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ER R is founded on the basis of the Broadcasting Act and the aims of its activities are regulated by this A ct. Vision: ERR is the most reliable and most influential media organisation in Estonia Mission: To develop and preserv Estonia
ERR is founded on the basis of the Broadcasting Act and the aims of its activities are regulated by this Act. Vision: ERR is the most reliable and most influential media organisation in Estonia Mission: To develop and preserv Estonia Values: credibility, independence, creativity, professionalism, efficiency,openness Estonian Public BroadcastingERR
ERR channels on air: • ETV • ETV2 • Vikerraadio • Klassikaraadio • Raadio 2 • Raadio 4 • Raadio Tallinn
Our new digital TV channel. Opened on August 8, 2008 with broadcasts from Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. After Olympics ETV2 continued with children’s programmes and pop concerts daily from 18.00 to 21.30until the end of 2008. From 2009 ETV2 is transmitting also programmes in Russian for 0,5 hours every day.In the evening and week-ends ETV2 offers culture and educational programmes, documentaries, TV-series, good films ect
ERR’s main radio programme. Vikerraadio offers to its audience comprehensive information programmes, opportunities for self-education and broadening one’s horizon, as well as entertainment. In Vikerraadio the music of Estonian origin is preferred. Many Vikerraadio’s broadcasts are produced inour regional studios. Audience research shows that Vikerraadio holds a stable position as one of the most popular programmes on the Estonian radio landscape.
R2 is a radio station for young and energetic. Raadio 2 offers for younger generation something more than just chat and music and does it in an enjoyable format. Raadio 2 has a lot of news - every hour and every half hour; comments and interviews on topical issues. The difference between Raadio 2 and other European public youth stations is the bigger share of educational programmes and commentaries.
Is the largest concert hall in Estonia. Klassikaraadio’s present schedule features culture programmes and news as well as a wide spectrum of quality music – from West-European classics to folk, jazz, world music and a series dedicated to progressive rock. The share of Estonian music in Klassikaraadio constitutes to 20%. For ten years Klassikaraadio’s audience has been stable.
ETV’s task is to promote Estonian national culture and to record, introduce and preserve its best achievements; to take into consideration the interests of minority groups. ETV programming is varied offering interesting programmes for all age and interest groups. ETV has the most popular daily news magazine Aktuaalne Kaamera; programmes include educational, science, culture, lifestyle, current affairs, entertainment and children programmes and strong sports programmes. ETV offers also a high quality acquisitions programming with emphasis on European production.
Takes the first place among all radio stations broadcasting in Russian language in Estonia. ERR’s Narva Studio has also local programmes in Russian. News Service has news broadcasts every hour and there are summary news programmes every day. Raadio 4 has features, music, literary, popular science and education programmes, labour exchange information and legal advice, exclusive interviews with film, music, theatre and sports stars and interviews with eminent politicians.
Is striving to discover new music, step by step adding to the adult pop-rock music world music, jazz and soul classics. From 9.00 till 19.00 one can listen to non-stop music while working at the office, driving a car, sitting at the café or doing housework. Every full hour there are on air ERR’s news to keep the listeners informed on what is happening at home or abroad. The friends of BBC, DW and RFI don’t have to feel disappointment. From 19.00 till 09.00 one can listen to these channels on Raadio Tallinn. Raadio Tallinn can be listened in Tallinn area and on the Internet.
ERR Internet services • Uudised.err.ee - news portal • News.err.ee - news in Inglish • Rus.err.ee - news in Russian • Sport.err.ee - sports portal • Meieoma.err.ee - portal for children • Ilm.err.ee - weather portal • Teadus.err.ee - science news • R2.2.err.ee - radio channel only in Internet
PROGRAMMES PROGRAMME DEPARTMENTS ETV 1 News Service Development Department Tartu Studio Pärnu Studio Narva Studio ETV2 New Broadcasting House Development Group Sports Programmes Technology Development Group Vikerraadio Current Affairs Programmes Klassikaraadio Human Interest Programmes Education Programmes ERR Archives Raadio 2 Culture and Music Programmes Video Archive Film Archive Entertainment Programmes Raadio 4 Sound Archive TV Drama Photo Archive Children Programmes Raadio Tallinn Documents Archive Radio Drama Library Acquisitions and Adaptation Service ERR Online COUNCIL BOARD Media Ethics Ombudsman Auditor Public Advisory Board Advisers PRODUCTION AND SUPPORT UNITS FACILITIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES TV Broadcasting Centre Radio Technical Department TV Technical Maintenance Production Service IT Service Administrative and Legal Department Marketing and Research Department Butgeting Department ERR Sales Department Accounting Department Transport Service Building Maintenance Service ERR Museum
ERR`s revenue over the years * - forecast
ERR`s radio channels, daily reach, summary(% of population) Allikas: TNS EMOR RPU & TMU
ERR`s web pages, summary (the number of unique visitors per week ,000) Allikas: TNS Metrix
Televaatajate arv nädalas (tuhandetes) TV REACH 2007-2011 (`000)
Raadiokuulajate arv nädalas (tuhandetes) RADIO REACH 2009-2011 (´000)