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GCSE Mineral Identification Guide

Learn about common minerals from the GCSE Data Sheet, including quartz, feldspar, mica, augite, olivine, garnet, calcite, halite, galena, and haematite. Discover their properties like hardness, cleavage, color, and luster. Click to explore!

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GCSE Mineral Identification Guide

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  1. GCSE Geology Mineral Guide Click anywhere on the screen to move on.

  2. GCSE Mineral Guide Minerals on the GCSE Data Sheet

  3. Quartz (silicate) Glassy lustre Hardness 7, not scratched by steel No cleavage but shows conchoidal fracture Hexagonal crystals terminated by pyramids 5mm Rose quartz showing conchoidal fracture

  4. Feldspar (Orthoclase) (silicate) Hardness 6, not scratched by steel 2 cleavages at 90°results in blocky shape Light orange or pinkish in colour Glassy lustre 2cm

  5. Feldspar (Plagioclase) (silicate) 1cm Hardness 6, not scratched by steel 2 cleavages at 90° results in blocky form Creamy white or grey in colour Glassy lustre

  6. Mica (Biotite) (silicate) Hardness 2.5 scratched easily by a copper coin Shows one good cleavage Has a distinct pearly lustre Brown or black in colour 2cm

  7. Mica (Muscovite) (silicate) Hardness 2.5 scratched easily by a copper coin Shows one good cleavage Has a distinct pearly lustre Greenish, straw or silvery in colour 2cm

  8. Augite (silicate) Hardness 5.5, not scratched by steel 2 cleavages intersecting at 90° Black in colour Glassy lustre

  9. Olivine (silicate) Hardness 6.5, not scratched by steel No cleavage Olive green colour Scratches the streak plate Glassy Lustre

  10. Garnet (silicate) Hardness 7.0, not scratched by steel No cleavage Red colour Scratches the streak plate Glassy Lustre Found in schists and formed by the regional metamorphism of shale

  11. Calcite (carbonate) Hardness 3, scratched by a copper coin Perfect rhombohedral cleavage, 3 planes intersect at 60°/120° to give cleavage rhombs Effervesces and gives off carbon dioxide when dilute hydrochloric acid is applied Glassy lustre

  12. Halite or Rock Salt (halide) Hardness 2.5, scratched easily by a copper coin Perfect cubic cleavage, 3 planes intersecting at 90° Tastes salty when put on the tongue Glassy lustre

  13. Galena (sulphide) Perfect cubic cleavage, 3 planes intersect at 90° Hardness 2.5, easily scratched by a copper coin Lead grey streak Very dense (7.4) Metallic lustre

  14. Haematite (oxide) Hardness 5.5, may just be scratched by steel Red-brown streak Metallic lustre Often occurs as kidney shaped masses with a fibrous internal structure Quite dense 1cm

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