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The Bristol Objective 2 Action Plan Is being part-financed

Paul Owens, Objective 2 Project Manager Tel: 0117 903 6418 paul_owens@bristol-city.gov.uk Website: www.bristolregeneration.org.uk. The Bristol Objective 2 Action Plan Is being part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund & European Social Fund).

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The Bristol Objective 2 Action Plan Is being part-financed

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  1. Paul Owens, Objective 2 Project ManagerTel: 0117 903 6418paul_owens@bristol-city.gov.ukWebsite: www.bristolregeneration.org.uk The Bristol Objective 2 Action Plan Is being part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund & European Social Fund)

  2. Lise Smith – Objective 2 Action Plan Development Worker • Lise_smith@bristol-city.gov.uk • www.bristolregeneration.org.uk • Tel. 0117 9036443 This Bristol Objective 2 Action Plan is part financed by the European Union European Social Fund and European Regional Development Fund

  3. Introduction EU Funding - Overview Bristol and EU Funding Conclusions Question and Answer

  4. European Funding (Regeneration) Overview

  5. European Commission Budgets2000-2006 • 1.27% GDP (all member states) • Approx €100,000,000,000 p.a. • Approx £64bn p.a.

  6. Cohesion Fund • To strengthen economic and social cohesion • Currently restricted to: • Greece, Spain, Ireland, & Portugal • Criteria: • Per capita GNP <90% Community average • + Have a programme of economic convergence • For environment and trans-European transport infrastructure networks (intervention at up to 85% public costs)

  7. Structural Funds • European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) primarily supports productive investment, infrastructure, and SME development (58%) • The Guidance Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF – Guidance Section) supports measures for the adjustment of agricultural structures and rural development (9%)

  8. Structural Funds • European Social Fund (ESF) supports measures to promote employment (education systems, vocational training, and recruitment aids) (31%) • Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance (FIFG) supports measures for the adjustment of structures in this sector (2%)

  9. Targeting of the Structural Funds • Priority Objectives (94% of SF’s)

  10. Objective 1 • “development and structural adjustment of regions who’s development is lagging behind” • GDP <75% Community average, and perform poorly on a range of other economic indicators • 22% of European Community’s population covered

  11. Objective 2 • “economic and social conversion of areas facing structural difficulties” • 18% of European Community’s population covered

  12. Objective 3 • “adaptation and modernisation of policies and systems of education, training, and employment” • Everywhere in EU, except Objective 1 areas.

  13. Community Initiatives (5% SF’s) • INTERREG III cross-border trans-national and interregional cooperation (ERDF) • URBAN II regeneration of urban areas suffering from economic and social conversion difficulties (ERDF) • EQUAL combating discrimination and inequalities in connection with the labour market (ESF) • LEADER+ rural development through innovative local projects (EAGGF)

  14. How It Works • Regulations adopted for Programming Period (2000-2006) • The Council of the European Union - £ per country and population coverage • Governments bid for status • Negotiate with the Commission • ££ awarded to regions • Regions/areas produce programme documentation

  15. How It Works - cont’ • Programmes submitted to Commission via Member State government and negotiations • Approved Programmes administered via Member States • Approval of individual projects within Programme made at regional/area level

  16. Regional Objective 2 Funding Programme • Objective 2 Programme launched March 01 • Targeted at the most economically and socially disadvantaged areas in the region • Provides financial assistance from the European Community • Promote economic regeneration for targeted deprived areas in the South West

  17. Regional Objective 2 Funding Programme • Approximately £120m available for South West • GOSW responsible for day to day running of the programme • Funding allocated between 3 priorities which are set out in the Single Programming Document (SPD)

  18. 3 Priorities • 1. Neighbourhood Renewal • 2. SME Development, Technology and Innovation • 3.A better Future for Traditional Economies

  19. Cross Cutting Themes • Ensure that minority groups gain access to better quality opportunities to enhance their employment prospects in the future • Promote the use of information and communication technology within the Bristol Objective 2 area • Ensure that enhancements to economic performance are of added benefit to the local environment

  20. Bristol Neighbourhood Action Plan Bristol Neighbourhood Action Plan solely delivers projects under Priority 1 – NR • Measure 1.1 – neighbourhood Ownership, leadership and democracy (ERDF) • Measure 1.2 – Taking forward neighbourhood regeneration (ERDF) • Measure 1.3. Pathways to employment (ESF)

  21. Why an Action Plan? • Developed in order to effectively deliver part of the South West Objective 2 Programme – at a local level. • Local ownership and control • Strategic integrated and coherent framework for joined up delivery • Simple, effective, and innovative delivery

  22. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES • The Action Plan has 3 strategic objectives which are directly related to the three measures under the Priority 1: Neighbourhood Renewal. • 1.Develop potential of the local community(ERDF) • 2.Address social, economic, environmental decline and disadvantage (ERDF) • 3. Remove barriers to employment and training for disadvantaged groups (ESF)

  23. Action Plan Targets • % of Regional Programme level targets • Outputs • Results • Impacts

  24. Funds available… • £6,670,597 ERDF & ESF towards investment of £13,689,001 in the Bristol Objective 2 area until December 2004 • Funds to be Spent by Dec 06

  25. Application Process • Two stage application process: • Outline Application: 6 sides, deadlines 4 times per year, application considered by Partnership Support Group • Full Application: More complex ERDF/ESF application form and Business Plan, monthly deadline, applications considered, after full appraisal, by local partnership

  26. St Paul’s Community Wardens Scheme • Applied under Strategic Objective:- Addressing social, economic and environmental decline and disadvantage Approved – March 2002 ERDF Funding - £84,722 Outputs – 1 environmental output

  27. CEED New Media Training • Applied under Strategic Objective:- Remove barriers to employment and training for disadvantaged groups Approved – June 2002 ESF Funding - £95,350 Some Outputs – 240 people assisted and trained 240 people trained in ICT, all working towards a qualification 15 trainers trained

  28. URBAN Community Initiative 1 • Allocation - £3.6 million • Targeted – inner city wards of Ashley and parts of Easton & Lawrence Hill • Main Focus - training and employment prospects of the local community

  29. 3 Priorities of URBAN 1 • Launching new economic activities • Developing local capacity • Improving prospects for local employment

  30. Bristol Foyer (ERDF) • Located @ Bristol Bridge • Designed to help Bristol’s 16-25 yr olds learn and develop job skills • State of the art IT and training facility • Aims to have 150 trainees placed in employment and housing within first 5 yrs.

  31. URBAN Community Initiative 2 • Funding available until 2006 • Allocation – £6.6 million Funding divided between: • Our Work - £1.6m • Our Place - £2.8m • Our Future - £1.7m • Technical Assistance – £0.5m

  32. Conclusion Brings forward projects which otherwise would not happen but: • Complex process • Match-Funding • Record keeping /Regional targets • Competitive bidding • 2006 end date

  33. European Regional Development Fund www.bristolregeneration.org.uk www.bristolurban.org.uk www.inforegio.cec.eu.int www.europa.eu.int

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