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Standard Contract Forum 6 July 2005 14.00 Customer Suite, BT Centre, London

. Standard Contract Forum 6 July 2005 14.00 Customer Suite, BT Centre, London. Standard Contract Forum Wednesday 6 July 2005. David Hewett 6 July 05. Standard Contract Forum Wednesday 6 July 2005. AGENDA Introduction and Notes of Previous Meeting Review of New and Amended Schedules

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Standard Contract Forum 6 July 2005 14.00 Customer Suite, BT Centre, London

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  1. . Standard Contract Forum 6 July 200514.00Customer Suite, BT Centre, London

  2. Standard Contract Forum Wednesday 6 July 2005 David Hewett6 July 05

  3. Standard Contract Forum Wednesday 6 July 2005 • AGENDA • Introduction and Notes of Previous Meeting • Review of New and Amended Schedules • Consult 21 • DMAs • Paperless Contract • Review Update • Any Other Business

  4. Standard Contract Forum Wednesday 6 July 2005 REVISED SCHEDULES: Schedule 111 – BT Local Call Fee Access Calls Schedule 112 – BT Premium Rate Service Calls Schedule 116 – BT National Call Fee Access Service Calls Schedule 181 – BT Ported Telephony Transit Calls via the BT System Schedule 311 – Operator Free Phone Calls (including Payphone Access)

  5. Standard Contract Forum Wednesday 6 July 2005 REVISED SCHEDULES: Schedule 313 – Operator Premium Rate Service Calls Schedule 315 – Operator National Calls Schedule 381– Operator Ported Telephony Calls Schedule 393– Operator FRIACO IP Network Calls at BT DLEs


  7. Standard Contract ForumConsult21 UpdateNigel Scott6 July 2005

  8. Consult21: SCF Update Legacy Interconnect Next meeting 6th July, dedicated to billing. MSAN Interconnect Two provisional industry requirements documents endorsed at the last MSAN working group NGN Interconnect Initial exploratory talks held with Energis and C&W Implementation & Migration (formerly Pathfinder) NGN Interconnect discussed.

  9. Consult21: SCF Update BB & LLU Announced withdrawal of Datastream. Wholesale Access Testing programme to be discussed at the next (September) meeting. PC & PPCs Nothing new to report Systems Nothing new to report. Network Hooks & Common Capabilities 3 new sub groups - Authentication/Authorisation & Directory and Profile, Presence and Location and End to end Quality of Service.

  10. Consult21: SCF Update • Cost recovery principals. • SANs Not issued to plan • Proposed NGN working group structure • To review all Working Groups • Steve Horley will represent ISP on the Steering Board. • Provision experts meeting to be held on the 13th July at Bonhill House


  12. DMAs Geographic Number Range Volumes

  13. s 2

  14. s 2

  15. DMA Process 45 days 15 days 30 days Contracts and Pricing Reception Design Build NB – Times quoted are working days

  16. DMAs – Geographic Number Range Volumes • BT will strive to achieve the 30 working day standard lead time wherever possible • Present demand exceeds what is realistically achievable • Increase in timescales is inevitable while this level of demand continues • Large orders being broken up into smaller chunks • Any suggestions?


  18. Paperless Contract Richard G Jones Update…………………. July 2005

  19. Update . • 95% of all contracts now processed through paperless. • 35-40 Contracts processed since launch. • All minor fears / concerns on security allayed / cleared. • Some additional side letters prepared for sender/recipients as required. • No outstanding concerns/enquiries on the paperless idea. • Good feedback all round.

  20. Feedback 1 • THUS - I think the paperless contract is the way forward - no problems • EnergisI think it is an excellent idea. ………………..I think the time saving benefits for both parties will be significant. • C & W …happy in principle, I have not run it through the legal guys as yet….. the driver from us for any change will be a reduction in DMA time lines I anticipate this to be - 5 days.  • Colt Personally, anything that speeds up the road to market has got to be an improvement. I often find that I have not received contracts or they have been placed in a different pigeon hole. Soft copies would be a good thing as I think they are now recognised…

  21. Feedback 2 • OpalI am all in favour of avoiding paper etc.My personal opinion is that the scanning in of the signature is a bit unnecessary and does not contribute to security. • Optics Telecom …Please find contracts attached I think it is a lot easier …… • Magrathea.To be honest, I found it so simple its difficult to find any comments! It took me a short while to suitably scan a signature of a quality usable, but once this was done it was an easy process to cut and paste it into your document. I much prefer having the contract documents filed on a server here than on a book shelf, and it means that we get the actual pricing & date information that day or two quicker as well as we don't have to worry about the post side of things - so I'm all for it! • TRA (UK)The process is very comfortable, especially if one is aware of how to insert scanned signature. Having said this, i believe there are a number of people who do not have a scanned signature in their pc or do not have a scanner so that they may scan the two page document and e-mail back. • The process is definitely a lot quicker.

  22. Feedback 3 • Culomb.co •  This is beautiful. • What used to take 3 to 5 days can now be done on the same day with less effort. Let alone the use of paper, ink and storage needs :)

  23. Any Questions ?


  25. Standard Contract Forum Wednesday 6 July 2005 Tracy FentonCommercial Contracts Manager 2004 General Contract Review update

  26. Standard Contract Forum Wednesday 6 July 2005 • BT notified a general review of the Network Charge Control Standard Interconnect Agreement (SIA) on 24th June 2004 (BT also received industry notices) • Initiated under paragraph 19.4 of the Main Body of the SIA, which states that a Party may initiate a review every two years • Met over last 12 months on series of workstreams with CPs who provided review notices • Workstreams are finance, pricing, commercial and legal, product and technical • …but since February discussions have effectively stalled – so industry proposal to resurrect and fast-track completion…

  27. Standard Contract Forum Wednesday 6 July 2005 • Initial wrap-up meeting held on 29th June - which run through large part of offered text (particularly Annex A, main body, Annex D) • [Annex A – draft text offered incorporated successful outcome of recent operator SoR on specific data overflow] • Actions in hand with BT and CPs to offer further text or move towards decision • Consolidated Annex B (Finance) to be issued shortly for review by CPs • BT to arrange second wrap-up meeting in mid/late July to finalise review items and agree next steps

  28. AOB6 July 2005

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