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Changes in National Politics since 1968

Changes in National Politics since 1968. Standard 25. The Shifting of Power. Many Americans supported the gov’t and longed for an end to the violence of the 1960s Republican presidential candidate, Richard Nixon , appealed to “middle America”

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Changes in National Politics since 1968

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  1. Changes in National Politics since 1968 Standard 25

  2. The Shifting of Power Many Americans supported the gov’t and longed for an end to the violence of the 1960s • Republican presidential candidate, Richard Nixon, appealed to “middle America” • Promised peace in Vietnam, law and order, and return to conservative values • Continued to push conservative movement following the nomination of Barry Goldwater in 1964

  3. How did Nixon win the Election? Much of his success came from the South…why? • Promised to appoint conservatives on federal courts • Put a Southerner on Supreme Court • Oppose court-ordered busing Result – many white southerners left the democratic party

  4. Election of 1960 (Kennedy/Nixon)

  5. Election of 1964 (Johnson/Goldwater)

  6. Election of 1968 (Nixon/Humphrey/Wallace)

  7. Nixon’s Foreign Policy • This was his main focus • Wanted to attempt friendlier relations w/ Soviet Union and China (Détente = relaxation of tensions) • To ease tension with China, he lifted trade and travel restrictions (even visited China himself) • Because of this, Soviet Union suggested a diplomatic meeting (1st president to visit)

  8. And then…the Watergate Scandal

  9. The Watergate Scandal The Nixon Administration attempted to cover up its involvement in the break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters (stealing campaign secrets)

  10. The Watergate Scandal In an effort to win re-election, 5 Nixon supporters broke into the Watergate Hotel to locate campaign information and install wiretaps • They were arrested • 1 of the burglars was an ex-CIA official and member of CRP • Most Americans believed Nixon had no involvement – he was reelected

  11. The Watergate Scandal The cover-up begins to unravel… • 1 of the defendants agrees to cooperate with investigators (naming names) • Nixon was accused of ordering the cover up (not the break in)

  12. The Watergate Scandal Nixon had previously installed a taping system in the White House…investigators wanted those tapes • Executive Privilege – the principle that White House conversations be kept confidential to protect national security

  13. Meanwhile… Vice President Spiro Agnew was forced to resign after it was discovered he had taken bribes from state contractors while governor of Maryland • Gerald Ford becomes new Vice President

  14. Back to the Watergate Scandal… Nixon releases edited transcripts of tapes (investigators not satisfied) • Supreme Court ruled that Nixon had to turn over unedited tapes • Part of the tapes were “accidentally” erased (by Nixon’s secretary) • Evidence was found that Nixon ordered CIA to stop FBI investigation • Nixon resigned – Ford becomes president (for 2 years)

  15. Ford’s Presidential Legacy In order to move America past Watergate, Ford decided to grant a full presidential pardon to Nixon for his involvement • Many Americans were upset because they felt that Nixon should have been punished • What do you think?

  16. How do Americans feel about the new Conservative movement (Nixon, Ford)?

  17. Jimmy Carter Comes into the presidency as a “political outsider”…what does that mean?

  18. Jimmy Carter Attempts to bring “peace to the Middle East” • Camp David Accords – peace treaty between Israel and Egypt (first between Israel and an Arab country)

  19. Iranian Revolution Iranians revolted against the Shah (their “king”…who was friendly to the US) and put in a Muslim religious leader (who was not friendly to the US) • Carter allowed the Shah to enter the US for medical treatment • Iran took 52 Americans hostage (for 444 days) • Hostages were released during Reagan’s presidency

  20. Supreme Court Decisions 2 of the most controversial court cases changed Americans perception of civil rights • Roe v. Wade – expanding constitutional right of privacy to include abortion • Protects women’s right to choose in certain circumstances

  21. Supreme Court Decisions • Regents of Univ. of CA v. Bakke – Affirmative Actions • It is unconstitutional to use a quota system for admission into colleges • However, race can be used when considering applicants

  22. Ronald Reagan A Great American Actor A Great American Hero

  23. Early History • Started out as a radio announcer • Also began life as Democrat • Barry Goldwater’s speech inspired him • Acted in several Western films • Ran and won the Governorship of California as a Republican • Defeated Jimmy Carter to become the President of the United States • Gets shot by John Hinkley Jr. in 1981

  24. Reaganomics • Country was suffering through horrible recession and high gas prices. Hmmmm • Reagan unveils Reaganomics • 5 Pillars of Reaganomics • Reduce Spending • Reduce Income Taxes and Corporate Taxes • Reduce Government Regulation • Control Money Supply • Continue to Fund Defense Spending

  25. Reagan’s Foreign Policy • Reagan Doctrine- Hard-line policies against communism • Included Soviet Union, Afghanistan, Angola, and Nicaragua • Struck up “friendship” with Soviet Leader Gorbachev • Demanded for the fall of the Berlin Wall • Rescued hostages in Lebanon

  26. Fall of the Soviet Union • Soviets struggled to keep up with spending of more economically advanced United States • Military spending made up 25% of GDP in Russia • Gorbachev opened up policies of communism and allowed private industries • That combined with falling oil prices and pressures from the West brought an end to the hard line Soviet Union • Many nations declare independence from Soviet Union • Berlin Wall is torn down and Germany is reunited as we know it today

  27. Reagan’s Second Term • Re-elected by a landslide margin over Walter Mondale • Scandal rocks White House again, though it was more of a controversy than scandal • Pushed for independence from communism and oppression around the world • Vice President George HW Bush becomes President after Reagan fulfills second term • Ronald Reagan dies in 2004

  28. Iran Contra Scandal • CIA operatives sold weapons to Iran in exchange for freedom of hostages in Lebanon and also lots of $$$$$$$$$$$$$ • Took money and gave it to contras (rebels) in Nicaragua to fight against Communist leaders (Sandinistas) • Reagan finds out and admits wrong doing • Opens up investigations and comes out a stronger President (with higher ratings than before)

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