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The Annual Report on Monitoring and Assessment: Ukraine, 2009. RAC PMA (UkrSCES). Istanbul, 2010 Sep 15. Main goals. General Information about Ukrainian Regional Monitoring System of Black Sea (2009) State of the Environment Proposals. Ukrainian Monitoring System.
The Annual Report on Monitoring and Assessment: Ukraine, 2009 RAC PMA (UkrSCES) Istanbul, 2010 Sep 15
Main goals • General Informationabout Ukrainian Regional Monitoring System of Black Sea (2009) • State of the Environment • Proposals
Ukrainian Monitoring System Number/List of monitored parameters (2009/2008)
Ukrainian Monitoring System Number/List of monitored parameters (2009/2008)
Ukrainian Monitoring System Number/List of monitored parameters (2009/2008) (bottom sediments)
Ukrainian Monitoring System Number/List of monitored parameters (2009/2008) (bottom sediments)
Ukrainian Monitoring System Number/List of monitored parameters (2009/2008) (bottom sediments)
Data were reported to the Ministry of Environment Protection of Ukraine. • Financing assured by Ministry of the Environment Protection of Ukraine, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Ministry of Transport of Ukraine
Ukrainian Monitoring System National institutions involvedin 2008 • UkrSCES - the Ukrainian Scientific Center of Ecology of the Sea, Ministry of the Environment Protection (Department of Analytical Research and Organization of Monitoring, head Yuriy Denga,) • SEINWRBS - State Ecological Inspection of Environmental Protection of the Black sea's North-West Region, Ministry of the Environment Protection (Department of Analytical Control, head Evgeniy Patlatiuk). • SEINBAS - State Ecological Inspection of Environmental Protection of the Black and Azov Seas, Ministry of the Environment Protection (Department of Analytical Control)
Quality Assurance /Quality Control • The three laboratories: department of analytical research of UkrSCES, department of analytical control of SEINWRBS and department of analytical control of SEINBAS which are involved in the international marine monitoring system are accredited by the Ukrainian standardization organization.
Quality Assurance /Quality Control RAC PMA in 2009 takes part in the Black Sea intercomparison exercises: • QUASIMEME Intercalibration Exercise, Round 56 and 57 (nutrients in water, trace metals and organic pollutants in bottom sediments). • MEL Monaco, IAEA-451 (organic pollutants in biota) and IAEA-452 trace metals in biota).
UkrSCES http://www.cadses.net/projects/apprpro.html International Projects • In 2009 a “Spatial Planning in Coastal Zone” (PlanCoast) EU funded project was completed by the UkrSCES (2007 -2009). • European Community Grant “Upgrade Black Sea Scene scientific network”. • European Community Grant (Cooperation in the Black Sea protection. Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine) – 2008-2009, Pilot project: Karkinitskyi Bay GIS-mapping. • Contract: TACIS/2005/109245 “Supplies for the Caspian and Black Sea Environmental Projects – Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Turkmenistan and Ukraine”.Publication reference: EuropeAid/122682/C/SUP/MULTI. http://plancoast.sea.gov.ua/
Names of authors of the annual report provided and names of those providing data The data have been provided by: Yuri Denga, Vladimir Ukrainsky, Svetlana Kovalishina, Tatiana Gavrilova, Eduard Kostilev, Evgeny Patlatuk The annual report has been prepared by: Viktor Komorin, Yuri Denga, Irina Orlova, Vladimir Ukrainsky, Svetlana Kovalishina, Richard Lisovsky, Tatiana Gavrilova, Eduard Kostilev
1. Material and methods: • 42 stations have been sampled in Ukrainian part of Black Sea • the salinity, T°C, pH, and DO, were measured using a Neil Brown Instruments Systems (STD) with a General Oceanic rosette and Niskin bottles at several water layers. It also provided water samples for further analysis of BOD5, nitrite-N, nitrate-N, ammonia-N, Ntotal, Porg, Pmin, Ptotal, Corg, seston, as well as concentration of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, heavy metals, and pesticides, which were also measured in bottom sediments. • Sediment samples were obtained with a Petersen’s bottom sampler (0.25 m2) and subsampled from the uppermost 3 cm of the sediment column for grain-size, geochemical, and biological analyses. Grain-size study of the sediments was performed by wet sieving and pipette analysis as described in Rukhin (1969). • Biological samples were obtained by thimble with an inlet of 12.5 cm, washed on the deck through 1 mm and 67 µm sieve, stored in 4 % formalin solution buffered with sea water, and stained in the laboratory with buffered Rose Bengal over 48 hours. • Zoo- and phytoplankton were collected by Jedi trap.
2. General Long-term dynamic of the average annual temperature of air in Odessa
2. General – T° C, Salinity Vertical distribution of water temperature on the north-western Black Sea shelf Vertical distribution of salinity in the north-western Black Sea shelf
3. Eutrophication Relations of average concentrations of organic forms of nitrogen (а) and phosphorus (б) to their mineral forms in surface waters in winter time of 2009
3. Eutrophication Long-term changes of hydrochemical state of the surface waters of the Odessa Bay
3. Eutrophication Distribution of average annual concentration (mg/l) chlorophyll-a in surface waters ACHB in 2009 according to satellite observations (OBPG MODIS spatial discreteness of 4 km).
3. Eutrophication Trend of changes of Odessa Bay water quality according to index E-TRIX
3. Eutrophication Seasonal fluctuation of phytoplanktonic amount (A) and biomass (B) in coastal waters of Odessa
3. Eutrophication Seasonal fluctuation of zooplanktonic amount, ind/m3 in coastal waters of Odessa
4. Pollution Average concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbons in surface waters of NWS of the Black Sea and Kerch Strait Average concentration of trace metals in surface waters of NWS of the Black Sea and Kerch Strait
Disaster in the Kerch Strait • On 11 November 2007, a strong storm in the Kerch Strait (which connects the Sea of Azov with the Black Sea and separates Ukraine from the Russian Federation) resulted in thirteen vessels being sunk, stranded, or damaged and the incident caused loss of life, of property, and environmental harm.
Disaster in the Kerch Strait • The four vessels that sank were: motor tanker Volgoneft-139 (Russian Flag), motor vessel Volnogorsk, motor vessel Nahichevan (Russian Flag), and motor vessel Kovel (Russian Flag). • Russian motor vessel Volgoneft-139 initially leaked approximately 1,300 tones of fuel oil into the sea.
Average concentrations of organic pollutants in bottom sedimentsof the Black Sea
Average concentrations of organic pollutants in bottom sedimentsof the Black Sea
Average concentrations of organic pollutants in bottom sedimentsof the Black Sea
4. Pollution Average concentration of oil hydrocarbons in bottom sediments Average concentrations of PAHs in bottom sediments of Black Sea
4. Pollution Average concentrations of Chlororganic Pesticidess in bottom sediments of the Black Sea
4. Pollution Average concentrations of Trace Metals in bottom sediments of Black Sea
Main Publications of the Monitoring and Assessment Results • Ukrainsky V.V., Popov Yu.I. Climatic and hydrophysical conditions of occurring of water hypoxia on the Black Sea northwest shelf// Marine Hydrophysical Journal. – 2009. – № 3. – С.19 – 29 • Kukushkin A.S. Variability of water transparency distribution in the Karkinit Bay // Marine Hydrophysical Journal. – 2009. – № 2. – Р.67 – 79 • Demyshev S.G., Ivanov V.A., Markova N. V. Analysis of the Black Sea climatic fields below the main pycnocline obtained by assimilation of archival data on salinity and temperature in the numerical hydrodynamic model // Marine Hydrophysical Journal. – 2009. – № 1. – Р.3 – 15 • Samodurov A.S. Bottom boundary layer in the Black Sea: formation of stationary state // Marine Hydrophysical Journal. – 2009. – № 1. – Р.16 – 25 • Ukraine’s Algae. Diversity, Nomenclature, Taxonomy, Ecology and Geography. Bacillariophyta. Eds.: P.M. Tsarenko, S.P. Wasser & E. Nevo, Ruggell, A.R.A. Gantner Verlag K.G., Terenko G. V., Vol. 2, 2009. - 414 p. (in English) • Vorobyova, L.V., Kulakova, I.I. Contemporary state of the meiobenthos in the western Black Sea. - Одесса, Астропринт. - 2009. - 126 p. (in English) • P.M.Tsarenko, S.P.Wasser and E.Nevo (Eds.)Algae in Ukraine: Diversity, Nomenclature, Taxonomy, Ecology and Geography. Vol.2. Bacillariophyta Ruggell (Liechtenstein): A.R.G. Gantner Verlag, 2009.-413 pp • Minicheva G.G., Kosenko M.N. Shvets A.V. Phytobenthos of the Large and Smoll Phyllophora Fields as a reflection of the contemporary ecological state of the northwestern Black Sea Marine Ecological Journal, v.8, #4, 2009 • F.P.Tkachenko, I.P. Tretiak, E.F. Kostylev Macrophytobenthos of the Zernov Phyllophora Field in present conditions (the Black Sea, Ukraine). International Journal on Algae. Volume 11, Issue 1. 2009. - P. 64-72. • Mankovskiy V.I., Colov’ev M.V., Mankovskay E.V. Hydrooptical characteristics of the Black Sea: a handbook // Marine Hydrophysical Institute. – Sevastopol: -Hydrophysics, 2009. - 90 p. • Territorial planning of the seas coastal zone in Ukraine”, “Proposals for marine spatial planning in 12-miles zone for Odessa agglomeration based on principals of complex coastal zones management: “Maps of the coastal zone ecological sensitivity to oil pollution”.INTERREG III B CADSES, PlanCoast Project, UkrSCES, 2009, V.Borulko, O.Bon, V.Karamushka, R.Lisovsky, T.Gavrilova, D. Zabolotny, V. Zizak, M.Dimerly, A.Skachek, O.Bratchenko, O.Neprokin, O. Prudius, V.Semenov, print “Print Bistro”.
Proposals for desigion to the 20-th Meeting of AG PMA • Address to the governments of the Black Sea countries according to their responsibility for fulfilling the Black Sea Convention and other international documents on organizing and financing of the National Monitoring System of each Black Sea State as a component of the Regional Monitoring System. • Provide an International expedition covering the Black Sea in the whole within the framework of fulfilling regional monitoring. • Create a program for international inter-comparison exercises for chemical laboratories of National Centres on basis of RAC PMA (bottom sediments, mussels). • Organize education and training of the young scientists and specialists (the Young Professional Programme) • Implement the information management component of RAC PMA according to the signed TOR.
Thank you very much !!! http://www.sea.gov.ua/