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Greek Derivatives I I Reading 7 / E.Kelly. Εισαγωγή κειμένου ( αγγλικά ή ελληνικά ) ~Words from their origins . Greek Derivatives II. Phil Phon Physi Pseudo Psych Pyr Soph Tele The Therm Amphi Anti. Arch Dia Epi Eu Hyper Hypo Kilo Meta Mono Neo Peri Poly Syn , Sym.
Greek Derivatives I I Reading 7 / E.Kelly Εισαγωγήκειμένου (αγγλικάήελληνικά) ~Words from their origins.
Greek Derivatives II • Phil • Phon • Physi • Pseudo • Psych • Pyr • Soph • Tele • The • Therm • Amphi • Anti • Arch • Dia • Epi • Eu • Hyper • Hypo • Kilo • Meta • Mono • Neo • Peri • Poly • Syn, Sym
1. Phil: loving 2. Phon: sound • Derivatives: bibliophile, philanderer, philanthorpy, philharmonic, philosophy • One who loves wisdom (soph) is a _________________er. • One with love, or charity, for man is called a _______________________ist. • If you love or admire the French, you are a [Francophobe / Francophile]. • Derivatives: phoneme, phonetic, phonics, phonology, phonometer • In linguistics,a specific speech sound is called a _______________eme. • Phonetic spelling is based on the [sound / general appearance] of words. • Phonics deals with (a) picture transmission, (b) speech sound – especially as related to the teaching and reading of pronunciation.
3. Physi: nature 4. Pseudo: false • Derivatives: physical, physician, physiology, physiotherapy • A physicist studies the laws of [nature / poetry]. • The description of nature and natural phenomena is sometimes called [empathy / physiography]. • The branch of biology that deals with the parts and functions of the body is _____________________gy. • Derivatives: pseudoaquatic, pseudonym, pseudopod, pseudoscience • An author’s fictitious or false name, such as Mark Twain or Lewis Carroll, is a [surname / pseudonym]. • Unreliable studies such as phrenology and astrology are actually [social sciences / pseudosciences]. • A ___________________icplant is not genuinely acquatic.
5. Psych: mind, spirit 6. Pyr: fire • Derivatives: psyche, psychic, psychiatrist, psychology, psychosis, psychograph • Psychiatry treats disorders of the [eye / mind]. • A chart of one’s personality traits is a ___________________ph. • A psychic shock or trauma has a permanent effect on the [heart / mind]. • Derivatives: pyre, Pyrex, pyrites, pyromaniac, pyrophobia. • A pyromaniac has a compulsion to [steal things / start fires]. • Pyrotechnics is the art of making and displaying [advertisements / fireworks]. • American cooks use heat-resistant glassware called ______________x.
7. Soph: wisdom 8. Tele: far • Derivatives: philosophy, sophisticated, Sophocles, sophomore, sophomoric • An immature person (mor – as in moron) who acts like a know-it-all is said to be ______________________ic • People who are worldly-wise are _____________________ed. • Derivatives: telecast, telegraph, telekinesis, telepathy, telephone, telescope, television • Photos can be taken from afar by using a _________________o lens. • Transmitting thoughts without use of the five senses is called _______________pathy. • Before texting or email, the ________________ph was used to get messages quickly across distances.
9. The: god 10. Therm: heat • Derivatives: atheism, monotheism, theology, pantheon • Belief in many gods is poly________________. • Puritan New England, ruled by God and the church, was a [democracy / theocracy]. • The study of God and religion is called _______________gy. • Derivatives: hydrothermal, isotherm, thermal, thermos thermodynamics, thermometer, • A thermostat controls [heat / water]. • A line on the weather map between points of equal temperature is an iso_____________. • Coffee keeps its heat in a _________________s jug.
11. Amphi: around; on both sides 12. Anti: against • Derivatives: amphibians, amphibious, amphitheater • Since frogs live both on land and in water, they are [bipeds / amphibians]. • An arena with spectators around it is an _____________________ter. • Derivatives: antibiotic, antipathy, antithesis • An antipathy is a feeling [for / against] something. • The antithesis of any given word would be its [synonym / opposite]. • A substance such as penicillin that works against certain germs and viruses is known as ______________ic.
13. Arch: chief 14. Dia: through • Derivatives: archangel, archfiend, architect, heiarchy, matriarch, patriarch, anarchy • An archangel is a [chief / common] angel. • The chief worker in charge of designing a building is the [stonemason / architect]. • A __________________y is a formal breakdown of power or control within an organization or system • Derivatives: diabetes, diameter, diathermy • Diathermy sends heat [through / around] one’s body. • The distance through a circle is called the _______________. • A disease associated with excess sugar passing through the body is [carditis / diabetes].
15. Epi: upon, beside 16. Eu: good, well • Derivatives: epicenter, epidermis, epitaph, epidemic, epigraph, episode, epitome • The epidermis is the outer, nonsensitive layer that lies [upon / below] the true skin. • The inscription upon a tomb is an _________________ph. • Something that can be used as a typical example (beside others in a category) is called the _________________e. • Derivatives: eulogy, eupepsia, euphoria, euthanasia • Euphoria is a feeling of [pain / well-being]. • A eulogy, usually given at a funeral, literally means ___________ words. • Mercy killing is known as ________________________ia.
17. Hyper: excessive 18. Hypo: under • Derivatives: hypercritical, hyperopia, hyperbole, hyperthyroidism • One who finds fault with an excessive number of details is [hypocritical / hypercritical]. • An excessive exaggeration, like being hungry enough to eat a horse, is a ___________________e. • Derivatives: hypocrite, hypothermia, hypothesis • A patient with hypothermia has a temperature [above / below] normal. • An assumption that underlies an investigation is called a __________________is. • A person who pretends to be sincere, honest, or good but under it all is insincere, dishonest, or evil is a ___________________t.
19. Kilo: thousand 20. Meta: change, under • Derivatives: kilocycle, kilometer, kilogram, kilowatt • One thousand meters equal one ___________________. • On a scale in Canada, your weight would be given in ____________________ms. • A kilocycle equals one [hundred / thousand] cycles per second. • Derivatives: metabolism, metamorphic, metaphor, metafictional, metempsychosis • Rocks such as marble which have changed their form under pressure are _______________________ic. • The body’s chemical and physical changes, which release energy, are aspects of [morphology / metabolism]. • A comparison that changes the meaning of one of the words is called a _____________________r.
21. Mono: one 22. Neo: new • Derivatives: monodrama, monogamy, monomania • Being married to only one person at a time is called [polygamy, monogamy]. • Captain Ahab’s interest in one subject, Moby Dick, amounts to _____________________ia. • Derivatives: neoclassicism, neologism, neophyte, neolatry • A neophyte is a [new / elderly] member of a group. • A new word, freshly coined, is a ___________________ism. • American’s obsession with or worship of everything newer amounts to _______________y in some cases.
23. Peri: around 24. Poly: many 25. Syn, Sym: together • Derivatives: perimeter, periphrasis, periscope • The perimeter of the ranch is the distance [around / across] it. • An optical instrument used in submarines for looking around an obstruction is known as a [stereoscope /periscope]. • Derivatives: polygon, polytechnic, polysyllable • A polytechnic institution offers courses in [a few / many] technical fields. • A plane figure with many sides is a [polygon / mastodon]. • Derivatives: synchronize, syndrome, synthesis • Actions that are timedtogether are _____________________d. • Symptoms which occur together and indicate a specific disease are called a ______________e.
Hypothesis • Phonograph • Psychosis • Metafiction • Amphibious • Archfiend • Physician • Pyrotechnics • Theology • Antithesis • Periphrasis • Diathermy • Epicenter • Synthesis • Telegram • Polygamy • Diathermy • Hyperbolic • Kilogram • Pseudopod • Monodrama • Philharmonic • Neophyte • Sophomore • Eupepsia Pre-Quiz Write the meaning of each boldfaced Greek root or prefix.
Amphibious • Antithesis • Archfiend • Diathermy • Epicenter • Eupepsia • Hyperbolic • Hypothesis • Kilogram • Metafiction • Monodrama • Neophyte • Periphrasis • Polygamy • Synthesis Pre-Quiz B: Prefixes Write the meaning of each boldfaced Greek prefix.