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This comprehensive guide provides insights into DNA, RNA, polypeptides, and proteins, along with sequence analysis techniques. Explore biological sequences like Adenine and Thymine, Guanine and Cytosine bases, the DNA double helix, and the Catalytic Triad of Chymotrypsin. Learn about the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology, Transcription, Translation, and genome sequencing processes. Discover how to utilize general models for sequence analysis and access the Emboss/Transeq tool for in-depth analysis. Delve into examples like the Mer Operon and gain a deeper understanding of genetic structures and functions.
Introducing DNA, RNA, polypeptides, proteins and sequence analysis Setting The Biological Scene
figAANDT.eps Adenine and Thymine Nucleotide Bases
figGANDC.eps Guanine and Cytosine Nucleotide Bases
figDOUBLEHELIX.eps The DNA “double helix”
figTRIAD.eps The Catalytic Triad of Chymotrypsin (PDB ID: 1AFQ)
figDOGMA.eps The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology
Transcription and Translation • Transcription • Translation
The Emboss/Transeq Website http://www.ebi.ac.uk/emboss/transeq/
Input and Results ggatttccct acgtcatgcc atttttctat taatcacagg agttcatcat gaaaaaactg 1560 tttgcctctc tcgccatcgc tgccgttgtt gcccccgtgt gggccgccac ccagaccgtc 1620 acgctgtccg taccgggcat gacctgctcc gcttgtccga tcaccgttaa gaaggcgatt 1680 tccaaggtcg aaggcgtcag caaagttaac gtgaccttcg agacacgcga agcggttgtc 1740 accttcgatg atgccaagac cagcgtgcag aagctgacca aggccaccga agacgcgggc 1800 tatccgtcca gcgtcaagaa gtgaggcact gaaaacggca gcgcagcaca tctgacgccc 1860 GFPYVMPFFY*SQEFIMKKLFASLAIAAVVAPVWAATQTVTLSVPGMTCSACPITVKKAISKVEGVSKVNVTFETREAVVTFDDAKTSVQKLTKATEDAGYPSSVKK*GTENGSAAHLTP
Input and Results FT CDS 1549..1824 FT /codon_start=1 FT /db_xref="GOA:P13113" FT /db_xref="SWISS-PROT:P13113" FT /transl_table=11 FT /gene="merP" FT /product="mercury resistance protein" FT /protein_id="AAA98223.1" FT /translation="MKKLFASLAIAAVVAPVWAATQTVTLSVPGMTCSACPITVKKAIS FT KVEGVSKVNVTFETREAVVTFDDAKTSVQKLTKATEDAGYPSSVKK"
Genome Sequencing • Sequence assembly • The Example DNA-Gene-Protein
figMEROPERON.eps The Mer Operon Example DNA-Gene-Protein
More Information on Mer Operon http://www.uga.edu/cms/FacAOS.html