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Geography. What is a metropolis ?. Continent. Country. States/provinces. City. What is our Location?. Continent: Country: Province: City:. Definition (for your notes).

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Geography What is a metropolis?

  2. Continent

  3. Country

  4. States/provinces

  5. City

  6. What is our Location? • Continent: • Country: • Province: • City:

  7. Definition (for your notes) • A metropolis is a very large city or urban area that is an economic, political and cultural center for that particular region • New York Cityis often cited as the prime example of a metropolis: • It has a significant impact upon commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and entertainment across the world!

  8. More on Metropolises... • The word metropolis comes from the ancient Greeks and means “mother-city” • Metropolises typically have a population of more than 1 million people • A metropolis tends to have a very high population density meaning there is a high number of people living in a given territory

  9. Metropolis or not? • Dhaka is the capital city of Bangladesh • The population is over 15 million people making it the 9th largest city in the world • It is known as “the city of Mosques” • Dhaka suffers from problems such as pollution and overpopulation

  10. Metropolis or not? • Toronto is the provincial capital of Ontario • It has a population of 2.5 million people making it the 5th largest city in North America • 50% of the population of Toronto was born outside of Canada • It is the 10th most economically powerful city in the world

  11. Metropolis or not? • Tokyo is the capital of Japan • The population exceeds 35 million people • It is one of the most expensive cities in the world to live in • It has been described as one of the 3 ‘command centers for world economy and trade

  12. Metropolis or not? • Saskatoon is the largest city in all of Saskatchewan with a population of just over 200, 000 • Agriculture is the main economic activity in the area • There is a large university

  13. Metropolis or not? • Hampton Beach in New Hampshire has a population or almost 3,000 people • The commercial center is the large boardwalk filled with restaurants, hotels and shops • It was named one of the ‘SuperStar’ beaches in the USA in 2011 • The tourist season is busy, but many residents move elsewhere during the long and cold winter season

  14. Metropolis or not? • Montreal situated in Quebec, Canada • Has a population of 1.6 million people. • Business and tourism are the main sources of income.

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