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  1. Log in before presentation http://www.polleverywhere.com/my/polls CTE, C & I, Early Learning login: ncdpi.pe.1@gmail.com password: instructech ERD, Accountability, DST login: ncdpi.pe.2@gmail.com password: instructech
  2. WRESA

    Evaluation with FidelityAsheville City SchoolsEducatorsSeptember 2012Joyce GardnerRegion 8 Professional Development Consultant

  3. Session Materials region8wnc.ncdpi.wikispaces.net
  4. Purpose To develop a deeper conceptual understanding of each of the NC Professional Teaching Standards. To practice assigning ratings for Inter-rater reliability
  5. At the end of this meeting, participants will: Understand the steps of the NCEES evaluation process. Identify teacher behaviors and actions that describe the standards and elements of the NC Professional Teaching Standards. Understand the importance of data in distinguishing among the ratings. Improve the fidelity of ratings for teacher evaluation.
  6. Who is in the room?
  7. Why are we here?
  8. State Board of Education Mission “Every public school student will graduate from high school, globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21st Century.” -Adopted August 2006
  9. A Coherent Plan for Statewide Impact
  10. North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards
  11. Wordle
  12. 21st Century Instruction
  13. Putting the Pieces Together EffectiveLeadershipStudentLearningQuality Teaching promotes Assessing teacher performance Designing a professional growth plan
  14. Principals’ Responsibilities
  15. Teacher Responsibilities: Know and understand the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards. Understand the North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process. Prepare for and fully participate in each component of the evaluation process. Gather data, artifacts, evidence to support performance in relation to standards and progress in attaining goals. Develop and implement strategies to improve personal performance/attain goals in areas individually or collaboratively.
  16. Annual Evaluation Policy:
  17. Teacher Evaluation Process STEP 1: Training and Orientation STEP 2: Self-Assessment, Goal Setting and Pre-Conference STEP 4: Summary Evaluation and Goal Setting STEP 3: Observation Cycle (Administrative and Peer)
  18. Teacher Evaluation Process STEP 1: Training and Orientation For more information regarding the evaluation process, go to http://ncees.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/ STEP 2: Self-Assessment, Goal Setting and Pre-Conference Component 3: Teacher Self-Assessment Using the Rubric , the teacher shall rate their performance and reflect on his or her performance throughout the year. Component 2: Orientation Within two weeks of teacher’s first day, the principal will provide: A. The Rubric for Evaluating North Carolina Teachers; B.Teacher Evaluation Policy ID Number: TCP-C-004 ; and C. A schedule for completing evaluation process. Component 4: Pre-Observation Conference Before the first formal observation, the principal meets with the teacher to discuss: self- assessment, professional growth plan & a written description of the lesson(s)to be observed. Goal: To prepare principal for the observation. STEP 4: Summary Evaluation and Goal Setting STEP 3: Observation Cycle (Administrative and Peer) Component 1: Training Before participating in the evaluation process, all teachers, principals and peer evaluators must complete training on the evaluation process. Component 8: PD Plans Individual Growth Plans-“Proficient” or better Monitored Growth Plans-At least 1 “Developing” Directed Growth Plans-“not Demonstrated” or“Developing” rating for 2 sequential yrs. Component 5: Observations A. Formal observation: 45 min. or entire class period B. Probationary Teachers: 3 formal by principal and 1 formal by peer C. Career Status Teachers: Evaluated annually. During the renewal year: 3 total- 1 must be formal Observations shall be noted using the Rubric. Component 7: Summary Evaluation Conference and Scoring the Teacher Summary Rating Form- Prior to end of school -Principal conducts summary evaluation conference with teacher to discuss components of the evaluation. At the conclusion: A. Give rating for each Element in Rubric B. Comment on “Not Demonstrated” C. overall rating of each Standard D. Provide teacher with opportunity to add comments to the Summary Rating Form E. Review completed Teacher Summary Rating Form with teacher and F. Secure the teacher’s signature on the Record of Teacher Evaluation Activities and Teacher Summary Rating Form. Component 6: Post-Observation Conference The principal shall conduct a post-observation conference no later than ten school days after each formal observation. Discuss and Document strengths and weaknesses on the Rubric.
  19. Before Week 3 of School Year STEP 1: Training and Orientation Component 2: Orientation Within two weeks of teacher’s first day, the principal will provide: A. The Rubric for Evaluating North Carolina Teachers; B. Teacher Evaluation Policy ID Number: TCP-C-004 C. A schedule for completing evaluation process. Component 1: Training Before participating in the evaluation process, all teachers, principals and peer evaluators must complete training on the evaluation process.
  20. Before First Formal Observation STEP 2: Self-Assessment, Goal Setting and Pre-Conference Component 3: Teacher Self-Assessment Using the Rubric , the teacher shall rate their performance and reflect on his or her performance throughout the year. Component 4: Pre-Observation Conference Before the first formal observation, the principal meets with the teacher to discuss: self- assessment, professional growth plan a written description of the lesson(s) to be observed. Goal: To prepare principal for the observation.
  21. Within the 1st nine weeks Component 5: Observations A. Formal observation: 45 min. or entire class period B. Probationary Teachers: 3 formal by principal and 1 formal by peer C. Career Status Teachers: Evaluated annually. During the renewal year: 3 total- 1 must be formal Observations shall be noted using the Rubric. STEP 3: Observation Cycle (Administrative and Peer) STEP 3: Observation Cycle (Administrative and Peer) Component 6: Post-Observation Conference The principal shall conduct a post-observation conference no later than ten school days after each formal observation. Discuss and Document strengths and weaknesses on the Rubric
  22. Before the End of the School Year Component 8: PD Plans Individual Growth Plans-“Proficient” or better Monitored Growth Plans-At least 1 “Developing” Directed Growth Plans-“not Demonstrated” or “Developing” rating for 2 sequential yrs. STEP 4: Summary Evaluation and Goal Setting Component 7: Summary Evaluation Conference and Scoring the Teacher Summary Rating Form- A. Give rating for each Element in Rubric B. Comment on “Not Demonstrated” C. overall rating of each Standard D. Provide teacher with opportunity to add comments to the Summary Rating Form E. Review completed Teacher Summary Rating Form with teacher and F. Secure the teacher’s signature on the Record of Teacher Evaluation Activities and Teacher Summary Rating Form.
  23. North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards
  24. A Closer Look at the Standards
  25. Standard I: Teachers demonstrate leadership A. Teachers lead in their classrooms: Take responsibility for all students’ learning Communicate vision to students Use data to organize, plan, and set goals Use a variety of assessment data throughout the year to evaluate progress Establish a safe and orderly environment Empower students
  26. Standard I: Teachers demonstrate leadership Teachers demonstrate leadership in the school: Work collaboratively with all school personnel to create a professional learning community Analyze data Develop goals and strategies through the school improvement plan Assist in determining school budget and professional development Participate in hiring process Collaborate with colleagues to mentor and support teachers to improve effectiveness
  27. Standard I: Teachers demonstrate leadership Teachers lead the teaching profession: Strive to improve the profession Contribute to the establishment of positive working conditions Participate in decision-making structures Promote professional growth
  28. Standard I:Teachers demonstrate leadership D. Teachers advocate for schools and students: Advocate for positive change in policies and practices affecting student learning Participate in the implementation of initiatives to improve education
  29. Standard I:Teachers demonstrate leadership E. Teachers demonstrate high ethical standards: Demonstrate ethical principles Uphold the Code of Ethics and Standards for Professional Conduct
  30. Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students. A. Teachers provide an environment in which each child has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adults: Encourage an environment that is inviting, respectful, supportive, inclusive, and flexible
  31. Standard II:Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students B. Teachers embrace diversity in the school community and in the world: Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures Select materials and develop lessons that counteract stereotypes and incorporate contributions Recognize the influences on a child’s development, personality, and performance Consider and incorporate different points of view
  32. Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students. C. Teachers treat students as individuals: Maintain high expectations for all students Appreciate differences and value contributions by building positive, appropriate relationships
  33. Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students Teachers adapt their teaching for the benefit of students with special needs: Collaborate with specialists Engage students and ensure they meet the needs of their students through inclusion and other models of effective practice
  34. Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students. Teachers work collaboratively with the families and significant adults in the lives of their students: Improve communication and collaboration between the school and the home and community Promote trust and understanding and build partnerships with school community Seek solutions to overcome obstacles that prevent family and community involvement
  35. Standard III: Teachers know the content they teach. Teachers align their instruction with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study: Teach the North Carolina Standard Course of Study Develop and apply strategies to make the curriculum rigorous and relevant Develop literacy skills appropriate to specialty area
  36. Standard III: Teachers know the content they teach. B. Teachers know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty: Know subject beyond the content they teach Direct students’ curiosity into an interest in learning
  37. Standard III:Teachers know the content they teach. Teachers recognize the interconnectedness of content areas/disciplines: Know links between grade/subject and the North Carolina Standard Course of Study Relate content to other disciplines Promote global awareness and its relevance
  38. Standard III: Teachers know the content they teach. Teachers make instruction relevant to students: Incorporate life skills : leadership, ethics, accountability, adaptability, personal productivity, personal responsibility, people skills, self-direction, and social responsibility Demonstrate the relationship between the core content and 21st Century content, including global awareness; financial, economic, business and entrepreneurial literacy; civic literacy; and health and wellness awareness
  39. Standard IV: Teachers facilitate learning for their students. A. Teachers know the ways in which learning takes place, and they know the appropriate levels of intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development of their students: Know how students think and learn Understand the influences on student learning and differentiate instruction Keep abreast of evolving research Adapt resources to address the strengths and weaknesses of students
  40. Standard IV: Teachers facilitate learning for their students. B. Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their students: Collaborate with colleagues Use data for short and long range planning Engage students in the learning process Monitor and modify plans to enhance student learning Respond to cultural diversity and learning needs of students
  41. Standard IV: Teachers facilitate learning for their students. C. Teachers use a variety of instructional methods: Choose methods and materials as they strive to eliminate achievement gaps Employ a wide range of techniques using information and communication technology, learning styles, and differentiated instruction
  42. Standard IV: Teachers facilitate learning for their students. D. Teachers integrate and utilize technology in their instruction: Know appropriate use of technology to maximize student learning Help students use technology to learn content, think critically, solve problems, discern reliability, use information, communicate, innovate and collaborate
  43. Standard IV: Teachers facilitate learning for their students. E. Teachers help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills: Encourage students to ask questions, think creatively, develop and test innovative ideas, synthesize knowledge and draw conclusions Help students exercise and communicate sound reasoning; understand connections; make complex choices; and frame, analyze, and solve problems
  44. Standard IV: Teachers facilitate learning for their students. F. Teachers help students work in teams and develop leadership qualities: Teach the importance of cooperation and collaboration Organize learning teams in order to help students define roles, strengthen social ties, improve communication and collaborative skills, interact with people from different cultures and backgrounds, and develop leadership qualities
  45. Standard IV: Teachers facilitate learning for their students. G. Teachers communicate effectively: Communicate clearly with students in a variety of ways Assist students in articulating thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively
  46. Standard IV: Teachers facilitate learning for their students. H. Teachers use a variety of methods to assess what each student has learned: Use multiple indicators, both formative and summative, to evaluate student progress Use assessment systems to inform instruction and demonstrate evidence of students’ 21st Century knowledge, skills, performance, and dispositions Provide opportunities for self-assessment
  47. Standard V: Teachers reflect on their practice Teachers analyze student learning: Think systematically and critically about learning in their classroom: why learning happens and what can be done to improve student achievement Collect and analyze student performance data to improve effectiveness
  48. Standard V:Teachers reflect on their practice Teachers link professional growth to their professional goals: Participate in continued, high quality professional development
  49. Standard V:Teachers reflect on their practice C. Teachers function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment: Actively investigate and consider new ideas that improve teaching and learning Adapt practice based on data
  50. Gallery Walk with the Standards Count off 1-5 (Standards 1-5) Start with the Standard that matches your number. With a partner, read each of the elements and descriptors posted. Describe an observable behavior that exemplifies this element on a sticky note and post it beside the element. Validate or question what someone else has written Add new behaviors/examples to the standard.
  51. How do you see the Standards?Let’s Get 21st Century with it! Standard I: Teachers demonstrate leadership. Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students. Standard III: Teachers know the content they teach. Standard IV: Teachers facilitate learning for their students Standard V: Teachers reflect on their practice.
  52. How do you see the Standards?Let’s Get 21st Century with it! Count off 1-5. Join your Standard Group. Create a representation (visual, song, poem, “tweet”, text message, or any other “right-brain” idea of the standard). (Think Multiple Representations!) Standard I: Teachers demonstrate leadership. Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students. Standard III: Teachers know the content they teach. Standard IV: Teachers facilitate learning for their students Standard V: Teachers reflect on their practice.
  53. Ratings Matter…
  54. Beginning Teachers Effective 2010-2011 Must be rated “Proficient” on all five North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards on the most recent Teacher Summary Rating Form in order to be eligible for the Standard Professional 2 License.
  55. North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards Standard VI is new.
  56. Effective Teachers
  57. Rubric for Evaluating North Carolina Teachers
  58. Thinking about those ratings?
  59. Practice Assigning Ratings We have 3 Scenarios Practice with Poll EveryWhere
  60. How To Vote via Texting EXAMPLE 22333 22333 TIPS
  61. How To Vote via PollEv.com EXAMPLE
  62. How To Vote via Twitter EXAMPLE Capitalization does not matter, but spaces and spelling do. Since @poll is the first word, your followers will not receive this tweet
  63. Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll.
  64. Thinking Fidelity. We have 3 scenarios. Based on this information, rate each teacher: Distinguished Accomplished Proficient Developing
  65. Assessing Inter-RaterReliability #1 Mr. Johnson has established effective classroom procedures that require everyone to treat each other with respect. He encourages all students to engage in classroom activities even if they are unsure of their responses. He attends school-related activities to support students.
  66. Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll.
  67. Assessing Inter-RaterReliability #1 Mr. Johnson has established effective classroom procedures that require everyone to treat each other with respect. He encourages all students to engage in classroom activities even if they are unsure of their responses. He attends school-related activities to support students. Mr. Johnson is Proficient in Standard 2, Element A.
  68. Assessing Inter-Rater Reliability #2 Ms. Ball consistently uses her questioning skills to promote higher-order thinking skills. Her questions help guide students toward developing their own understanding by encouraging them to think creatively, synthesize knowledge, and draw their own conclusions. She models problem solving in her classroom instruction.
  69. Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll.
  70. Assessing Inter-Rater Reliability #2 Ms. Ball consistently uses her questioning skills to promote higher-order thinking skills. Her questions help guide students toward developing their own understanding by encouraging them to think creatively, synthesize knowledge, and draw their own conclusions. She models problem solving in her classroom instruction. Ms. Ball is Accomplished in Standard 4, Element E.
  71. Assessing Inter-Rater Reliability #3 Ms. Parish knows the acronyms of most educational jargon. She has heard of many innovative practices and changes in the way teachers are teaching and students are learning. She reads a professional journal to keep informed.
  72. Assessing Inter-Rater Reliability #3 Ms. Parrish knows the acronyms of most educational jargon. She has heard of many innovative practices and changes in the way teachers are teaching and students are learning. She reads a professional journal to keep informed. Ms. Parrish is Developing in Standard 5.
  73. Processing our results…. Discuss why you chose these ratings. What are possible reasons for variations?
  74. Assessing Inter-rater Reliability Using the NC Professional Teaching Standards module on the NC Education site: https://center.ncsu.edu/nc
  75. Rating Teacher Behaviors Read each behavior and decide which Rating is appropriate. (Don’t look at the back of the card)! When you are finished, build a progression of behaviors from Developing to Distinguished. Think about the growth inherent in the behaviors.
  76. Rating Teacher Behaviors Read each Rating from the Gallery Walk. Fill in any blanks so that you have a progression of behaviors from Developing to Distinguished. Think about the growth inherent in the behaviors. http://tinyurl.com/teacherbehaviors
  77. Share your work How is teacher growth reflected in the behaviors you selected?
  78. What about data? Consider the role of data and evidences…
  79. Coaching for Success “People are like dirt. They can either nourish you and help you grow as a person or they can stunt your growth and make you wilt and die.” ~Plato
  80. Video Clip & Discussion http://tinyurl.com/9r4xd7d
  81. Online Tool (McREL)… McRel log-in site: https://mxweb3.media-x.com/home/ncval/ McRel Demo Site: https://mxweb3.mediax.com/home/ncval/demo/
  82. Pause, reflect and self-check…find the answers in the manual.
  83. Training Educators may use the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System without training. True False
  84. Orientation Orientation on the NCEES must be provided within _______ weeks of a teacher’s first day of work. One Two Three Four
  85. Self-Assessment Teachers should complete a self-assessment: Every year By themselves Within the online tool All of the above
  86. Pre-Observation Conference Pre-Observation conferences are required: Before the first formal observation Before all observations Only with beginning teachers Only if it is the teacher’s renewal year
  87. Observations Formal observations must be: Completed by March 1st At least 20 minutes in length At least 45 minutes in length Only if it is the teacher’s renewal year
  88. Post-Observation Conference Post-observation conferences must be held: Within 10 school days of the observation After each formal observation All of the above
  89. Summary Rating Form The summary ratings must be an average of the notations on a teacher’s rubric from throughout the year. True False
  90. The PDP If a teacher receives a rating of “developing” on the summary rating form, they must be placed on a: Individual Growth Plan Monitored Growth Plan Directed Growth Plan
  91. Probationary Teachers If a teacher is completing their third year, they must receive ratings of _______ or higher to be issued a SP2 license. Developing Proficient Accomplished
  92. Resources Online manual for principals http://www.ncpublicschools.org/docs/profdev/training/online-evaluation/principal-directions.pdf Online manual for teachers http://www.ncpublicschools.org/docs/profdev/training/online-evaluation/teacher.pdf Online manual for superintendents http://www.ncpublicschools.org/docs/profdev/training/online-evaluation/superintendent.pdf
  93. Resources Directions for electronic signatures https://mxweb.media-x.com/home/ncval/help/EES_NC_ElectronicSignature.pdf Teacher Effectiveness Coordinator: Jennifer Preston, jennifer.preston@dpi.nc.gov
  94. Drop-In NCEES support…coming to a location near you!Face-to- Face and Virtual
  95. We are here to help. Joyce Gardner joyce.gardner@dpi.nc.us (828) 242-9872 Karen Sumner ksumner@wresa.org (828) 418-0011
  96. Evaluation http://tinyurl.com/AshevilleAPs
  97. Questions
  98. Survey http://go.ncsu.edu/ncdpi-resa_survey short cut to survey http://go.ncsu.edu/ncdpi-resa_survey.qr - link to QR code
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