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Preliminary classification of proposals by the CEWG Proposals for innovative financing: Discussing the work to-date of WHO’S Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development: Financing and Coordination (CEWG)
Preliminary classification of proposals by the CEWG Proposals for innovative financing: Discussing the work to-date of WHO’S Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development: Financing and Coordination (CEWG) Albrecht Jahn, Institute of Public Health, University of Heidelberg on behalf of the CEWG members from the European Region 7th European Congress of Tropical Medicine and International Health (ECTMIH)Barcelona 2011
Criteria for evaluation of R&D Financing and Coordination Mechanisms • public health impact in developing countries • rational and equitable use of resources/efficiency considerations • cost-effectiveness • technical feasibility, scaling-up potential, replicability, speed of implementation • financial feasibility and sustainability • additionality • intellectual property management issues • potential for de-linking research and development costs and the price of products • equity/distributive effect, including availability and affordability and impact on access and delivery • accountability/participation in governance and decision-making • impact on capacity building in, and transfer of technology to, developing countries • potential synergy with other mechanisms/potential for combining with others.
Criteria for evaluation of R&D Financing and Coordination Mechanisms:Example for milestone and end prizes:
Preliminary summary of assessments 1/3 Proposals meeting most criteria: • Patent/IP pools (UNITAID model) • Open source, open/non-exclusive/equitable licenses • precompetitive R&D platforms • Direct grants to SMEs in LMICs • Prizes (in particular milestones)
Preliminary summary of assessments 2/4 Proposals meeting fewer criteria: • Tax breaks, orphan drug like legislation (for countries to consider) • Data exclusivity policies – pros and cons • Green IP (a new indirect tax) • Priority review voucher, transferable IPR • Health Impact Fund – need pilot to examine value based rewards (health impact) • Advance procurement agreements (AMC) • Regulatory harmonization • Reduction of patents’ duration
Preliminary summary of assessments 3/4 Proposals meeting most criteria, but where CEWG need to do more work • R&D treaty/a global framework for R&D • Pooling of funds (e.g. for PDPs) • Sources of funding (taxes, voluntary contributions etc) • Coordination (regional networks e.g. ANDI)
Preliminary summary of assessments 4/4 Some Preliminary Recommendations: • CEWG intends to recommend strengthening global financing and coordination mechanisms for R&D for health needs of developing countries under the auspices of WHO • CEWG intends to recommend that formal intergovernmental negotiations begin for a binding global instrument for R&D and innovation for health
First full draft of summaries of assessments by Sept 2011 Small group meeting to discuss summaries of assessments and to discuss content and outline of the CEWG report Input from regional consultations presented at 3rd meeting of the group in November 2011(Email for further inputs:cewg@who.int) Discussion of a draft report at the 3rd meeting Finalization of the draft report after the 3rd meeting Submission of final report to the WHA in 2012 Next Steps
Thank your for your attention! Acknowledgment: The CEWG members The CEWG secretariat at WHO