfinder • End User Communications • Consult21 Working Group Activity • Useful Websites 11th September 07

  4. Overview of the March 07 Plan 2012 Nov – Dec 06 Nov – Dec 06 Jan – Mar 07 Jan – Mar 07 Apr – Jun 07 Apr – Jun 07 Jul – Sep 07 Jul – Sep 07 Oct – Dec 07 Oct – Dec 07 Jan – Mar 08 Jan – Mar 08 Apr – Jun 08 Apr – Jun 08 Jul – Sep 08 Jul – Sep 08 Oct – Dec 08 Oct – Dec 08 2009 2010 2011 Pathfinder Pathfinder POTS ISDN Service Trial Pathfinder ISDN 2/30 Review Period Pathfinder Review Broadband IPstream Development WM (BB first) IPstream trial National IPstream Migration (BB first) National Migration OTN Migration Testing Environment National Migration (PSTN, ISDN and IPstream) National Voice Mig’n Rel 4.1 Rel 4.2 Rel 5 (Q4) Rel 3 tbc ONES Ethernet Product Launches NGN Call Conveyance – Jul 2008 WBC – Apr 08

  5. Broadband • The Wholesale Broadband Connect (WBC) product, delivering the “up to 24Mbit/s” broadband capability to end users on ADSL2+ access technology, is planned for full launch the end of April 2008, with the “Managed” version of this product, (WMBC) following immediately after. • BT is bringing forward CP involvement in WBC trialling, starting 1st October with a Proof Of Concept (POC) in an area of Birmingham, using BT employees & also CP nominated end users to test WBC functionality. Results to be shared with interested CPs. • 1st November – Expanding the existing Service Trial (interconnected at Birmingham) to allow 3 CPs to participate with nominated End Users. • 14th January – The Customer Trial leading to launch in April 08 will be open to initially 3, expanding to 10 CPs in February 08. • Some of the preparation work for IPstream migration to 21CN has been paused for four weeks to enable a review of the Broadband First concept (mass migration to 21CN), and to focus on WBC. • The broadband product handover points (POSI) consultation has concluded, with 20 locations being decided upon (this is the same number as before, but with three substitute locations).

  6. Interconnect The first two tranches of DLE interconnect circuits were successfully migrated to Virtual Interconnect Circuits by the end of May. This programme will see the removal of all interconnect circuits from DLEs in the Cardiff and surrounding area (the Pathfinder area), transferring them to the new VIC product. Next Generation PSTN Interconnect (NGN Call Conveyance) is due to launch in July 08. To achieve this, a joint testing programme is required to enable lead players to prove the technology and product detail. Discussions on the various aspects of achieving this are underway. Trialling is to start soon for Multi-Service Interconnect Links (MSIL) which are required to carry both broadband (WBC) and interconnect (NGNCC) services.

  7. Pathfinder – Migration Pilot in South Wales The first end users, on Wick exchange, were migrated to 21CN in November 06. Full migration was completed in June, with Bedlinog following on 3rd July Following issues surrounding a call server upgrade on 12th July, all end users were reverted to 20CN. The plan was to migrate both Wick and Bedlinog back to 21CN on 20th September but instead a limited and focussed onload of some 100 end users in Bedlinog will now occur to glean important detailed feedback in advance of resuming the onload programme. Options currently maintain the end date of mass migration of 2011/12.

  8. Communications • Series of Webcalls held for resellers, with a further one due 27th Sept on “Migration portal overview” • Webcall presentations on the Consult21 “Information for Resellers” website • Reseller events coming up: • Birmingham – 12th September • London – 21st September • Edinburgh – 27th September

  9. Consult21 Working Group Information

  10. Consult21 Working Group Information

  11. Useful Websites • Information and support for communication providers on the 21CN programme: http://www.btwholesale.com/consult21 • The independent public information website covering the process of migration: http://www.switchedonuk.org • For general information about BT’s 21CN programme: http://www.btplc.com/21CN/

  12. BTW Directory Solutions UpdateEwen Watson01977 598584ewen.watson@bt.com

  13. ITEMS TO COVER • Special Phone Book ChargesUpdates to OSIS Charges

  14. Special Phone Book Charges • Background – Definition of the Charges • Two types of data on OSIS: PB Codes and DQ codes • Use DQ as a standard entitlement – 1 free entry for 1 number in 1 Book • Use PB code to add an extra chargeable entry • Anything entered on OSIS with a PB code is chargeable • You can opt to BOLD the DQ entry at a charge

  15. SPECIAL PHONE BOOK CHARGES • Charges raised for all PB codes • £1,320 if PB800 code is used to make listing appear in all Books • £22 if a PBxxx code is used to make listing appear in a specific Book • £35.20 if a DQxx code is used to make the usually free entry BOLD

  16. Mechanics of the Charge • Details of listings to be charged emailed on 24/09/07 • Invoice to be sent 28/09/07 • Any new chargeable listings added to OSIS will be charged (invoices issued each month as an the annual charge) • All chargeable listings move to quarterly charges at end September 08 • Process in place to confirm ownership of listings – Waiting Adopt

  17. Phase 3 • A final category of potential charges – currently printed in Books • A DQ “Additional” listing in a Home Book • (the same number is listed in the same Book under a different name) • DQ Additional in normal typeface remains free to enter on OSIS • Customer would need to opt-in to create a PB listing to generate the additional listing in the Book having agreed to pay a charge • Timings – needs a clean of OSIS data • Will be linked to Phone Book production cycle • Give CPs tools to do the job • Announcements to follow when in place

  18. CP Issues on Project to Date • Timings • Contract • Discount

  19. OSIS CHARGES • Training • OSIS Training remains free. 2008 will be booked in quarterly slots • There will be a charge for late cancellations and no-shows • Non-attendance charge of £500 for each delegate failing to attend a 3 day course • Cancellation charge, as above, if place cancelled within 1 week and not subsequently filled • Audits / System Administration • A Secure ID card ceased through nil response to audit or ceased through no use will be charged £50 to re-instate • (Briefing issued 24/09/07)

  20. Standard Contract Forum 27 Sept 2007 Mandy Bowman 27 September07

  21. Standard Contract Forum 27 Sept 2007 • NewSchedule 225 • Process • consolidated draft schedule 225 circulated 1 May for consultation ...... • response due 14 May; extended to 14 June • 14 August further proposed update to schedule 225 • response due 14 September • Schedule ready for launch - encourage CPs to sign

  22. Standard Contract Forum 27 Sept 2007 • New Schedule 225 • 2. Content • consolidation of four into one; element of updating; order form added (May draft) • emphasize BT reliance on CP supplied data (August draft) • softening of call release obligation for VOIP (September draft)

  23. Standard Contract Forum27th September 2007Interconnect Circuits - Introduction of monthly billing option

  24. MONTHLY BILLING OPTION • Ofcom determination in Jan 2007 for IBCs & IECs • Available from 1st January 2008 • Will apply to all Interconnect products (CSI, ISI & VIC) currently billed quarterly. i.e. CSI, ISI & VIC must all be billed at the same frequency • Will apply to both connections and rentals for a minimum 12 month term • A change Q/M or M/Q can only be implemented on a quarterly billing date. i.e. 1st Jan, Apr, Jul or Oct • A full months notice is required for a change to be implemented. Order by 30th November 2007 for 1st January 2008 implementation • CSI Cost Share - % applied differently under monthly billing option • Contact your Commercial Manager for further information • Notification – via ACCN on 1st October 2007

  25. Standard Contract Forum 27 Sept 2007 Personal Number CallsAnnouncement

  26. Standard Contract Forum 27 Sept 2007 • …PCA on 070 introduced on the BT Network • Increase in call origination costs. • Call set-up time delay – potential Health & Safety issues. • Transit solution development – ongoing.

  27. SCF – 27 September 2007 • ETHERNET MSIL CONTRACTING TASK • Keith Mitchinson

  28. SCF – 27 September 2007 • ETHERNET MSIL TASK • Current draft Ethernet MSIL trial contract • Need to develop contract for launch • Product/service aspects with Ethernet MSIL Contract Experts Working Group • Ethernet MSIL as a prototype MSA with new Consult21 Contracts Group (ex UKCTA) • Note: BT will need to launch product even if MSA text hasn’t been agreed) • Needed for launch notification end November

  29. SCF – 27 September 2007 • NGN CC CONTRACTING TASK • Keith Mitchinson

  30. SCF – 27 September 2007 • NGN CC Background: • Early outline to aid contract drafting produced • Complex portfolio cover – BT products; CP products; joint products; reciprocal products; SMP; non-SMP; esoteric products; End-to-end obligation…….. • Essentially emulation of telephony interconnect • Largely needed for FOA2 service trial (May 2008)

  31. SCF – 27 September 2007 • NGN CC Task • Contract for updated technology for telephony portfolio • Largely duplicate services for “SIA” • Interim product available till October 2009? • To be used in parallel with SIA – parallel services to same customers • Need to try and minimise complications for contract documentation, administration and price list entries • Points to……….

  32. SCF – 27 September 2007 • NGN CC Task • ……….modified SIA as a starter for ten – “Standard NGN Interconnect Agreement” • To be developed in industry Consult21 discussions • Establish NGN CC Contract Experts Working Group • To take account of relevant developments from the industry Consult21 MSA discussions

  33. SCF – 27 September 2007 • NGN CC Task • Familiar SIA model • Main body – boilerplate • Specifications • Annex A – Planning and Operations • Annex B – Billing • Annex C – Product schedules • Annex D – Definitions • Annex E – AIT (Artificial Inflation of Traffic) • Annex F –Credit Management

  34. SCF – 27 September 2007 • NGN CC Task • SIA model to SNIA changes • Main body – update as required • Specifications – new technology • Annex A – update to take account of changes to relationship with MSIL, new SVLAN product, routeing rules etc • Annex B – largely as is – but with new Annex to cover off Interim Charging Arrangement (B1) • Annex C – review: some redundant; SVLAN new; some technology changes • Annex D – lose inappropriate TDM technology definitions, add NGN versions • Annex E – largely as is • Annex F - largely as is

  35. SCF – 27 September 2007 • NGN CC Task – process • NGN CC Contract Experts Working Groupto address:- • Appropriate product/technical changes to boilerplate • Planning and operations document • Interim Charging Arrangement document • Full range of product contractuals • New Consult21 Contracts Group • Ongoing discussions re Ethernet MSIL as a prototype MSA (ex UKCTA) • Address format/content of “boilerplate” for NGN CC

  36. SCF – 27 September 2007 • NGN CC – next steps • Prioritise document production • Nominations for Experts Working Group • Agree Meeting Dates

  37. STANDARD CONTRACTS FORUMSchedule Update 27 September 2007Keith Mitchinson

  38. Standard Contract Forum 27 Sept 2007 SIA CONTRACT DOCUMENTATION DRAFT DOCUMENTATION UPDATES: Emergency Service - Schedule 225 Carrier Pre-Selection - Schedule 143

  39. Standard Contract Forum 27 Sept 2007 • SIA CONTRACT DOCUMENTATION (Cont) • Monthly Billing Option • Annex D • Schedule 01 (ISI/IEC/IBC) • Schedule 130 (CSI) • - Schedule 131 (VIC)

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