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MOPDE204. Mainstreaming the Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission (PPTCT) program with the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM): Experiences from Southern India. Dr. Naina Rani M (Presenting Author): Deputy Director, PPTCT-NRHM Integration, KSAPS
MOPDE204 Mainstreaming the Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission (PPTCT) program with the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM): Experiences from Southern India Dr. Naina Rani M (Presenting Author): Deputy Director, PPTCT-NRHM Integration, KSAPS R.R. Jannu: Project Director, Karnataka State AIDS Prevention Society Dr. Reynold Washington, Chief of Party Samastha University of Manitoba John Anthony, Team Leader Technical Support Unit, India Health Action Trust Lakshmi.C, Admin Associate, India Health Action Trust Acknowledgements Karnataka State AIDS Prevention Society (KSAPS) National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) Department of Co-operation, Government of Karnataka National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) USAID, BMGF, IHAT, KHPT University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
1.2 million pregnancies occur annually in Karnataka state, South India HIV prevalence in ANCs from HIV Sentinel Surveillance (HSS) was 0.86% in 2008 PPTCT program in Karnataka has worked as a vertical program implemented by Karnataka State AIDS Prevention Society (KSAPS). PPTCT activities were therefore not seen as part of the existing health system, and general health resources were not tapped This resulted in gaps in HIV testing and follow-up for pregnant women Background
Methods • An inter-departmental government directive was issued on PPTCT-NRHM integration in 2008 • Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANMs; grass-root level workers under NRHM) were given responsibilities to implement the PPTCT Program • Reporting was built into the regular health department management information system • Government District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit Officers, and Reproductive and Child Health Officers, monitored the implementation of PPTCT activities at district level • Line-listings of HIV positive pregnant women were made available to all health care providers on a “shared confidentiality” basis after obtaining client’s consent • Special Camps were organized to mobilize ANC for 3rd trimester: 0.1million ANC mobilized through camps
Results Uptake of testing improved from 272,263 pregnant women tested in 2007 to 796,667 in 2009 Mother-baby pair coverage increased from 40% (2007) to 62% (2009) Approximately 9,500 ANMs and 2000 primary care medical officers form the program backbone which was earlier being done by a handful of NGOs
Conclusion • Integration was accomplished with the commitment and involvement of stakeholders from the highest levels of government to grass-root level workers, with clear-cut roles and responsibilities. • Wastage and duplication of resources was avoided, which helped bring the program to scale. • Two years’ experience has shown that mainstreaming can achieve the scale-up of PPTCT services, by utilizing the strengths of the existing health systems to cater to the needs of pregnant women • This model has now been recommended for national replication
THANK YOU Dr. M. Naina RaniDeputy Director, PPTCT-NRHM ActivitiesKarnataka State AIDS Prevention SocietyNo.4/13-1, Crescent Road, High Grounds, Bangalore-560 001. Karnataka, IndiaPhone: 91-080-22201237-9 Fax: 91-080-22201373 Mobile: 098452 52052 Email: naina@khpt.org, nainarani@ihat.in Website: www.khpt.org , www.stg1.kar.nic.in/ksaps