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CENFRI | The Brand Story | 28 - 08 - 2008


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CENFRI | The Brand Story | 28 - 08 - 2008

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  1. CENFRI | The Brand Story | 28 - 08 - 2008

  2. OVERVIEW OF THE CENFRI COMPANY CULTURE AND CORE VALUES CENFRI is a self-fulfilling organisation that deals with the analysis of information and concepts to provide solutions that have a positive impact and real world relevance for the consumer. In short, CENFRI aims to ‘deliver solutions that will change the life of Mr Chimango’s family for the better’. CENFRI’s stimulating and sharing team environment promotes a spirit of intellectual adventure, and the relationship between researchers and interpreters produces meaningful insights through the twin catalysts of intellectual pursuit and the challenge to find answers. Strong team values, a passion for human interaction and endless curiosity drives CENFRI to break new ground – in terms of both data and concept quality. Our projects and operations are motivated by attentiveness and perseverance and are always undertaken with enthusiasm and an awareness of the importance of the individual. CENFRI believes in family values, shared goals, meaningful intellectual stimulation and the provision of information and concepts based on high quality data. Through quality insights and innovative, forward-thinking methods of intellectual diversity, our value-driven team will shape the minds of change agents who will, in turn, act for poverty alleviation through financial inclusion.

  3. BRAND DNA: Culture: CENFRI’s people are thought shapers - intellectually inspired and creative individuals who create a real world impact through their innovative concepts and ideas. They are motivated to involve clients in projects to strengthen the outcome and achieve real ‘buy-in’. Brand values: CENFRI’s core brand values of quality, consistency and integrity are reinforced with practical knowledge, operational efficiency and an ability to deliver intricate solutions. Our unconventional, creative and innovative business practices and dedication to economic development allow us to deliver reality-based solutions that address genuine problems.

  4. BRAND DNA: Brand Messages: CENFRI believes in promoting an alternative way of thinking to construct meaningful social solutions. Outstanding insights and efficient project management contribute towards our being a self-fulfilling organisation. As dynamic leaders in the field of research and innovation, we pride ourselves on our reliability, the substance of our insights and our truthful analysis. We believe in building unconfined, trusting relationships and in honouring our agreements. Brand positioning: CENFRI is a highly specialised organisation whose team commands brand respect in the industry. We have the ability to reveal hidden perspectives on issues, to shape new ways of thinking and to change the conventional thinking patterns of clients through carefully nurtured relationships.

  5. Core purpose: Through innovative and forward-thinking methods of intellectual diversity and family values, our value-driven team is dedicated to shaping the minds of change agents, who will, in turn, act for poverty alleviation through financial inclusion. CENRI is about advancing access and driving change through quality insights.

  6. Brand DNA elements: 1.Concept: A catalyst for real change and the reinvention of reality through insightful excellence. (Compassion and innovation) 2.Message: Dedicated, trend knowledgeable, flexible and reliable. The ability to deliver intricate solutions combined with great sum ups and / or reports. 3.Uniqueness:Unconventional, innovative business practices 4.Execution / style: Conceptual, conservative but modern. 5.Target Market: Visionary partners.

  7. BRAND VISION: CENFRI aims to become established in diverse research fields and to provide well communicated, practical knowledge to our clients. We will be known as the thought pioneers… the originators of innovative concepts who utilise the best technology to create effective internal and external communication channels. We will be known and respected in academic and research circles for our insightful work in focused areas and for our ability to deliver groundbreaking, real-world solutions that actually make a difference. Our interpretation of social solutions combined with consistent and easily digestible research outputs will create new insights and promote the understanding of diversity. We will remain dynamic and lead the way in financial regulations. We will not offer a stand alone product but rather create value propositions for financial institutions that are based on the fundamental nature of financial services.

  8. BRAND VISION: By keeping our finger on the world’s pulse, we will develop projects for clients with integrity – both in Africa and internationally. We will keep abreast of information and research worldwide while maintaining the virtual and long-distance integration of members. We will foster regular client interaction through focused discussions. To achieve this, we will optimise our presentation skills, and use technology to communicate more effectively. This includes the use of web cams, intranet sites, joomla, file sharing, chat facilities, CRM systems and project management software to streamline our communications and increase our operational effectiveness. We will create a bank of intellectual leadership by maintaining a high level of skill through training, and through our continual reinvention of information. Our people- and team-friendly culture, combined with a sense of fun and creativity in the workplace, will attract new talent and retain our existing resources.

  9. BRAND CONCEPT: • CENFRI is all about enhancing the lives of individuals. By revealing perspectives through research, and facilitating the implementation of ideas and insights we provide tailored solutions that work in the real world – literally ‘changing life for Mr Chimango’s family.’ • We will achieve this by: • Looking at the bigger picture • Breaking open our findings instead of just gathering information • Analysing and enriching discussions by shaping questions – not just responding to them • Providing ‘weapons’ to clients in the form of tactical / strategic information • Working as a team to gather information in order to create solutions • Intellectual pursuit, coupled with an ability to go beyond the obvious to do the best job we can • Creating impact by avoiding clichés. • Showing our clients new perspectives and revealing, alternative views of thinking and problem solving.

  10. TARGET MARKET: • Like-minded, forward-thinking individuals who are willing to see a project through. • Change agents / activists interested in seeing change happen. • Social entrepreneurs and leaders with a level of influence. • Donor organisations, Government organisations and well renowned internationals serious about development • Key Government regulators in SA • Key financial sector donors • Global standard setting bodies. • Public or private organisations like the Gates foundation, Finmark and DFID • Employees / Universities • Financial institutions • Public and private philanthropists.

  11. COMPETITORS: • Other organisations working in the same general area as we do, including: • Consultative Group to Assist the Poor • Microinsurance Centre. • The Financial Access Initiate • Genesis • What do the competitors have that we don’t? • Big scale companies with an established reputation in the market • Access to additional expertise • Funding • Different strategies.

  12. MARKETING ELEMENTS : • USP - Unique Selling Proposition: • CENFRI utilises economical methodologies and covers legal angles that relate to specific objectives. • You take an unconventional / informal approach to provide innovation and are dedicated to data quality. • 2. SCA - Sustainable Competitive Advantage: • This comprises your USP, combined with the company's competitive capabilities, strengths and • opportunities, including: • Multi disciplinary abilities • Structure / management of large projects • Legal expertise to add legal value to research • The ability to look at problems from many angles • Seeing the big picture and selling relevant content • Not adhering to conventional approaches to work but taking a more interactive client approach. • New perspectives, revealing, alternative views of thinking and solving problems.

  13. MARKETING ELEMENTS : • 3. Differentiators: • These are the factors that cause your brand to be perceived as unique, or better than its competitors, for example CENFRI is: • Small but dynamic • Purpose driven and a dedicated Section 21 company. • Able to break open findings rather than just gather information. • Able to analyse and enrich a discussion. • Focused and ideologically driven. • Adept at debating the ‘questions’ in order to find better answers and solutions. • 4. Key Success Factors (KSFs): • These are the major key factors that make CENFRI successful and include: • Quality of information and specialisation in specific fields • Your ability to remain cutting edge and abreast of market trends, etc.

  14. BRAND IDENTITY: • Execution / style – the ‘look and feel’: • The target audience will identify with CENFRI presenting itself as an organisation that is professional, effective and dedicated. To achieve this, the company’s values and profile must be communicated through imagery and content that are perceived to be promoting growth and adding value and ‘life’ to areas in need. • Conceptually, we want to create the perception that CENFRI is the client’s partner… that the company is: • trustworthy and professional • innovative and fresh-thinking • motivated and approachable. • It is all about being real – and this means staying away from clichés – letting the values speak for themselves rather than relying on colourful branding that detracts from the message.

  15. CENFRI - Target perceptive map

  16. Thank You Please reply with any comments to create@organicdesignstudio.com

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