EU Flagship programs Flagships are visionary, science-driven, large-scale research initiatives addressing grand Scientific and Technological (S&T) challenges. They are long-term initiatives bringing together excellent research teams across various disciplines, sharing a unifying goal and an ambitious research roadmap on how to achieve it. In October 2013 the European Commission, under its Seventh Research Framework Programme (FP7), launched two FET Flagship projects: Graphene and The Human Brain Project (HBP).
Announced on 17 May 2017 by Günther H. Oettinger, Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society EU Quantum Technology Flagship Preceeded by a strong lobbying, the White paper ”The Quantum Manifesto”, And by several national initiatives, notably in Britan and in Germany Fundamental science Scientific, technological, and educational content
Total budget 1000 M€ EU contribution 500 M€ Memberstates and industry 500 M€ Runtime10 years Major quantum programs alreadyestablished in: UK Denmark Netherlands Germany …... Sweden (?) Financing
Task: Suggestgovernancestructure and definescope European Commission Structure High Level Steering Committee, (HLSC) Swedish representatives: P. Delsing (Chalmers) Fabio Cavallieri (Ericsson) Calls, directives, evaluations Call proposals, deliverables Quantum Technology Community Quantum Manifesto Information, suggestions, feedback
Prof. Dr. Jürgen MlynekHumbold University (chairman) Prof. Dr. Rainer Blatt University of Innsbruck Prof. Dr. Vladimir Bužek Slovak Academy of Sciences Prof. Dr. Tommaso Calarco University of Ulm Prof. Per Delsing Chalmers University ofTechnology Prof. Elisabeth Giacobino CNRS, LaboratoireKastler-Brossel Prof. Dr hab. Marek Kuś Polish Academy ofSciences Prof. Eugene Simon Polzik Niels Bohr Institute Dr. Maria Luisa Rastello National InstituteofMetrologicalResearch Prof. Dr. ir. Wim Van SaarloosThe Netherlands Organisation for ScientificResearch Prof. Dr. LluisTorner ICFO - The InstituteofPhotonic Sciences Prof. Ian Walmsley University ofOxford Prof. Maria ChiaraCarrozzaSant'AnnaSchoolofAdvancedStudies High Level Steering Committee The task of the HLSC is: To deliver 1) a Strategic Research Agenda 2) an Implementation model 3) a governance model Reports Mid term report in January 2017 Final report Aug 31, 2017 Mr. Paolo Bianco Airbus Defense & Space UK Dr. Markus Matthes ASML Dr. Cyril Allouche Atos SE Dr. Fabio Cavaliere Ericsson Dr. GrégoireRibordy ID Quantique Ms. Jaya Baloo KPN Dr Graeme Malcolm M2 Lasers Dr. Michael Bolle Robert Bosch Dr. Norbert Lütke-Entrup Siemens AG Dr. Guido Chiaretti ST Micro Mr. Daniel Dolfi Thales Dr. IñigoArtundoMartinez VLC Photonics
Flaggship full speed ≥50 M€/year Distribution over time Flaggshipp Ramp up 50/150 M€ Quantera Call, Jan 17 Quant ERA 34 M€ | | | | | | | | | | | | | 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 HLSC Flag ship Calls 2018
What happens now/next? The very first call for proposals of the FET Flagship on Quantum Technologies was a call for a Coordination and Support Action. It aims at coordinating the relevant stakeholders of the entire QT community, notably academia and industry, as well as policy makers. The call has an indicative budget of EUR 0.5 million and closed on 26 September 2017. Prof. Thomasso Calarco has submitted a proposal that names Prof. Göran Wendin as the Swedish communication node. Supported by KTH and LU. Opening: 31 Oct 2017 Budget (MEUR) Deadlines (FETFLAG-02-2018 (ERA-NET-Cofund) 10.00 17 Apr 2018) FETFLAG-01-2018 (CSA) 6.00 20 Feb 2018 (First Stage) 18 Sep 2018 (Second Stage) FETFLAG-03-2018 (CSA) 2.00 20 Feb 2018 FETFLAG-03-2018 (RIA) 130.00 20 Feb 2018
Qurope http://qurope.eu/node Quantum Manifesto: http://qurope.eu/system/files/u7/93056_Quantum%20Manifesto_WEB.pdf Minutes from Berlin meeting: http://qurope.eu/db/news/qt-flagship-community-consultation-workshop-minutes-meeting High level steering committee final report: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/quantum-flagship-high-level-expert-group-publishes-final-report More information
Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation initiated proposal on QT On June 1, a proposal for a national center for Quantum Technology was submitted to KAW on their request. Per Delsing at Chalmers is the PI, coapplicants are Jonas Bylander, Göran Johansson, Göran Wendin, Stefan Kröll, and Gunnar Björk The proposal asked for 600 MSEK from KAW, 150 MSEK from industry, and 150 MSEK from Chalmers, KTH, and LU in matching funding over a 10 year period If funded, the center may start on Jan 1, 2018 Involves six instruments: Ph.D positions Postdoc positions Tenure track assistant professorships Guest professorships A joint graduate school A dedicated quantum computer effort
KAW initiated proposal on QT The proposal is rather technology oriented. Mapped onto the four original EU Flagship pillars. It does not have the EU pillar ”Fundamental science” Is a national center => No university is a priori excluded Like the Fagship it has a rampup phase (first two years) followed by an evaluation Should operate at full speed after 3.5 - 4 years (the tenure track positions should then have been filled) Aims to develop awareness, skills, workforce and technology in QT By mid-November we should know if the application is granted or not.