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THEMIS SCIENCE WORKING TEAM MEETING SERVICES OF THE SPACE PHYSICS DATA FACILITY (SPDF) AND THE THEMIS MISSION Robert E. McGuire and Dieter Bilitza SPDF/Code 672, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt MD 20771. Overview. Overview Common Data Format (CDF)

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  1. THEMIS SCIENCE • WORKING TEAM MEETING • SERVICES OF THE • SPACE PHYSICS DATA FACILITY (SPDF) • AND THE THEMIS MISSION • Robert E. McGuire and Dieter Bilitza • SPDF/Code 672, • NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt MD 20771

  2. Overview • Overview • Common Data Format (CDF) • Satellite Situation Center Web (SSCWeb) • Coordinate Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb) http://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov

  3. Common Data Format -1 CDF: • Widely used format in heliophysics Polar, Wind, Geotail, IMAGE, FAST, Cluster, STEREO, THEMIS, CCMC … • Supported in IDL and Matlab • Utilities to aid in creation of CDFs e.g., SKTeditor to create skeletontables for THEMIS CDFs • Data Translation Web Service (DTWS) web services accessible CDF, netCDF, HDF, ASCII, and FITS • THEMIS: • Extensive direct CDF support and training Upgrades to SKTeditor, CDFmerge and other tools

  4. Satellite Situation Center Web - 1 SSCWeb: • Orbit plots and listings, Coordinate calculator • Includes all modern era satellites (87) of heliophysical interest • Includes Tsyganenko, IGRF, bow shock, magnetopause, plasma sheet models • Allows complex queries • e.g., THEMIS conjunctions with White Horse • e.g., At least 4 THEMIS s/c on the same field line • e.g., Conjunction between FAST and at least 2 THEMIS satellites • TIPSOD tool for interactive 3-D display of orbits and region boundaries THEMIS: • THEMIS orbit predicts (Oct 2006 update), FAST, Geotail, Cluster until 2010 • THEMIS ground stations added to SSCWeb • TIPSOD display of neutral sheet in GSM coordinates (Tsyganenko, 1995) • TIPSOD plotting of footpoints & ground stations and improved zoom (under analysis)

  5. SSCWeb/Query - WhiteHorse/THEMIS Conjunction with at least 2 THEMIS Sat.

  6. SSCWeb/Query - Four THEMIS satellites on same fieldline

  7. SSCWeb/Query - Region Filters


  9. Jan 7-9, 2008 With Bowshock Plasmapause and Geotail and FAST in GSE coord. Jan 13-14, 2008 with Neutral sheet in GSM coordinates

  10. Coordinated Data Analysis Web - 1 CDAWeb: • Easy data browse and display, user-specified time and parameter subsets with graphics, listings, file downloads • Data from most instruments on most current (non-solar) LWS missions 1992-2006 • Most recent: TIMED data and Cluster Prime Parameters • Working with new missions: THEMIS, STEREO, TWINS, and IBEX • All data in CDAWeb also available through web-services API • E.g., Level-2 THEMIS products to related VxO • Mirror sites in England (RAL), Germany (MPE), Japan (ISAS) • THEMIS: • THEMIS data products • Orbit predicts in GSE until 2009 (Oct 2006 update) • Preparing to serve Level-2 data, • Supporting the correct definition of Level-1 CDFs • CDAWLib update • Generation of EPOCH and EPOCH16 values (virtual variables) • Full support for EPOCH16 variables • Would like to include THEMIS-specific IDL code for data display

  11. TIMED data on CDAWeb

  12. SUMMARY • Productive collaboration with significant work in progress • Several areas where extended capabilities might make sense • • We are looking for advice in defining and setting priorities • We want to be able to input appropriate new THEMIS-developed code (e.g., display) where sensible, feasible and adding value for international user community • We remain interested in how data and models can be brought together effectively for THEMIS

  13. THE END

  14. Coordinated Data Analysis Web - 2 ACE Cluster Equator-S FAST Geotail GOES IMAGE Interball LANL Polar TIMED Ulysses Wind CDAWeb Database by Missions and Time ~240 datasets in this overview, one row per data-set Years 1990-2010

  15. Satellite Situation Center Web - 3 Examples of More Complex SSCWeb (Static) Graphics

  16. Coordinated Data Analysis Web -2

  17. CDF 3.1 Development underway. Schedule for release in January 2006 Main features Easy-to-use Standard Interface C & Fortran routines for zVariables (instead of Internal Interface) Option for CDFs compatible with CDF 2.7 or earlier releases (via environment variable or API) CDF 3.1 Development underway. Schedule for release in January 2006 Main features Easy-to-use Standard Interface C & Fortran routines for zVariables (instead of Internal Interface) Option for CDFs compatible with CDF 2.7 or earlier releases (via environment variable or API) Data Translation Web Service (DTWS) Web client available at http://translators.gsfc.nasa.gov Allows to translate one or more local and/or remote files (up to 10 files at a time) Can be called within applications (see http://cdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/html/dtws.html for details) Individual data translators (both source and binary) are available at http://cdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/html/dtws.html

  18. How Can SECAA Contribute to the THEMIS Science Effort? • THEMIS is using CDF as a base for its ground processing • I hope to talk about details, progress, needs in the afternoon breakouts • Is CDF support needed for other format translations, in other s/w packages? • We plan to add the THEMIS spacecraft orbits to SSCWeb when launched • I hope to talk about mechanics of getting orbit data in the afternoon breakouts • Are there new orbit graphics or models needed for THEMIS support? • Are there predictive orbits that would be useful or interesting in SSCWeb sooner? • Data we now serve via Web Services is available for THEMIS to build from • We would be pleased to serve appropriate THEMIS in e.g. CDAWeb • To add complementary value and increase usefulness of THEMIS data • Make data available through web services (SOAP, REST) as well as FTP, HTTP • To better enable science use of THEMIS data in context of data from other missions • THEMIS adds to the science utility of the combined data collection • Work with THEMIS group to set up appropriate/complementary graphics (cf. TIMED) • Are there other housekeeping (cf. IMAGE), ground or other data needs? • Open to discuss alternative/different approaches and other needs • E.g. more distributed technical solutions and other partnering

  19. SSCWeb/Query - WhiteHorse/THEMIS Conjunction with at least 1 THEMIS Sat.

  20. SSCWeb/Query - Three THEMIS satellites on same fieldline

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