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Standard Contract Forum 04 December 2008 14.00 Customer Suite, BT Centre, London

. Standard Contract Forum 04 December 2008 14.00 Customer Suite, BT Centre, London. Standard Contract Forum 04 Dec 2008. AGENDA Introduction and Notes of Previous Meeting AIT Review Update Product Update SIA 2008 General Contract Review Special Phone Book Data Cleanse

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Standard Contract Forum 04 December 2008 14.00 Customer Suite, BT Centre, London

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  1. . Standard Contract Forum 04 December 200814.00Customer Suite, BT Centre, London

  2. Standard Contract Forum 04 Dec 2008 • AGENDA • Introduction and Notes of Previous Meeting • AIT Review Update • Product Update • SIA 2008 General Contract Review • Special Phone Book Data Cleanse • Review of New and Amended Schedules • Any Other Business

  3. Standard Contract Forum 04 Dec 2008 Keith Mitchinson 04 December 08

  4. AIT Product enhancement: broader scope, more disciplined process Began with 2002 Contract Review; negotiations with industry group (intermittently) thereafter; proposal finalised December 07; general industry consultation February (7 responses); redraft March/April; presented to industry group 23 April, SCF 24 April and in Interconnect Notification 121/08 (!4 May) Supplemental agreements to all industry players in June Vast majority have signed to Supplemental Now finalising reference to Ofcom of rejecters and no-responses Ofcom dispute target: 4 months for decision Reminder of 6 months notice period before takes effect 5

  5. TDM Products Sean Hartley

  6. VAT • Recent VAT reduction has raised queries around NTS… • BT Retail is passing on the benefit to consumers; • Not maintaining prices and increasing “P”; • But • NTNP designations “inclusive of value added tax” • Terminators set the rates • Need to consider future VAT changes

  7. 116xxx access codes • Pan-European codes for help lines • Consultation ongoing • Industry view

  8. Standard Contract Forum 04 Dec 2008 Keith Mitchinson 04 December 08

  9. SIA General Contract Review Generally following review process agreed for MSA Consolidated list of CP/BT issues issued by BT Liability Force Majeure Conduct of indemnified events Changes to CPL Hosted numbers Retrospection of charges Invoice disputes SLGs Warranties Disputes Material breach Default Interest rate/Oftel Interest Rate VIC charging 10

  10. SIA General Contract Review Transfer Charging Transitting calls to ported numbers Responsibility for o/g own-route PSTN traffic Generally progress going well – though running a little late Many minor issues hopefully resolved Somebigger issues awaiting progress in MSA discussions Further discussion required and worthwhile BT working on a consolidated draft of proposed changes to help highlight progress made, and unresolved areas Otherwise next steps to be agreed Will issue general update progress briefing to industry, and add to website 11

  11. Special Phone Book Datacleanse Ewen Watson ewen.watson@bt.com 01977 598584

  12. Special Phone Book Datacleanse • Background on the Datacleanse • Datacleanse Briefing • Timescales

  13. Special Phone Book Datacleanse • What is Core Data? • All listings entered on a DQ code (Main and Additional) • Main DQ Listing • 1st listing on a telephone number • Appears on all directory products appropriate to entry type • Appears in local BT Phone Book if Ordinary entry type & Home DQ • Additional DQ Listing • Subsequent listing(s) on a telephone number • Not extracted for Phone Book but may be added as an aid to search on other directory products • Can be created in “Home” or other (“Out of Area”) DQ

  14. Highlands & Islands/NE Scotland DQ 55 Northern Ireland DQ 59 Leeds DQ 41 NE/NW Wales DQ 49 Birmingham DQ 31 Devon DQ 22 Plymouth, Cornwall, Isles of Scilly DQ 23 Core Data – DQ Area Codes

  15. What is Chargeable Phone Book Data? • Any listing entered on OSIS with a PB code • Built with a PB code for an additional listing to appear in a specified Phone Book or ALL Phone Books • Typeface of listing can be changed to BOLD • A Header record can be built as SUPERBOLD

  16. Datacleanse Briefing • From April 5th 2009, BT Retail are changing their extract of Phone Book data, to include only: • DQ Main Listings • PB Listings • It will no longer include: • DQ Additionals

  17. Datacleanse Briefing • First Cleanse: • Additionals with no Main • Duplicate Mains • PB with no supporting DQ Main • PB with XD/DQR Entry Types • Invalid PB Codes • DQ listings with a BOLD typeface • Second Cleanse • DQ Additional Data – does the end user require a chargeable listing? If yes, a duplicate PB listing needs to be created on OSIS

  18. Recommended Timescales • First Cleanse: • To action supplied list of affected listings before • April 5th 2009 • Second Cleanse • DQ Additional Data – needs to be complete before the OSIS cut-off date for listings in each Phone Book (so clean-up programme can run up to March 2010) • eg: if Liverpool Book cut-off is September 2009, to schedule those customer contacts before that date • You need to opt-in your end users for a chargeable PB listing

  19. Standard Contract Forum 04 Dec 2008 Keith Mitchinson 04 December 08

  20. Standard Contract Forum 04 December 2008 SIA CONTRACT DOCUMENTATION Annexes • Annex A Planning & Operations

  21. Standard Contract Forum 04 December 2008 • SIA CONTRACT DOCUMENTATION (Cont) • REVISED DOCUMENTS: • Schedules • • 01 ISI, Third Party ISI & IECs • 104A BT International Outgoing Calls to Authorised Overseas Systems via the BT System (with BT Fixed Volume Option) • 130 Customer Sited Interconnect

  22. Standard Contract Forum 04 December 2008 SIA CONTRACT DOCUMENTATION (Cont) DRAFT SCHEDULE : • 225 Emergency Service (Fixed Emergency Calls, VOIP originated Emergency Calls, and Mobile Emergency Calls)

  23. Standard Contract Forum 04 Dec 2008 AOB

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